Part Four Reading
Directions Work in pairs or groups to describe the following pictures and guess what they are doing.


Passage Reading
Text A Backpacking—Searching for “Self”


Throughout history people have carried loads on their backs as a basic means of transporting the necessities of life. With the introduction of horses, wagons, railroads, motor vehicles, airplanes, and other more efficient forms of transportation, the need to carry loads long distances has disappeared. The backpacker of today transports basic necessities in primitive fashion as a means of independence, recreation, and fun. With only a minimum of equipment and a little knowledge, the hiker can reach places that are inaccessible by any other form of transportation. The rewards to the backpacker are magnificent scenery, solitude, and a sense of awe inspired by the magnitude of natural surroundings. There is a great thrill and feeling of accomplishment in “doing it the hard way”. There is challenge in the unknown and adventure on the trail. With a reasonable amount of preparation, any person in normal health who is willing to exert the effort can enjoy the vigorous life of the backpacker. To move about freely in the wilderness is to experience the adventures of our heritage and to learn of some of the most important lessons Earth has to offer.
The prospective backpacker with limited funds will be forced to make many careful choices when buying equipment. It is generally better to buy fewer items of good quality than to buy a larger number of items and compromise on quality. Again, it is advisable to borrow or rent equipment and actually use it before investing in an item intended for long-term service.
A backpacking checklist includes backpack with rain cover, pants, hiking boots, sleeping bag, tent with fly, ground cloth, stove, emergency foods, compass, sunglasses, towel, pocket knife, etc. Remember, there are no equipment stores in the wilderness!
Always check with land managers or experienced backpackers from the area where you plan to backpack, to determine special equipment needs. Then, plan the trip and decide where to go. A major decision confronting the hiker planning a trip is the selection of a suitable area. One of the great features of backpacking is the freedom it offers, within limits of particular areas. Many people enjoy the“bushwalk”, that is, cross-country travel in any direction desired without confinement to established trails. In areas where this is permitted, it can offer solitude that may not be attainable otherwise. The beginning packer will quickly find that characteristics of the landscape may make the bushwalk difficult and that established trails offer better routes. Generally it is considered best to stick to existing trails until experience has been gained that would benefit the hiker in the cross-country venture. Some areas of the country have become well known for excellent trails and beautifu1 scenery. Most areas open for backpacking are public-use areas and include land controlled by state parks, the U.S. Forest Service, the National Park Service, or similar agencies.
For first-timers, a good method is to camp out in the backyard, using the equipment to be taken on the trail. Thus, if something goes badly, experience can be gained without the discomfort or danger of being miles from home. The things that the hiker can carry will be limited. And things carried and not needed only add useless weight to the pack.
Scholars claim that backpackers today are travelling to “find themselves”, which means selfrealization is their motivation. They suggest journeys provide the opportunity to acquire experiences that become the basis for discovering and transforming one's self. You could know yourself better and know yourself in different situations. So, of course you discover things about yourself because you are in different and new situations.
Marie (French, 26) thinks it is important to escape current reality to have time with one's self: When you are away from your homeland, from your family, it might be a place to think more in a free way about all these questions of the true self, the true nature.
(650 words) Time taken ______

backpack /ˈbækpæk/ v.背着背包徒步旅行
e.g. Every summer they are backpacking in the Rockies.每年夏天他们都去落基山脉徒步旅行。

