Unit 3
Text I
sodden [5sCdn] adj. 浸透的,湿透的
【例句】It was in Burma, a sodden morning of the rains.那是在缅甸,一个泡在雨水中的清晨。
condemn [kEn5dem] v. 谴责;定罪,判处
【例句】The captured ship and her cargo were condemned. 这艘被俘获的船及其货物均被没收。
【词组】be condemned to被宣告…;(常与to连用)判以死刑或无期徒刑
【派生】condemnatory adj. 处罚的;非难的;定罪的
condemnation n. 谴责;定罪;非难的理由;征用
plank [plANk] n. 板条;政策条目,政策要点
【例句】He rescued a drowning child holding on to a plank. 他救起了一个紧紧抓住一块木板的溺水的孩子。
squat [skwRt] v. 蹲踞,跪坐;(指动物)蜷伏
【例句】They squatted down on the ground. 他们蹲在地上。
drape [dreip] v. 将(衣物、帘等)悬挂,披;使随便地悬挂,任意地伸出
【例句】Don’t drape your feet over the chair. 不要把腿悬空架在椅子边上。
puny [5pju:ni] adj. 弱小的,微不足道的
【例句】Puny though he looked, he was as brave as a lion. 他看上去虽然瘦弱,但人很勇敢。
wisp [wisp] n. 小捆,小束,一把
【例句】A wisp of hair straggled across her ear. 一束头发散落在她耳朵上。
【搭配】a wisp of a girl 瘦小的女孩儿
a wisp of smoke 一缕烟
wisp [5wC:dE(r)] n. 看守,守卫;典狱官
【例句】The warder was quite crude, but he soon began to relax a bit around this one prisoner.
gallows [5gAlEuz] n. 绞刑架
【例句】He is one of the greatest ruffians who ever cheated the gallows. 他是一个曾经逃过绞刑的最坏的恶棍。
stand by v. 袖手旁观;支持;准备
【例句】①How can you stand by when those boys are kicking the cat? 当那些孩子们在踢那只猫时,你怎能站在一旁不管呢?
②The word from headquarters is to stand by for war patrol number one. 司令部下令说要作好准备,进行一级战备侦察。
bayonet [5beiEnit] n. 枪刺,刺刀
【例句】He fixed a bayonet to the end of his rifle. 他在步枪口上安好了刺刀。
handcuff [5hAndkQf] n. [ pl. ]手铐
v. 给…戴上手铐,束缚
【例句】The police search and handcuff both men. 警官对他们俩进行了搜身,给他们上了手铐。
chain [tFein] n. 链,链条,项圈,表链;一系列,连锁;枷锁,镣铐,囚禁,束缚
v. 用链条拴住,拘禁,束缚
【例句】He detached a link from a chain. 他从链子上拆下一个链环。
【派生】chained adj. 链接的;装链的
caress [kE5res] n. 抚爱,轻吻
v. 抚爱,轻轻拥抱
【例句】He caressed his wife lovingly. 他爱怜地抚摸着他的妻子。
【助记】kiss是其缩写;care(爱护)+ kiss;care + ress(女性)。
grip [^rip] n. 紧握,紧咬,紧夹;掌握,支配,控制
v. 握(咬、夹)牢;掌握,支配,控制
【例句】She was unable to get to grips with her assailant. 她无力与袭击她的人扭打。
【词组】gripped by/with fear 吓住
come/get to grips with努力对付;认真谈论
in the grip of 受…控制
get a grip on 控制;把握关键;管束;抓拄
have a grip on 掌握,理解 [亦作 have a grip of];抓住,吸引(观众、听众等)
【派生】gripping adj. 扣人心弦的;引人注意的;令人全神贯注的
unresisting [5Qnri5zistiN] adj. 不反抗的,不抵抗的
【例句】He had pulled her down on to the ground, she was utterly unresisting, he could do what he liked with her.
limply [limpli] adv. 柔软地;四肢无力地
【例句】Her hands lying limply where they had happened to fall. 她的两只手娇慵地放在身边。
bugle [5bju:^l] n. 军号,喇叭
【例句】When he heard the bugle call, he caught up his gun and dashed out.
