5.2 课后习题详解
第一节 数词的翻译
1. 一个中心,两个基本点
【答案】one center and two basic points
2. 四项基本原则
【答案】the four cardinal principles
3. 和平共处五项原则
【答案】the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
4. 他们俩每个人有10个苹果。
【答案】Both of them have ten apples.
5. 一鸟在手,胜于百鸟在林。
【答案】A bird in the hand is better than a hundred in the wood.
1. 对于人性,我有研究,略知一二。
【答案】I have studied human nature and I know something about it.
2. 你不该对此事说三道四。
【答案】You should not have said anything about the matter.
3. 她三句话不离本行。
【答案】She talks shop all the time.
4. 此乃千载难逢的好机会,你一定要抓住。
【答案】You must seize this opportunity. It is a chance of lifetime.
5. 别三心二意了,就这么办吧。
【答案】Don’t be wavering. Go right ahead.
6. 五大三粗
【答案】big and tall
7. 不管三七二十一
【答案】do something regardless of the consequences
8. 六神无主
9. 丑八怪
【答案】a very ugly person
10. 狂喜状态
【答案】on cloud nine(九霄云上;高兴得飘飘然)
1. 百闻不如一见。
【答案】Seeing is believing.
2. 半斤八两
【答案】six of one and half a dozen of the other
3. 乱七八糟/七颠八倒
【答案】at sixes and sevens
4. 成千上万
【答案】thousands upon thousands of
5. 我对这个消息半信半疑。
【答案】I took the news with a grain of salt.
6. 沧海一粟/不足挂齿/太仓一粟/不值一提/九牛一毛/微不足道
【答案】a drop in the bucket
7. 新官上任三把火。
【答案】New brooms sweep clean.
8. 四海之内皆兄弟。
【答案】One touch of nature makes the whole world akin.
9. 一个巴掌拍不响。
【答案】It takes two to make a quarrel.
10. 孤注一掷
【答案】to put all one’s eggs in one bucket
11. 千钧一发
【答案】to hang by a thread
12. 愚者千虑,必有一得。
【答案】A fool’s bolt may sometimes hit the mark.
13. 一不做,二不休。
【答案】Over shoes, over boots.
14. 人多智广
【答案】Two heads are better than one
15. 一失足成千古恨。
【答案】A hundred years cannot repair a moment’s loss of honor.
第二节 活用英语冠词
1. 我们感到我们的折叠桌是个很方便的家具。
【答案】We find our folding table a great convenience.
2. 看门狗是一种对防盗起保证作用的东西。
【答案】A watchdog is something against burglars.
3. 大卫作为教练是个失败者。
【答案】David is a failure as a coach.
4. 他做游戏的技艺使他成为受朋友赞佩的人。
【答案】His skill at games made him an admiration of his friends.
5. 摄影是一种艺术。
【答案】Photography is an art.
6. 他以幽默大师而闻名,但是他现在没有什么幽默了。
【答案】He was famous as a wit, but he had no wit right now.
7. 在村与村之间,你几乎看不到一个人。
【答案】You can hardly see a person between the villages.
8. 他成了他那个时代的传奇人物。
【答案】He became a legend in his own time.
9. 这篇文章对人们已知的各种形式的政府作了分析。
【答案】This article was an analysis of various forms of governments known to human beings.
10. 我尊敬他。
【答案】I have an esteem for him.
11. 少校真诚地喜欢着并尊敬他的嫂嫂。
【答案】The major had a sincere liking and regard for his sister-in-law.
1. 生活的浮沉使他变得颓废。
【答案】The ups and downs in his life made him prop out.
2. 这首歌很好听。
【答案】The song is pleasant to the ear.
3. 他在上次会议上担任主席。
【答案】He took the chair at last meeting.
4. 我总感到对妇女有欠公平。
【答案】I always feel the injustice towards women.
5. 他又厚着脸皮要钱了吗?
【答案】Did he have the cheek to ask for money?
6. 她做了富有诗意的动作。
【答案】She made the poetry of motion.
7. 狮为百兽之王。
【答案】The lion is the king of animals.
8. 跟同班同学不和睦是很烦人的。
【答案】Being on the outs with a classmate is very annoying.
9. 在那种情况下,大家的意见再一次统一了。
【答案】Under the circumstances the people were of a mind again.
10. 太阳东升西落。
【答案】The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
1. 他从头到脚都被雪覆盖。
【答案】He is covered with snow from head to foot.
2. 牛奶可以用来制作黄油和奶酪。
【答案】Milk is made into butter and cheese.
3. 知识总是在扩充。
【答案】Knowledge is always expanding.
4. 植物用阳光、水、二氧化碳,在叶子上制作食物。
【答案】Plants made food in their leaves with sunlight, water and carbon dioxide.
5. 我早饭吃了牛奶和面包。
【答案】I had milk and bread for breakfast.