We went backpacking in the Alps.我们背着背包徒步游览阿尔卑斯山脉。
backpacker /'bækpækə(r)/ n.背包旅行者
e.g. A backpacker is a person who goes travelling with a backpack.背包客是背着背包旅行的人。
We had enough money to sustain us for about a year if we traveled in backpacker-style.如果以背包客的方式旅行,我们的钱够维持大约一年。
necessity /nəˈsesəti/ n.必需品
e.g. Water is a necessity of life.生命不可缺水。
Good maps are a necessity to travellers.好的地图是出门旅行必不可少的。
wagon /ˈwæɡən/ n.四轮马车
e.g. A wagon is a strong vehicle with four wheels,usually pulled by horses and used for carrying heavy loads.四轮马车是一种有着四个轮子的运输工具,通常由马拉着运输重物。
People used wagon as vehicle years ago.很多年前人们使用四轮马车作为交通工具。
railroad /ˈreɪlrəʊd/ n.铁路
e.g. Where do the two railroads connect?两条铁路在何处连接?
Loans for big projects like highways and railroads are now harder to get.像高速公路和铁路等大型项目的贷款现在更难获得了。
fashion /ˈfæʃn/ n.时尚
e.g. But our viewers like fashion.但是我们的观众喜欢时尚。
This is the latest fashion in hats.这是帽子的最新款式。
minimum /ˈmɪnɪməm/ n.最低限度;最少量
e.g. This will take a minimum of one hour.这最少要用一个小时。
This is the minimum quantity we require.这是我们所要求的最小数量。
hiker /ˈhaɪkə(r)/ n.徒步旅行者,远足者
e.g. A hiker is a person who is going for a long walk in the countryside for pleasure.远足者是以到乡村走路为乐趣的人。
As an avid hiker, I have spent almost every vacation travelling, usually in a remote area.我热爱远足,几乎每次假期都旅行,通常去偏远的地方。

reward /rɪˈwɔ:d/ n.报偿;报答
e.g. The rewards of art are not to be measured in money.艺术的报偿是不能以金钱来衡量的。
And what is the reward? What is the result?那我们会得到什么样的回报和结果呢?
magnificent /mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt/ a.壮丽的,宏伟的
e.g. These magnificent ancient buildings demonstrate the great intelligence of the laboring people.这些壮丽的古代建筑显示了劳动人民的高度智慧。
After the fire, nothing remained of the magnificent buildings of the temple.大火过后,寺院里的那些宏伟建筑已经荡然无存。
surroundings /səˈraʊndɪŋz/ n.环境
e.g. The poor child had never had cheerful surroundings.这可怜的孩子从未有过欢乐的环境。
He adapted effortlessly to his new surroundings.他毫不费力地适应了新环境。
trail /treɪl/ n.(荒野中踩出的)小道
e.g. We walk along a trail in the forest.我们漫步于林间小道。
The winding trail caused us to lose our orientation.迂回曲折的小道使我们迷失了方向。
vigorous /ˈvɪɡərəs/ a.精力充沛的;强有力的
e.g. Roosevelt was a strong and vigorous politician.罗斯福是一位身体强壮、精力充沛的政治家。
We not only tolerate but celebrate free expression and vigorous debate.我们不仅接纳,而且鼓励自由表达和激烈的辩论。
wilderness /ˈwɪldənəs/ n.荒野;旷野
e.g. We have land and wilderness.我们有土地,也有荒野。
Dangers lurk in the path of wilderness.在这条旷野的小路上隐伏着危险。
heritage /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ n.遗产
e.g. He persistently asserted his right to a share in the heritage.他始终主张他有分享那笔遗产的权利。
All of our cultural heritage which is useful should be inherited, but in a critical way.凡是我国文化遗产中有用的东西都应该继承,不过是批判地继承。
item /ˈaɪtəm/ n.一件商品或物品
e.g. The first item she bought was an electric iron.她买的第一样东西是一只电熨斗。
The shop window was filled with hundreds of items.品种繁多的货物充盈着商店橱窗。
compromise /ˈkɒmprəmaɪz/ v.妥协;让步
e.g. Let's compromise and each pays half the damages.让我们采取折中的办法,每人各赔一半的损失。
I am prepared to make some concession on minor details, but I cannot compromise on fundamentals.在一些细节上我可以作些让步,但在基本原则上我是不会妥协的。
advisable /ədˈvaɪzəbl/ a.明智的;可取的
e.g. It is advisable that they go with a clearly defined goal in mind.他们在头脑中有一个明确的目标是明智的。

