Unit 5
Text I
1.paralyze [5pArElaIz] v. a) if something paralyses you, it makes you lose the ability to move part or all of your body, or to feel it使瘫痪,使麻痹 A stroke paralyzed half his face.中风使他半边脸瘫痪。b) to make sth unable to operate normally使不能正常活动:Fear of unemployment is paralyzing the economy.对失业的恐惧影响了经济的正常运行。
2.peninsula [pi5ninsjulE] n. a piece of land almost completely surrounded by water but joined to a large mass of land半岛:His house is located on the tip of peninsula.他的房屋坐落在半岛顶端。
3.afflict [E5flikt] v. to cause severe suffering or pain使受痛苦,折磨:Famine and war still afflict mankind.饥饿和战争仍旧困扰着人类。
4.install [in5stC:l] v. a) to set up安装:Security cameras were installed in the city center.市中心安装了安全摄像头。b) to put sb. in an important job or position使…正式就职:He was installed as the Chancellor of the university.他被正式任命为大学校长。
5.split-level—(of a building or room) having floors at different heights in different parts分层式:a split-level house分层式房屋
6.spent [spent] adj. a) extremely tired疲倦的:After a day’s hardworking, she felt so spent that she couldn’t focus on her learning.经过一整天的辛苦工作,她太疲惫了,没办法投入到学习中。b) already used and now empty or useless用过的,已废的,失效的:He found two spent matches.他发现两根用过的火柴。
7.hobble [5hCbl] v. a) to walk with difficulty蹒跚,跛行:He hobbled into the room on crutches.他拄着拐杖一瘸一拐地走进房间。b) to deliberately make sure that a plan, system cannot work successfully使行不通:Many start-ups are hobbled by a lack of sufficient capitals.许多新成立的公司都因资金不足而无法维持下去。
8.cripple [5kripl] n. someone who is unable to use his limbs, esp. the legs瘸子:My father is a cripple, my mother in poor health.我父亲是个残疾人,而我母亲身体又不好。
9.gusty [5^Qsti] adj. characterized by or blowing in strong rushes of wind阵风的,起大风的:They got out of the jeep and climbed in gusty wind.他们出了吉普车,顶着一阵阵狂风爬了上去。其名词形式为:gust一阵狂风
10.slash [slAF] v. a) to cut or try to cut something violently挥砍,鞭打:The scissors slashed his finger open.剪子把它的手指划了个口子。b) to greatly reduce an amount, price削减:The shop plans to slash the fur prices after Spring Festival.这家店决定在春节之后削减皮毛的价格。
11.jerk [dVE:k] v. to pull suddenly and quickly猛拉:She jerked the string and the puppet jumped.他猛一拉绳子,木偶就跳了起来。搭配jerk out意为“断断续续地说出”;jerk sb around意为“耍弄某人”。
12.bang [bAN] n. a) a sudden loud noise巨响,爆炸声:There was a loud bang outside the kitchen.厨房外发出了一声巨响。b) a painful blow to the body when you hit sth or sth hits you猛击,猛撞:She fell and got a nasty bang on the knee.她摔倒了,膝盖猛撞在地上。搭配with a bang意为“非常成功,轰轰烈烈引人注目地办一件事情”。
13.slick [slik] adj. a) smooth and slippery光滑的:The slick floor brought me down in a heavy fall.光滑的地板把我重重地摔了一跤。b) be good at persuading people, often in a way that does not seem honest圆滑的:a slick spokesperson一个圆滑的代言人。其名词形式为:slickness光滑
14.enormity [i5nC:miti] n. a) the quality of being very great, esp. in difficulty巨大,极大:Even now, the full enormities of his crime has not been exposed.直到现在,他巨大的罪恶还没有被披露出来。b) a very evil and cruel act弥天大罪
