A.Sentences Commonly Used(常用语)
1.Please relax.
2.Try to relax and keep calm.
3.It doesn’t matter.
4.Never mind.
5.Don’t be nervous.
6.Take it easy.
7.Don’t let it worry you.
8.There is nothing to worry about.
9.Don’t worry. There is not any danger.
10.Don’t worry about it.
11.Don’t take it so much to your heart.
12.It can’t be helped.
13.Don’t worry. You couldn’t help it.
14.It’s diffcult to say what’s exactly wrong just now.
15.It doesn’t sound serious.
16.It is not serious.
17.I know how you must feel.
18.I am sorry to hear that you don’t feel well.
19.I’m sure you’ll be completely recovered.
20.Just a little patience.
21.Cheer up. I think things will come all right.
22.Let’s hope for the better.
23.I’m sure you’ll be fne.
24.I hope it won’t last long.
25.I am sure you’ll be all right in no time.
26.I believe you’ll soon get over it.
27.I hope you’ll be well soon.
28.I’m glad to see you are doing so well.
29.We’ll have you fxed up in no time.
30.I hope you’ll be feeling better soon.
31.It won’t take long to recover.
32.If you need any more information,come and see me.
33.I think you’ll recover soon.
34.Don’t worry.
35.The most important thing is to adjust yourself and have self-confdence.
36.It’s not serious.
37.Your condition has been controlled in general.
38.Don’t worry. It’ll be all right soon.
39.Please trust our medical staff.
40.Don’t be afraid. I think you can stand it.
B.Situational Conversation(情景会话)
Nurse: Hello,Mr. Zhang. I notice you are depressed this time,aren’t you?
护士: 张先生,你好。我注意到你这次入院心情很不好,是吗?
Patient: Well,I feel life is meaningless. I don’t believe chemo-treatment. It’s hopeless.
病人: 哎,活着没意思。我不相信化疗能起作用。
Nurse: You feel life is so hard because you are going to take the“hopeless”chemo-treatment.
护士: 你认为活着很艰难是因为你将要接受你认为的“毫无希望”的化疗。
Patient: That’s it. And I think I’m a big trouble. I don’t want to lead a painful life. How it would be better to get euthanasia!
病人: 是的,我是个“大包袱”。我不想这样痛苦地活着,我想安乐死。
Nurse: Mr. Zhang,I can understand your feeling. But do you know there are many patients suffering from the disease as you or even worse than yours. It’s a wonder that they survive for years.
护士: 我能理解你的心情,张先生。可是,还有很多像你一样的癌症病人,甚至病情比你更严重,他们都奇迹般地活下来了。
Patient: Really?
病人: 真的吗?
Nurse: Of course. There is a patient who has been striving against cancer for years. He is living in No.201 bed. He came here for periodical chemo-treatment. At the very beginning,doctors thought he could be alive only for a half year. However,it has been eight years since he suffered from cancer. Moreover,his condition is not bad. He is taking treatment,meanwhile,sticking to working. People named he“anti-cancer star”.
护士: 当然。我们医院的201病床就住着这么一位患者,他和癌症抗争了许多年。他这次入院来接受定期的化疗。最初,医生都认为他只能活半年,然而,今年已经是第八个年头了。并且,他的身体状况还不错。他一边坚持治疗,一边坚持上班,被人称为“抗癌明星”。
Patient: Oh,he is so luck. Where did he get such an excellent doctor?
病人: 哦,他真幸运,他在哪找的“妙手神医”?
Nurse: There is not only one luck patient like him. Actually,as for a patient,the best doctor is himself. The most important thing you should do is adjust yourself,set life confdence and be a good cooperator. Everything will be better soon.
护士: 像他这样幸运的病人不只一个,对于病人来说,最好的医生是自己。你要做的最重要的事情是调整心态、树立信心,好好配合治疗。这样,你很快就能康复。
Patient: Thank you for bringing me the courage. I will be a good cooperator.
病人: 谢谢你给我勇气。我会好好配合治疗的。
Nurse: You’re welcome. I’ll introduce that“anti-cancer star”to you. Would you like to chat with him?
护士: 不用谢。要我介绍那位“抗癌明星”给你吗?你们可以好好聊聊。
Patient: My pleasure. I’m glad to make a new good friend.