Because of the popularity of the region, it is advisable to book hotels or camp sites in advance.鉴于该地区的受欢迎度,事先预订旅馆或露营地是明智的。
long-term /ˈlɒŋtɜ:m/ a.长期的
e.g. You should also have long-term goals,not only for your business but for your present job.你应该为你的职业生涯设定一个长期的目标,而不仅仅是为了眼前的工作。
We understand that no long-term strategy for growth can be imposed from above.我们明白任何长期的增长战略都不能自上而下强加于人。
characteristic /ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk/ n.特征
e.g. Some animals possess the characteristic of man.有些动物具有人类的特征。
Genes determine the characteristics of every living thing.基因决定每个生物的特征。
landscape /ˈlændskeɪp/ n.风景,景色
e.g. They stood at the top of the hill and viewed the beautiful landscape.他们站在山顶眺望美丽的景色。
The boy painted a landscape on paper.这个男孩子在纸上画了一张风景画。
claim /kleɪm/ v.声称;主张
e.g. The boy claimed to have told the truth.这男孩声称他说的是实话。
It is claimed to be true.人们说这是真实的。
Phrases and Expressions

with introduction of随着……采用;随着……的引进
e.g. With the introduction of Internet,everyone could work more efficiently.随着因特网的采用,人们可以更高效地工作了。
With the introduction of television, people could travel around the world without going out.随着电视的引进,人们足不出户便可周游世界。
a sense of ……的感觉;……的意识
e.g. I have a sense of completion.我有一种如释重负的感觉。
He often has a sense of humor.他有幽默感。
be forced to被迫做某事
e.g. In an emergency you might be forced to sell it.你遇到紧急情况,就要被迫卖掉它。
The enemies are forced to retreat.敌人被迫撤退。
be willing to愿意做某事
e.g. Your family might be willing to change,if you at least start the discussion.如果你试着去和家人讨论这件事,你的家人也许愿意改变。
Keep your eyes open and be willing to change, but have faith in yourself, too.开阔视野,并且愿意改变,同时也要对自己有信心。
exert the effort尽力
e.g. We will exert every effort to finish it in advance.我们会尽力提前完成任务。
Until the deal is inked, however, he may exert his best efforts behind the scenes.在协议签署之前,他依然可能在幕后发挥其最大的努力。
check with跟……联系(或接洽);与……核对
e.g. I want to check with my secretary before I sign the papers.我要同秘书商量一下再签署这些文件。
Another good reason to check with a doctor is that he or she may prescribe drugs that shorten the severity and duration of your symptoms.和医生联系的另一个好处是他们会给你开药以减少你承受相关症状的痛苦和时间。
Proper Names

the U.S. Forest Service美国林务局
the National Park Service美国国家公园管理局
Understanding the Text

Multiple Choices
Directions In this part there are 8 questions. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one according to the text.
1.Which of the following statements best describes backpacking?
A. It is a sport event in Olympic Games.
B. It is a kind of labor to carry load from one place to another.
C. It is a kind of leisure sports nowadays.
D. It is a kind of walking to transport goods to someplace.

2.Why do backpackers spend time backpacking?
A. To transport basic necessities.
B. To enjoy independence, recreation and fun.
C. To act like the primitive.
D. To find something in wilderness.
3.What would backpackers acquire?
A. Fruit and flowers in the bush.
B. More healthy and fashionable way of life.
C. Beautiful landscape, solitude and a sense of awe.
D. Familiarity with the route.
4.What should a backpacker do before starting a backpacking?
A. Buy as many items that would be used in emergency as possible.
B. Buy necessary items of good quality.
C. Buy many items of average quality.
D. Borrow and rent every equipment.
5.How does a backpacker choose a proper area to backpack?
A. Check a map.
B. Search for related information online.
C. Contact land managers or experienced backpackers.
D. Try everywhere you like.
6.Which of the following is the best place for backpacking?
A. A public-use area or a national park.
B. The bush.
C. A desert.
D. A mountain.
7.What is a good method for first-timers?
A. Walking along the trails with a backpack.
B. Walking with an experienced backpacker.
C. Camping out in the backyard.
D. Camping out in wilderness.
8.What is the significance of backpacking?
A. Gaining experience in adventure.
B. Making friends.
C. Knowing oneself more in different situations.
D. Finding heritage in wilderness.
Directions Work in pairs or groups to discuss the following questions.

