
Unit 1


Text I

fabled [5feibld] adj. 寓言中的,虚构的

v. 虚构(fable的过去分词)

【例句】It was like a beast long fabled for its ferocity.它像传说中的一头恣意横行的野兽。

He fabled about his lot. 他编造自己的身世。

ensconce [in5skCns] v. 使自己定居(安顿)在安全(秘密、舒适等)的地方

【例句】He ensconced himself in a comfortable chair. 他安坐在一把舒适的椅子上。

【搭配】ensconce oneself in [on] 把自己安置在…里(上)

dainty [5deinti] adj. 娇美的,晴朗的;秀丽的,精致的

n. 美味的食物;珍品

【例句】There were dainty food of every kind in the picnic basket. 野餐篮里有各种可口的食物。

【搭配】a dainty girl娇美的女子

dainty bits美味的食物,珍馔佳肴

a dainty eater讲究饮食的人

scalloped [5skClEpt] adj. 扇形的;有圆齿的

v. 使成扇形

【例句】The most notable of these features is scalloped terrain in and around the crater.


marigold [5mAri^Euld] n. 金盏花,金盏菊;万寿菊

spice [spais] n. 香料;情趣;调味品

vt. 加香料于…;使…增添趣味

【例句】His jokes always give spice to his conversation.他讲的笑话常常给他的谈话增添风趣。

I could spice my talk with Talmudic lore, too.我还能够把一些犹太法典的知识融会于我的谈论之中。

bun [bQn] n. 小圆(果子)面包


bakery [5beikEri] n. 面包店

【例句】An enticing smell came from the bakery. 从面包房里飘出了诱人的香味.

mayonnaise [7meiE5neiz] n. 蛋黄酱

pickle [5pikl] n. 腌菜,泡菜;腌汁,泡菜水;困境,逆境

v. 腌制(食品)

【例句】Meat can be preserved in pickle. 肉可以保存在卤水里。

dill [dil] n. [植]莳萝;小茴香

fuzz [fQz] n. 绒毛,细毛;模糊

vt. 使模糊,起毛

【例句】A peach skin is covered with fuzz.桃上有一层细毛。

Fuzz testing is a very simple procedure to implement. 模糊测试的实现是一个非常简单的过程。

bruise [bru:z] n. 瘀伤;擦伤;伤痕

v. 打伤,撞伤

【例句】My feeling was bruised. 我的感情受到了伤害。


tin [tin] n. [化]锡

washcloth [`wCFklCW] n. 毛巾;面巾;洗碟布

dampen [5dAmpEn] vt. 抑制;使…沮丧;使…潮湿

【例句】Dew would dampen the earth. 露水滋润着大地。

Nothing can dampen my spirit and darken my life. 没有什么能使我沮丧,使我生活暗淡。

rosewater [`rEJz9wR:tE] n. 玫瑰香水

adj. 有玫瑰香水味的

glycerine [5^lisEri:n] n. 甘油;丙三醇

umpteenth [9Qmp`ti:nW] adj. 第无数次的

【例句】I explained for the umpteenth time why I didn’t support the bill.


avow [E5vau] vt. 承认;公开宣称;坦率承认

【例句】Many a man thinks, what he is ashamed to avow. 很多人都考虑过那些他们羞于说出来的事。

measly [5mi:zli] adj. 极小的;低贱的;患麻疹的

【例句】One measly mango, that’s all we’ve had from this tree.


fleabag [5fli:bA^] n. 廉价旅社;睡袋

【例句】My days of roughing it in hostels or fleabag motels are over.


real estate房地产,不动产

squint [skwint] n. 斜视眼,斜视

vt. 斜视;眯眼看

【例句】He squinted in the bright sunlight. 他在很亮的阳光下眯起了眼睛。

His speech shows a squint to your view. 他的演说倾向于你的看法。

【词组】have/take a squint 看,瞥,瞄

squint at 斜眼看

【助记】see queen 王后光彩夺目,令人不敢正视,需要斜视

auditorium [7C:di5tC:riEm] n. 观众席,听众席;会堂,礼堂

【例句】The graduation ceremony took place in the college auditorium. 毕业典礼是在学校的礼堂举行的。


let out放出;泄露;出租

【例句】I was glad to be let out of that nasty affair, and have someone more experienced handle the trouble.


He was let out of prison. 他被释放出狱。

bring about 引起,导致

【例句】You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. 不提倡勤俭节约就不会有繁盛。

dilated [daI`leItId,dI-] adj. 扩张的,膨胀的

v. 张大,扩大

【例句】If there were time, I could dilate upon this subject. 假如有时间,我可对此题目加以详述。

【搭配】to dilate on a subject详细论述一个题目

corolla [kE5rClE] n. 花冠

dazzle [5dAzl] n. 耀眼的光;灿烂

vt. 使…目眩;使…眼花

vi. 眼花缭乱;炫耀

【例句】The dazzle of the spotlights made him ill at ease. 聚光灯的耀眼强光使他局促不安。

【词组】be dazzled by被…炫目;被…迷惑

travesty [5trAvisti] n. 歪曲;滑稽作品;拙劣的模仿作品

vt. 歪曲;滑稽地模仿

【例句】If he were convinced executed for this alleged crime it would be a travesty of justice.