float [flEut] v. 漂浮,浮动,漂;成立;建议
n. 漂浮,漂浮物,浮标;游行花车
【例句】Wood floats on water. 木头漂浮在水上。
【词组】float on 浮在…上
float off 浮起;漂浮
barrack [5bArEk] n. 营房,兵营;(工地的)临时棚屋,工棚
【例句】The soldiers were at drill in the barrack square. 兵士们在营房的操场上操练。
superintendent [sju:pErin5tendnt] n. 监督人;负责人;主管;指挥者
【例句】The superintendent, a bundle of keys hanging from his belt, was standing at the door.
jail [dVeil] n. 监狱
v. 把…关入监狱
【例句】A day in jail cooled him off. 一天的铁窗生活使他冷静了下来。
【词组】in jail在监狱;在狱中服刑;被封锁了
go to jail入狱
prod [prCd] v. 刺,戳;激励,刺激
【例句】I shall have to prod him to pay me what he owes. 我将不得不催促他把欠我的钱还给我。
gravel [5^rAvEl] n. 铺路用的碎石,砂砾
【例句】More gravel is needed to fill the hollow in the drive. 需要更多的砾石来填平车道上的坑洼。
irritably [5iritEbli] adv. 性急地;暴躁地
【例句】He irritably refused their bribe. 他烦躁地拒绝了他们的贿赂。
set out 出发;开始;陈述
【例句】①He bade his wife farewell and set out on his journey. 他辞别了妻子便启程了。
②She set out the reasons for her resignation in a long letter. 她在一封长信里阐明了辞职原因。
magistrate [5mAdVistrit] n. 文职官员,地方官员;治安推事
【例句】The magistrate remanded him in custody for two weeks. 法官命令把他拘留两星期。
scalp [skAlp] n. 头皮;战利品
v. 剥头皮
【例句】①Indians used to scalp their enemies as a mark of victory.印第安人过去常把他们的敌人的头皮剥下作为胜利的象征。
②He is going to scalp me or burn me at the stake. 他要剥掉我的头皮或是在火刑柱上烧我。
up and down 上上下下;来来回回
【例句】①He looked me up and down in disbelief.他以怀疑的眼光上下打量我。
②He marched impatiently up and down the station platform. 他在月台上不耐烦地踱来踱去。
cut short打断;缩减
【例句】①Pompidou abruptly cut short his Chicago visit and returned to New York. 蓬皮杜断然中止了他对芝加哥的访问,回到了纽约。
②Her salary was cut short by her boss without any excuse. 她的工资无端被老板克扣。
【搭配】cut sb. short 打断某人
in full tide 一生中最美好的时刻
bowels [5bauEls] n. 肠,内脏
【例句】The sorrow is so deep that it seems to have cut the bowels to pieces. 愁肠寸断。
toil away长期劳累;吃力地走开
【例句】We toil away all the afternoon to get the house ready for our guest. 我们忙了一下午收拾房子准备迎接宾客。
solemn [5sRlEm] adj. 严肃的;庄重的,神圣的;郑重的;阴沉的;隆重的
【例句】We entered into a solemn bond. 我们缔结了一项正式协定。
【派生】solemnly adv. 庄严地;严肃地
solemnity n. 严肃;庄严
foolery [5fu:lErI] n. 愚蠢的行为,蠢事
【例句】This is excellent foolery. 这是一些精采的蠢话.
foresee [fC:5si:] v. 预见,预知
【例句】Do you foresee any problems with the new system? 对于这种新体制,你看会有什么问题吗?