Some people like competitive sports such as sports events in Olympic Games more than leisure sports such as outdoor recreation. Which do you prefer? Why?
Language Exploration

Word Focus: Blank Filling
Directions Complete the following sentences with appropriate words or phrases from the box. Change the forms if necessary.
wilderness introduction necessity compromise reward
fashion magnificent vigorous minimum railroad
1.Potatoes have appeared in our history books since their _______ to Europe in the 16th century.
2.He refused to _______ his principles.
3.They had been drawing before because they enjoyed it, but now it seemed as though they were drawing for the _________.
4.This shop sells the latest ______ of shirts and shorts.
5.The _______ connects two cities, namely, New York and Chicago.
6.What's the _______ wage in this country?
7.It was a very lonely voice echoing in the _______.
8.The Great Wall is really _______.
9.Sunshine is a _______ of life.
10.He is a _______ old man who spent half of his day on horseback.
Sentence Completion: Rewriting
Directions Rewrite the following sentences after the model.
Model: To travel in another country is interesting.
It is interesting to travel in another country.
1.To check the map before backpacking is advisable.
2.To make a lot of noise in public places is not polite.
3.To treat a cat that way is cruel.
4.For children, to remember so many words within a day is not easy.
5.To live in the city is convenient.
Directions Translate the following, using “with…”.
1.__________________(随着夏天的来临), the days are getting longer and longer.
2.__________________(随着时间的流逝), the little boy seems to be growing more and more handsome.
3.__________________(随着季节的变换), some birds begin their migration.
4.__________________(随着人口的增加), the pressure of employment increased.
5.__________________(随着住房的改善), children have their own rooms.
Text B Learning to Surf at 73

I am in Nosara, a small, sleepy village on Costa Rica's northwest coast, with my wife, Gabrielle, to try something I have only little experience with and which she has none: surfing.
Surf Simply is a seven-day intensive surf camp. Gabe and I were arriving in Nosara a day late and exhausted after a series of canceled flights in Denver on our way here. We missed the first day of surf instruction. I hate missing the first day. Day one always sets the tone and rhythm of a place. You meet the other surfers, instructors, and staff over drinks. Best of all, you get introduced to the ocean and surf at the same time as everyone else.

The temperature is 96 degrees when Gabe and I finally arrive at the white stucco archway entrance to Surf Simply. We are immediately greeted by Harry Knight, who is six-foot-one, with a body build typical of watermen. He will be our instructor for the week.
The next day, the first in the water for Gabe and me, we are up by 6 a.m. Harry begins working with us on the beach. We're going over the stages of getting up and where to position ourselves on the board—not too far forward and not too far back—because inches can make a difference. When we're ready to practice popping up, Harry tells us to place our hands on the deck and slide the knee that will be forward between our arms and turn our front foot perpendicular to the board, which isn't easy to do with my damaged knees from years of climbing, skiing, horseback riding, and other adventure sports. Then, with knees bent, we raise up with our arms relaxed and spread like the wings of a bird out over the rails or in an archer's pose. “Look where you want to go”, Harry emphasizes, “not down at the board”.
Soon enough Gabe, Harry, and I are out in the water to ride the foamy whitewater of waves that have already broken. I'm relaxed and expecting to get up and ride in on my first attempt. Surprisingly, I do, though that will be the last time it feels so natural. It was a bit like winning the lottery the first time you buy a ticket. Meanwhile, Gabe is taking the instruction patiently, step by step.

The third day, on Wednesday, Surf Simply guests have the option to do something other than surfing if they'd like. But to catch up on our lost day, Gabe and I spend the morning in the whitewater reviewing technique with Harry, using slight adjustments with body weight in conjunction with the rails to turn, get up, slow down, speed up. I need to be less tense in my feet, hands, and shoulders. By Thursday, my right shoulder starts to bother me.Luckily, one of the Surf Simply guests has a prescription drug for just this sort of thing. I've never heard of it, but I'll try anything that will allow me to stay on the water with Harry and the rest of our small surfing family.
Gabe is a natural, and I'm convinced that women have a kind of patience and natural ability for some things that men have to learn the hard way. On the waves, Gabe is balanced, and patient. She's loving it, and it thrills me to see her having so much fun with a new sport. Gabe is now up on another wave, her forward arm is extended and her back arm is in an archer's pose. She is bent at the knees, being aggressive and looking beautiful, like a real surfer girl having the time of her life. I'm jumping up and down on the beach yelling, “Way to go, honey! AWESOME! OH YEAAAH! ”
All of a sudden, Harry says, “Here it is. Let's have a go”. I get my front foot up on the board where it didn't previously want to go. I stand up, keeping slightly bent at the knees and forward to maintain speed. I remember to look up and toward the shore mark I had set, not down at the board. Damn, I'm thinking, I love this.
(710 words) Time taken______