病人: 好的,好高兴能认识一位新朋友。
Nurse: Good morning,Mr. Wang. Please sit in the chair. I’ll make the bed for you. How did you sleep last night?
护士: 早安,王先生。请您坐在椅子上,让我来为您整理床铺。昨晚您睡得好吗?
Patient: Well,it’s so bad. My sleeping time is less than fve hours.
病人: 哎,糟透了,我的睡眠时间还不足5小时。
Nurse: Are you not accustomed to a new place or anything bothering you?
护士: 您是不是对新环境不适应?还是有什么烦心的事?
Patient: I’m old and always get sick. How could I keep quiet?
病人: 我年老多病,怎么能静下心来。
Nurse: It’s common for older people to get sick. Don’t be too depressed. Moreover,the disease can be cured. Nowadays,the average age of people is getting longer. If you lead a delightful life,it’s natural to live as old as eighty or ninety years old.
护士: 通常老年人容易生病,别难过了。再说,您的病很快就会治愈。现在人的寿命越来越长,像您这样,只要心情舒畅,活到八九十岁没有一点问题。
Patient: Right! With the condition of living getting better,everyone hopes to have a healthy and long life. But it’s hard for me to get asleep while lying in bed.
病人: 真的!生活条件好起来了,每个人都希望健康地活着。可是我躺在床上很难入睡。
Nurse: You’d better relax yourself and avoid exciting TV shows and novels before going to bed. In addition,you can listen to light music or drink a cup of hot milk.
护士: 你放松点,睡前不要看刺激性的电视或小说。另外,可以在睡前听听轻音乐或喝杯热牛奶。
Patient: Really? I’ll take your advice. Thank you.
病人: 是吗?我会这样做的,谢谢你。
Nurse: You’re welcome.
护士: 没关系。
Nurse: Mr. Smith,what is the matter with you? You look so bad!
护士: 史密斯先生,你怎么了?你看上去不太好。
Patient: Hello,nurse,I have been sick for two weeks. I’m afraid I will fall behind work.
病人: 你好,护士。我已经病了两个星期了,我担心我落下的工作。
Nurse: Don’t worry,Mr. Smith. The most important thing for you is to receive treatment. I bet you’ll catch up with others in two weeks after your discharge.
护士: 别担心。现在你最重要的事情是接受治疗,我相信你出院两周就能赶上别人的。
Patient: Thank you for your encouragement. I might need to work extra hard then. Nurse,why are antibiotics of no help in treatment of the common cold.
病人: 谢谢你的鼓励。我想我该加倍努力工作才行。护士,为什么抗生素对感冒不起作用?
Nurse: Because the common cold is caused by any of the more than two hunded kinds of viruses. There is yet no special medicine that can kill them.
护士: 这是因为引起感冒的病毒可以是200多种病毒中的任何一种。目前还没有对付它们的特效药。
Patient: Does the common cold do harm to people?
病人: 感冒对人体危害大吗?
Nurse: Yes. Though most colds run their course in three to ten days,some patients are susceptible to complications,such as sinusitis,ear infammations and pneumonia.
护士: 是的。虽然大多数感冒可以在3~10天内痊愈,可是有些病人却容易并发鼻窦炎、耳炎、肺炎等疾病。
Patient: Are there any cures for the cold?
病人: 对感冒是怎样治疗的?
Nurse: Colds are usually treated with rest and fuids,in addition to antihistamines,and cough medicines when necessary.
护士: 感冒通常的治疗方法是休息加上补液,此外还会用些抗组胺药,必要时用点治咳嗽的药。
Patient: What is infuenza then?
病人: 那流感又是什么?
Nurse: Infuenza is an infection disease of the respiratory tract caused by the infuenza virus.It infects human beings worldwide.
护士: 流感是由流感病毒引起的呼吸道传染病,它的传染范围很大。
Patient: Its symptoms are much more serious than those of common colds,aren’t they?
病人: 它的症状比普通感冒要严重得多,是吗?
Nurse: Generally speaking,yes. The disease is characterized by fever,cough,and considerable muscle aching and is sometimes complicated by secondary bacterial pneumonia.
护士: 一般来说,是的,流感的特点是发炎、咳嗽、肌肉疼痛,有时伴有继发性肺炎。
Patient: What’s the best way to treat it then?
病人: 那最好的治疗方法是什么?