【派生】foreseeable adj. 可预知的;能预测的
convict [5kCnvikt] vt. 证明…有罪,宣告…有罪;谴责
n. 罪犯
【例句】You can’t convict a man of a crime on circumstantial evidence alone. 不能只靠旁证就判定一个人有罪。
【词组】convict sb. of sth. 使某人确信某事
【派生】conviction n. 定罪;确信;证明有罪
servile [5sE:vail] adj. 奴性的,卑屈的
【例句】He spoke in a servile tone. 他用卑躬屈膝的腔调说话。
noose [nu:s, nu:z] n. 套锁;舒服;绞刑
v. 使落入圈套
【例句】①His debts were a noose around his neck. 债务就像套在他脖子上的一条套索。
②He cut the rope then and went astern to noose the tail. 然后他割下一截绳子,走到船梢去套住鱼尾巴。
reiterate [ri:5itEreit] vt. 重申;反复地做
【例句】I want to reiterate that our conventional weapons are superior. 我要再次重申,我们的常规武器是一流的。
on and on 继续不断地;不停地
【例句】We walk on and on in the dark over the loose gravel. 我们在黑暗中,在松软的砂砾上不停地走啊走。
poke [pEuk] v. 伸出;刺,戳,捅,触
n. 刺,触
【例句】A seal poked its head out of the water. 一只海豹把头探出了水面。
【词组】poke about/around 搜索;探问
poke into 探听;干涉
poke sth. in sth.(用手指﹑尖物等)在某物上扎(洞)
poke at sth. 反覆轻推某物
waver [5weivE] v. 减弱,动摇;犹豫不决
【例句】They are waver of flags and shouters of slogans. 他们都是些摇旗呐喊的人。
【助记】wav(摇动)+ er(表示人的后缀)→挥动者,示意者
throw up v. 抛起;呕吐
【例句】Or are they just going to throw up their hands and say you’re asking too much? 或许他们只会愤怒地挥舞着双手说你的要求太过分了?
【词组】throw off 摆脱,除去
throw sth. about/around 乱抛某物
throw oneself at sth. /sb. 冲向某物/某人
throw sth. together 仓促做出或制出某物
throw a fit 发脾气
clank [klANk] v. 发叮当声
【例句】Where doesn’t have wind and frost rain bloods test to have clank the lofty character?
twist [twist] v. 捻;拧;扭曲;蜿蜒曲折而行
n. 拧;歪曲;曲折
【例句】You have to twist the lid off, not pull it. 盖子是拧开的,不是拉开的。
【词组】twist up 扭歪;把…弄得很不正常
twist sth. (into sth.) 把(线等)捻或搓成绳等
twist sth. (from sth.) 捻成或搓成(绳子等)
twist sth. (round sth./round) 使某物缠绕或盘绕另一物;以缠绕或盘绕方式运动或生长
【派生】twisty adj. 扭曲的;弯弯曲曲的;狡猾的;转弯抹角的
revolve [ri5vClv] v. (使)旋转,(使)绕转;考虑,深思
【例句】The earth revolves both round the sun and on its own axis. 地球既公转又自转。
【词组】revolve around 围绕…转动;以…为中心
【派生】revolution n. 革命;旋转;运行;循环
reach out伸出;提供援助
【例句】①The black middle class must now reach out with more empathy and concern to the lower
class. 黑人中产阶级眼下必须对底层社会倾注更多的同情和关心。
②By day and by night it seemed they need only reach out to touch the sky. 不分白天黑夜,他们似乎只要一伸手就可以碰到天空。
oscillate [5Csileit] v. 使震荡;使动摇;犹豫
【例句】He seemed to oscillate between very drunk and icy sober. 他似乎是在酩酊大醉和完全清醒之间摆来摆去。
back out退回,收回
【例句】①Once you’ve given your word, don’t try to back out. 一旦许下诺言, 就不要想翻悔。
②I hope I can depend on you not to back out at the last moment. 我希望能信赖你不至于最后关头撒手不做。
ladle [5leidl] n. 长柄勺
v. (用勺)舀或盛
【例句】Mrs. King went to the big black stove and ladled out steaming soup.
homely [5hEumli] adj. 简单的,平常的;使人感到舒适的;相貌平平的
【例句】We had a homely meal of bread and cheese. 我们吃了一顿面包加乳酪的家常便餐。
jolly [5dVRli] adj. 快乐的,令人愉快的
v. 使高兴,使愉快
【例句】She’s not a person that you can jolly with. 她不是那种你可以与之开玩笑的人。
【助记】jolly 音“娇哩”→娇哩娇气→她娇哩娇气地敦促道:“嗯,快来嘛”。
snigger [5sni^E] vi. 暗笑,窃笑
【例句】Suddenly, three school kids sitting near me started sniggering.
