Sentence 30
Few of the cultural traditions and rules that today allow us to deal with dense populations existed for these people accustomed to household autonomy and the ability to move around the landscape almost at will.
TPO-24:Moving into Pueblos

很少有(这样的)文化传统与规则,(它们)现今能够帮助我们适应高密度人口(的情况), (过去也)能存在于(那些)习惯于家庭自治并有能力随意在大地上迁徙的人群之中。
1.句子的主语是“few of the cultural traditions and rules”,这一点应该能判断出来。
2. “that today allow us to deal with dense populations”是定语从句,修饰前面的“traditions and rules”。
4. “accustomed to household autonomy and the ability to move around the landscape almost at will”是分词结构,修饰前面的“these people”。其中“household autonomy”和“the ability to move around the landscape almost at will”分别是连词“and”连接的两个成分。
5.词组“accustomed to”的意思是“习惯于……”;词组“at will”的意思是“随意地;任意地”。
其中,如何判断出谓语是“existed”这一步很关键。全句一共出现了5个有可能是谓语的动词:“allow”,“deal with”,“existed”,“accustomed to”和“move around”。首先可以排除的是“deal with”和“move around”,因为它们前面有“to”;其次可以排除的是“allow”,因为它和前面的“that”紧密相连,经判断是构成了定语从句;在识辨出定语从句后,应该就可以看出谓语是“existed”了。去掉修饰成分后,全句的主干应该是“few of the cultural traditions and rules existed for these people”。
In the Mesa Verde area of the ancient North American Southwest, living patterns changed in the thirteenth century, with large numbers of people moving into large communal dwellings called pueblos, often constructed at the edges of canyons, especially on the sides of cliff s. Abandoning small extended-family households to move into these large pueblos with dozens if not hundreds of other people was probably traumatic. Few of the cultural traditions and rules that today allow us to deal with dense populations existed for these people accustomed to household autonomy and the ability to move around the landscape almost at will. And besides the awkwardness of having to share walls with neighbors, living in aggregated pueblos introduced other problems. For people in cliff dwellings, hauling water, wood, and food to their homes was a major chore. The stress on local resources, especially in the firewood needed for daily cooking and warmth, was particularly intense, and conditions in aggregated pueblos were not very hygienic.
According to this paragraph, before the thirteenth century the people of Southwestern North America lived in households that____ .
A. shared daily chores with neighboring households
B. occupied dwellings that were built into the sides of cliff s
C. were largely free to conduct their lives as they pleased
D. enforced common standards of behavior and cooperative conduct within their communities

When it comes to academic knowledge, the information offered by television programs, most of which mainly gives out superficial real-time reports, cannot compete with professional books in both depth and breadth.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
In twenty years from now, students will not use printed books any more.
改前:①It has to be admitted that the new type of media as television and internet are still in the development status. So it's impossible to use them immediately to replace of printed books to undertake the task to teach students.
②Many television programs are based on realtime superficial report now, when we need to involve in some depth academic knowledge, the depth information the television provided can't not be comparative with specialize books. So in this analysis, it even newspaper and magazine. For an example, the news criticize from Monthly magazine will be more depth than television program.
③But even so, we can't ignore the fact that the printed samples are replaced steps by steps: We were used to exhibit the sun by two-dimensional illustrated samples and the complicated relations for the earth and moon, but now we can learn it easily by watching a short animated film.
改后:①It has to be admitted that the new type of media such as television and the Internet are still in the development status. So it's impossible for them to replace printed books immediately to undertake the task to teach students.
②Many television programs are based on real-time superficial reports now, so when we need some in-depth academic knowledge, the information televisions provide can't be compared with professional books; in this sense even less comparable than newspapers and magazines. For example, the news comments from monthly magazines will be more profound than television programs.
③But even so, we can't ignore the fact that the printed samples are replaced step by step: We used to exhibit the sun by twodimensionally illustrated samples and the complicated relations for the Earth and the Moon, but now we can learn it easily by watching a short animated film.
改前:①I have to say, contemporary stuff like TV, Internet, etc. such new media are still blooming. It is almost impossible to take place of the printed and assume the task of teachers' instantly.
②After all, a mass of TV programs are focus on instant shallow subjects, when involved in more deeply and academically issue, the depth of the info served by TV is far behind monograph. In this view, TV is even far behind magazine and newspaper. A monthly magazine, for instance, serve more deeply news review than TV program.
③Even though, we cannot deny the fact that the function of the printed are getting replaced. Before the new media, we use 2D image to illustrate the complex relationship between sun, earth, and moon in books. Now we get it simply through watching a short animation video.
改后:①I have to say that contemporary devices like TV, the Internet, and other new media are still developing. It is almost impossible for them to take the place of printed books and to assume teachers' role instantly.
②After all, TV programs focus on instant shallow subjects, and when it comes to deep and academic issues, the depth of the information served by TV is far behind that in monographs. In this respect, TV is even far behind magazines and newspapers. A monthly magazine, for instance, serves more profound news review than TV programs do.
③However, we cannot deny the fact that printed books are getting replaced. Before the new media, we use a 2D images to illustrate the complex relationship between the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon in books. Now we get it simply through watching a short animation video.
改前:①Admittedly, the new mass media, like television and the Internet, is in the phases of preliminary development. It is impossible to replace printed books and supplant the character of professors to teach students.
②After all, many television programs that overemphasis on instant and superficial reports exist. When we need to concern academic knowledge in a certain depth, information provided by television is much less than by professional books. From this perspective, it cannot be competitive with magazines. For instance, news comments in a monthly magazine are more meaningful than in a television program.
③We do not still neglect the fact that the printed materials are progressive to be taken over. You acquired the knowledge of the complex relationship among the sun, the earth and the moon by a diagram in a book. Nowadays, it is easy to get to know by a short flash.
改后:①Admittedly, the new mass media, like television and the Internet, is in the preliminary phases of development. It is impossible for them to replace printed books and supplant the role of professors to teach students.
②After all, many television programs overemphasize instant and superficial reports. When we need to learn some in-depth academic knowledge, information provided by television is much less profound than that provided by professional books. From this perspective, it cannot be competitive with magazines. For instance, news comments in a monthly magazine are more meaningful than those in a television program.
③Still we cannot ignore the fact that printed materials are to be taken over progressively. Before, we acquired the knowledge of the complex relationship among the Sun, the Earth and the Moon by a diagram in a book. Nowadays, it is easy to know it through a short flash.