Nurse: Bed rest and plenty of fuids constitute the best treatment.
护士: 卧床休息和大量补充体液是最好的治疗方法。
Patient: Thank you for your advice.
病人: 谢谢你的建议。
Nurse: Oh,yes. You’ll get a chest X-ray examination this afternoon.
护士: 哦,对了,你今天下午要去拍胸片。
Patient: I’ll get ready for it.
病人: 我已经准备好了。
Nurse: Don’t forget to bring your old flms and I’ll wheel you to the radiology department.
护士: 别忘了带上你的旧片子,我会用轮椅推你到放射科。
Nurse: Ms. Du,can you tell me why you seem so unhappy?
护士: 杜太太,看你的样子很不开心,能告诉我为什么吗?
Patient: I feel bad all over. I don’t think my disease can be cured. It’s better for me to be dead.
病人: 我浑身不舒服,很难受。我看这个病好不了。不如死了算了。
Nurse: Who told you that your disease couldn’t be cured,a doctor or a nurse?
护士: 谁说你的病看不好了?是医生,还是护士告诉你的?
Patient: No. It’s my own thought. I have gone to several hospitals,but it didn’t help.
病人: 不是。我去过好多医院都没看好,是我自己这样想的。
Nurse: I think you will recover from your disease because the doctors haven’t told you that you couldn’t be cured. The results of your physical examinations are normal,which indicate that your uncomfortable feelings are caused by your depression.Many patients,who suffer from the same disease as you,have recovered and been discharged from our hospital. You must have faith in yourself. The doctors and nurses will help you to recover from your illness.
护士: 既然医生没告诉你病看不好了,就表明你的病是有希望治好的。你的各项检查报告显示你的不适感并非由器质性疾病引起,而是抑郁症的一种典型临床表现。像你这样的抑郁症我们遇到的不少,他们都痊愈出院了。你要对自己有信心,医生、护士会帮助你战胜病魔的。
Patient: But,I’m too sick to go to work and look after my family. On the contrary,my family has to accompany me in the hospital to take care of me. I feel worthless. I prefer to die.
病人: 可是我身体不好,不能工作,也不能照顾家人,反而拖累他们,要他们一天到晚陪着我,照顾我,我觉得自己真是没用,还不如死了算了。
Nurse: I can feel that you are a person who loves your family very much and takes high responsibility for your family. As you know,no one can escape from being sick during one’s lifetime. Your family members look after you when you are sick because they love you very much. You should treasure yourself for them. It’s better for you to cooperate with your doctor to recover quickly. You should repay your family’s love a health body. If you only want to escape in a pessimistic way,you will not only let them down,you will also bring them too much pain.
护士: 我可以感到你是一个很爱家人、很有责任感的人。患病是每一个人都无法避免的。你的家人在你患病后悉心照料,说明他们深爱着你。所以你应该好好珍惜自己的身体,积极配合医生治疗,争取早日把病看好,以健康的身体来回报家人的爱。如果你只是采取消极的方法来逃避,不仅辜负了家人对你的一片心,更给他们带来了痛苦。
Patient: You are right. But what can I do for my recovery?
病人: 你说得对。但是我该怎样做才能使自己尽快好起来呢?
Nurse: It’s simple. Go out of your room and be sociable with other people. Take part in the various activities in the unit. It will help you to enrich your hospital life,divert your attention from your illness,relax your body,and can also help you to interact with other people. This will prepare you to return to your family and society in the future.Above all,you should take the medicines according to the doctor’s order. Please let me know if you have any discomfort after you take the medicines. I will help you. It’s okay for you to ask any other nurses in our unit for help at any time you need it. They will be pleased to help you.
护士: 很简单。只要你从现在开始让自己走出病室,融合到群体中去,尽量参加病区组织的各项活动。这不仅可以丰富你的住院生活,分散你的注意力,忘掉病痛,放松身心,还可以促进你与他人的沟通交往,使你今后能更好地回归家庭与社会。当然,除了这些,最重要的是你要按医嘱服药。服药后如有任何不适可以告诉我,我会给你提供帮助。平时如有什么问题也可以询问任何一位护士,她们会很乐意为你服务的。
Patient: I see I will cooperate with you and try not to think too much any more.
病人: 明白了。我会积极配合治疗的,也不会想得太多了。