【搭配】to make a travesty of 滑稽地模仿对…进行戏弄或嘲讽

caravan [5kArEvAn] n. (往返于沙漠等地带的)商队,旅行队;结队成列的车马;有篷的车辆,马戏团(吉普赛人)旅行用的大篷车

decree [di5kri:] n. 命令,法令,判决

v. 命令,颁布命令,判定

【例句】The court granted her a decree of divorce. 法院判决她离婚。

【词组】issue/sign a decree颁布/签署法令

be ruled by decree依法管理

【派生】decreed adj. 任命的

【助记】源自dic,dictate, degree 学位是学校做出具有法律效力的一种法令

flair [flZE] n. 天赋,本领,才华

【例句】He doesn’t show much flair for the piano. 他对弹钢琴没有什么天资。

【搭配】a flair for… 有…的天分

cool off 冷却下来;冷静

【例句】She made a fanning motion, pretending to cool herself off.


We’ve got to give him some time to cool off. 我们必须给他时间让他冷静下来。

vanilla [vE5nilE] n. 香子兰;香草精

【例句】The sweet scent of vanilla had met us as she opened the door. 她打开门,香草的芳香迎面扑来。

【搭配】vanilla ice-cream 香草冰激凌

vanilla essecce 香精

soda fountain 冷饮柜台

corded [5kC:did] adj. 用绳子捆扎的

【例句】The box was corded, the card nailed on. 箱子用绳捆好,上面钉了名片。

crisp [krisp] adj. 脆的,硬而易碎的;清新的,爽快的;干脆明确的(态度等)

【例句】The snow was crisp underfoot. 那雪踩上去是脆的。


【派生】crispy adj. 酥脆的;易碎的;干净利落的;生气勃勃的

pinafored [5pinEfCd] adj. 穿围裙的

mottled [5mCtld] adj. 斑驳的;杂色的

【例句】The soft, pine-filtered light caught her mottled russet coat. 柔和的月光透过松枝照在她那斑驳的赤褐色毛皮大衣上。

marble [5mB:bl] n. 大理石,(玩具)弹子

adj. 大理石的,坚硬的

【例句】The pillars of the hall are made of marble. 大厅的柱子是大理石做的。

【词组】lose one’s marbles失去理智;气疯了


indignant [in5di^nEnt] adj. 愤怒的,愤慨的

【例句】He was terribly indignant at what he saw as false accusation. 他对凡是他认为属于诬告的,都极为愤慨。

【词组】be indignant at/over/about sth. 对某事感到愤慨


【派生】indignation n. 愤慨;愤怒;义愤

outrage [5autreidV] n. 暴行,不法行为;义愤,痛恨

v. 凌辱,强奸;引起…义愤

【例句】When he heard the news,he reached with a sense of outrage. 他得悉此事义愤填膺。


【派生】outrageous adj. 粗暴的;可恶的;令人吃惊的

anticipate [An5tisipeit] vt. 预感,期望;占先,抢先;提前使用

【例句】We anticipate hearing from you again. 我们期待再接到你们的来信。

【助记】anti 前 + cip 落下+ate→提前落下→预期;音:俺提 + expect,俺提前expect


【派生】anticipation n. 希望;预感;先发制人;预支

copybook [kCpibuk] n. 字帖;练习薄

adj. 陈腐的

【例句】It was one of my father’s own copybook exercises. 这是我父亲的一次习字练习。

Text II

streak [stri:k] n. 条纹,纹理;(性格上不太好的)特质,性情,癖性

v. 在…上加条纹

【例句】A dazzling streak lit up the sky. 一道耀眼的闪电照亮了天空。

whip [(h)wip] n. 鞭子;车夫

v. 鞭打,抽打;突然移动

【例句】The culprit would be whipped when he is found. 那个罪犯被找到后就要挨鞭子抽打。

【词组】whip up 激起;鞭打

whip out 突然拿出,现出

【派生】whipping n. 鞭打;笞刑

festivity [fes5tiviti] n. 庆祝活动,庆典,欢宴

【例句】The wedding was an occasion of great festivity. 这个婚礼是喜庆盛事。

ambush [5AmbuF] n. 埋伏,伏击

【例句】A policeman has been shot dead in an ambush. 一次伏击中一名警察中弹身亡。

ordain [C:5dein] v. 任命(某人)任圣职;(上帝的)命令

【例句】Fate had ordained that he should die in poverty. 命中注定他得死于贫困。

perch [pE:tF] v. (鸟)栖息;位于高处

n. (鸟的)栖木;高的地位或位置

【例句】The bird took its perch. 鸟停歇在栖木上。

【搭配】knock sb. off his pedestal / perch击败某人;显示某人不再首屈一指