intensive /ɪnˈtensɪv/ a.集中的;加强的
e.g. He found the athletes and began intensive training.他找到了运动员并开始集中训练。
It is a four-day intensive course.这是一个为期四天的突击课程。
rhythm /ˈrɪðəm/ n.节奏
e.g. This is the exciting rhythms of African drum music.这是令人激动的非洲鼓的节奏。
The rhythm of the music made everyone want to dance.音乐的节奏让每个人听了都不禁想随之起舞。
deck /dek/ n.甲板;(滑行板的)板面
e.g. The morning sun greeted us as we came out on deck.当我们登上甲板,朝阳呈现在我们眼前。
Let's have a walk round the deck.我们去甲板上散步吧。
pose /pəʊz/ n.姿势
e.g. He sat in a relaxed pose.他轻松自如地坐着。
The model was asked to adopt various poses for the photographer.摄影师让模特儿摆出各种姿势拍照。
emphasize /ˈemfəsaɪz/ v.强调
e.g. I want to emphasize that this is not over yet.我想要强调一点,这一切还没有结束。
I must emphasize the fact that she is only a little girl.我必须强调这样一个事实,她只不过是个小女孩。
foamy /ˈfəʊmi/ a.泡沫的;由泡沫组成的
e.g. White water is the foamy,frothy water in rapids and waterfalls.白水指的是急流、瀑布中起泡沫的水。

The sea was all foamy like ginger beer.海面上的浪花如同姜汁啤酒的泡沫。
e.g. Every day he queues patiently at the bus stop.他每天都耐心地在公共汽车站排队。
I waited aside patiently just like the cat.我在旁边耐心地等着,就像猫一样。
adjustment /əˈdʒʌstmənt/ n.调整
e.g. There is an adjustment in his salary.他的工资有所调整。
The adjustment in oil prices will not affect people's use of private cars.油价的调整不会影响人们私家车的使用。
tense /tens/ a.绷紧的;紧张的
e.g. With his body so tense,it seemed as if he were listening for something.他身子紧绷着,像是在谛听什么。
I saw how tense and exhausted she was.我看得出她是多么紧张,多么疲惫。
convince /kənˈvɪns/ v.使信服,使确信
e.g. She is convinced of his innocence.她确信他是无辜的。
I cannot convince myself that she is dead.我无法让自己相信她死了。
aggressive /əˈɡresɪv/ a.积极进取的;过分自信的
e.g. He is an aggressive salesman.他是一个得力的推销员。
The nation is aggressive in pursuing a new policy.国家在积极执行新政策。
natural /ˈnætʃrəl/ n.天生的料子;天才
e.g. As a footballer,he is a natural.他天生是踢足球的料子。
He is a natural for the part.他天生适合担任这个角色。
awesome /ˈɔ:səm/ a.令人惊叹的
e.g. Yes,she is awesome.是的,她确实是太棒了。
A beautiful sunset is an awesome sight.太阳下山的景色令人叹为观止。
e.g. Previously our mountain area was poor and impoverished.以前咱们山区很穷。
This is an effect of traditions discussed previously.这是先前讨论过的传统的作用。
set /set/ v.规定;放,置;树立
e.g. He set Friday as the deadline.他规定周五为最后期限。
Set my case over the shelves.把我的箱子放在架子上。
Phrases and Expressions