chatter [5tFAtE(r)] v. 喋喋不休,饶舌;(鸟)啁啾,(松鼠等)吱吱叫,(溪流)潺潺作声,(机器)颤动;(牙齿)打战
n. 喋喋不休,PA. 啾,震颤声
【例句】①Who chatters to you will chatter of you. [谚] 来说是非者,必是是非人。
②He turned a deaf ear to his mother’s chatter. 他对母亲的唠唠叨叨听而不闻。
【词组】chatter nonsense喋喋不休地胡说一气
Eurasian [juE5reiViEn] adj. 欧亚的,欧亚人的
classy [5klB:si] adj. 优等的,上等的
【例句】A woman should be two things: classy and fabulous. 一个女人应该是这两样:优雅而惊艳。
garrulously [5^ArulEsli] adv. 啰嗦地,饶舌地
pass off停止;完成;忽视
【例句】①There was a thick mist, but it soon began to pass off. 雾气很浓,但不久就开始消散了。
②I’ve tried to pass off my accent as a convent school accent. 我努力将口音装成女修会学校的口音。
【搭配】pass oneself off as 冒充
pass sth. off as 以某物冒充
wriggle [5ri^l] v. 扭动;蠕动,蜿蜒前进
【例句】The babies are wriggling on their tummies. 婴儿们趴着扭来扭去。
refractory [ri5frAktEri] adj. 难控制的,不听话的
【例句】He is a very refractory child. 他是一个很倔强的孩子。
dislodge [dis5lCdV ] v. 逐出,用力移出
【例句】Heavy gunfire dislodged the enemy from the fort. 猛烈的炮火把敌人逐出要塞。
genially [dVi5naiEl] adv. 和蔼地,亲切地;快活地
【例句】Carrie smiled genially, grateful that he should condescend to advise her even so much.
(could) do with sth. 需要或乐意做某事
【例句】Do you feel like you could do with a change? 你想不想改变一下?
chuckle [5tFQkl] v. 轻声地笑,窃笑
【例句】He chuckled (to himself) as he read the newspapers. 他看报时暗暗(独自)发笑。
amicably [`AmIkEblI] adv. 友善地,和睦地
【例句】Steering according to the wind, he also framed his words more amicably.
Text II
stuff [stQf] n. 东西;某人的物品;事情;原料,材料
v. 填满,塞满;装,把…塞进
【例句】①Put that stuff over there. 将那堆材料放在那儿。
②His pocket was stuffed full of cards written in English. 他的口袋里塞满了英文卡片。
【词组】stuff up把…塞(堵)起来;(鼻腔因感冒)充满粘液
stuff (sb. /oneself) (with sth. ) 让(某人[自己])吃饱;狼吞虎咽地吃
【派生】stuffing n. 填料,填塞物
futility [fjU:`tIlEtI] n. 无效,无用,无益
【例句】But the dramatic scenes of hired workers washing oil off beaches turned out to be images of futility. 但工人们在沙滩上冲洗油污的结果却是徒劳无功。
to and fro 来来回回,往复地
【例句】The boat was rocking gently to and fro in the water. 小船在水中轻轻地来回摇荡。
resolute [5rezElju:t] adj. 坚决的,果断的
【例句】He stands resolute against difficulties. 他在困难面前不屈不挠。
【派生】resolutely adv. 坚决地;毅然地
resolution n. 决议;解决;决心
squeamish [5skwi:miF] adj. (因胃过敏)易恶心的;易受惊的,神经质的
【例句】To attain full growth, one mustn’t be squeamish. 一个人要充分成长,绝不能太拘小节。
sag [sA^] v. 下沉,下垂,下弯;(精神)萎靡,(情绪)低落
n. 下陷或松弛的程度,下陷或松弛
【例句】The tent began to sag as the canvas became wet. 帐篷因帆布湿了中间有些下坠。
agony [5A^Eni] n. 极度的痛苦;痛苦的挣扎
【例句】The wounded man was in agony. 受伤的人很痛苦。
【词组】in agony 痛苦不堪
remnant [5remnEnt] n. 剩余,残余;零头布
【例句】He has come to muster the beaten generals and remnant soldiers. 他前来收拾这些残兵败将。
【搭配】remnants of a meal残羹剩饭
a remnant sale布头的减价出售
topple [5tCpl] v. (使)倒塌,颠覆;倒下,倒塌;摇摇欲坠
【例句】This scandal could topple the government. 这一丑闻可能使政府倒台。
【词组】topple (over) 不稳而倒下
【助记】topple 音“逃跑”→政权被推翻,只好逃跑