a series of一系列的
e.g. He attended a series of important committee meetings.他参加了委员会的一系列重要会议。
To do this they pitted the groups against each other in a series of competitions.为了达到这个目的,他们让两组人在一系列的竞赛中相互竞争。
best of all最好的;首先
e.g. And best of all,you can just keep making the process more and more accurate.最好的是,你能使过程越来越准确。
Best of all, he makes the reader want to go back to Graham's original work.最好的是,他能使读者想去读格雷厄姆的原著。
horseback riding骑马
e.g. Some people like horseback riding,but I prefer golf as a hobby.有些人喜欢骑马,但我却喜欢打高尔夫。
Another outdoors type of date that is very romantic for Valentine's day is horseback riding.另一种非常浪漫的情人节户外活动就是骑马了。
step by step一步一步地;逐步地
e.g. Step by step,we are beginning to make progress.我们正在一步步开始取得进展。
We should solve the problem step by step.我们必须一步步地来解决问题。
other than除了
e.g. Do you have any special interests other than your job?你除了工作之外还有什么其他的爱好吗?
If it is the case, I cannot do anything other than say sorry to you.如果是这样的话,我除了向你说声对不起,已经不知道该做些什么了。
all of a sudden突然
e.g. All of a sudden, the subsequent thing surprised everybody.突然,随后的事情让所有人都吃惊了。
All of a sudden he heard a cry above him.突然他听到上方传来一阵惊叫声。
Proper Names

Nosara [地名] 诺莎拉(哥斯达黎加瓜纳卡斯特省)
Costa Rica [国名]哥斯达黎加
Understanding the Text

Questions and Answers
Directions Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.

1.Where are the writer and his wife?
2.Why did they go there?
3.Did they have much experience in surfing before?
4.Did they learn surfing by themselves?
5.Did they learn well on the first day? Why?
6.Could the writer get up on the board at the beginning?
7.What did they do on the third day when guests had the choice to do something except surfing?
8.What was the matter with the writer's health? Did he go on learning?
9.How about Gabe's learning?
10.What did Gabe look like when she was surfing?
Language Exploration

Word Focus: Multiple Choices
Directions There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete each of the following sentences.
1.There we received several weeks of _____ training.
A. internal
B. intimate
C. intensive
D. tense
2.If you both feel good, you need no _____.
A. account
B. approach
C. appearance
D. adjustment
3.When I listened to the music today, she waved her hands with the _____.
A. rhythm
B. reservation
C. resource
D. religion
4.This is a great _____ for connecting with and really feeling your breath.
A. pressure
B. pose
C. perception
D. profile
5.She is a _____ on the piano.
A. nation
B. negotiation
C. neutral
D. natural
6.He _____ his hand on my shoulder.
A. stuck
B. set
C. served
D. spared
7.Work in school takes place every year and students are helped _____ to develop the skills of the class teacher.
A. head to head
B. like for like
C. word for word
D. step by step
8.Whenever we have trouble with our studies, our teachers help us _____.
A. previously
B. practically
C. patiently
D. probably
9._____ wet days spoiled our vacation.
A. A series of
B. A total of
C. A variety of
D. A set of
10._____ the children rushed out of the classroom and ran to the playground.
A. And so on
B. In attendance
C. As well
D. All of a sudden
11.She is an _____ president.
A. aggressive
B. accurate
C. advanced
D. absolute
12.When we knocked on her door, she seemed _____, but allowed us in anyway.
A. relaxed
B. sweet
C. tense
D. royal
13.You must do it; you have no ____.
A. obstacle
B. optimism
C. option
D. objective
14.He _____ the importance of being honest.
A. emphasized
B. exchanged
C. excluded
D. expected
15._____, the new program is financed by industry and visitor fees, not taxpayer dollars.
A. Best of all
B. All alone
C. All around
D. All along
Sentence Emphasis: Rewriting
Directions Rewrite the following sentences after the model with the present participle.
Model: Please tell the boys who are playing there not to make so much noise.
Please tell the boys playing there not to make so much noise.
1.Who is the boy that is standing by the door?
2.Did you see the students who were talking with the headmaster?
3.We met a group of pupils who were returning from school.
4.They built a railroad which leads into the mountainous area.
5.Last year we had a rainy season which lasted one month.