15.sweep [swi:p] v. a) to move quickly and smoothly (all over)扫过,掠过:His glance swept from right to left.他左右扫视了一圈。b) to clean the dust, dirt from the ground打扫,清扫:My mother sweeps the kitchen every day.妈妈每天都打扫厨房。c) to move quickly and confidently, especially when one is impatient or like to seem important大模大样地走:Jack swept into the meeting and demanded to know what was going on.杰克大摇大摆地走进会议室,问会议进行到哪里了。
16.thump [WQmp] v. a) to hit someone very hard with your hand closed用拳头狠击:If you don’t shut up, I will thump you.你再不住口,我就打你。b) bit very strongly and quickly because you are excited or feared(指心脏)急速跳动:The excitement made her heart thump.她兴奋地心脏怦怦直跳。
17.driveway [5draIvweI] n. a road for vehicles that connects a private house私人车道:The driveway was sheltered by a large cypress tree.车道被一株大柏树遮蔽着。
18.horn [hC:n] n. an apparatus which makes a loud warning sound喇叭,报警器:The driver blew her horn when the child stepped in front of the car.当那小孩走到汽车前面时, 司机按响了喇叭。
19.crutch [krQtF] n. a) a stick under one’s arm, for supporting a person who has difficulty in walking拐杖:When he broke his leg he had to walk on crutches.他腿摔断了以后, 不得不靠拐杖走路。b) something that gives someone support or help, especially sth that is not good精神寄托物:As things got worse at work, he began to use alcohol as a crutch.工作上遇到不顺时,他就借酒消愁。
20.bundle [5bQndl] v. to quickly push something or someone into something捆绑,把…塞入:The guest got very drunk so they bundled him into a taxi and sent him home.那位客人喝得酩酊大醉, 于是他们把他塞进一辆计程车,送他回家。搭配bundle off意为“寄走(包裹等)”;bundle up意为“捆(包等),使穿的暖暖的”。
21.slacken [5slAkEn] v. to become slower or less active使放慢,使迟缓:Ann allowed her pace to slacken.安放慢了自己的脚步。搭配slacken off意为“松弛,减弱”。
22.clank [klANk] n. a short loud sound低沉的金属声,叮当声:In their prisons today, you will still hear the clank of leg irons.在他们监狱里,你还能听到脚镣的叮当声。
23.jack [dVAk] n. an apparatus for lifting a car off the ground千斤顶:He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
24.tilt [tilt] v. to cause to slope使倾斜:Sonny tilted back in his chair.桑尼坐在椅子里, 斜靠着椅背。His eyes tilt more.他的眼睛挑得更斜了。搭配tilt with windmills意为“与假象的敌人或对手作战”。
25.interval [5intEvEl] n. a period of time between activities间隔时间:The interval between arrest and trial can be up to six months.被捕与审判之间的间隔时间可达六个月之久。搭配at regular intervals意为“定期地,适度地,合适距离地”。
26.frail [freil] adj. weak and poor in health脆弱的。憔悴的:She was so small and frail; she aroused your instincts of protection.她瘦小憔悴,唤起你本能的保护欲。搭配mentally / physically frail意为“精神不佳 / 身体虚弱”。
27.penetrate [5penitreit] v. a) to enter or pass (into / through)渗入,穿过:Water penetrated the room.水渗入房间里。b) to understand了解,明白:I heard what you said, but it didn’t penetrate.你的话我听见了, 但是没有听懂。其名词形式为:penetration渗透;洞察力
28.fumble [5fQmbl] v. to move the fingers in an attempt to do something乱摸,笨拙地弄:Benjamin fumbled for the light switch. 本杰明手忙脚乱地找电灯开关。短语fumble for意为“摸索着找…”。
29.indifference [In5dIfrEns] n. not caring about漠不关心,冷淡:He feigned indifference to criticism of his work.他假装毫不在意别人批评他的作品。
30.scriptural [5skrIptFEr(E)l] adj. according to a holy writing, esp. the Bible手稿的,圣经的,依据圣经的:respond to the scriptural call响应《圣经》的呼唤。
31.admonition [AdmE5niFEn] n. a warning or expression of disapproval about someone’s behavior告诫,劝告:It was an admonition then and an urgent need today.那在当时是忠告,而现在是一种急切的需要。
Text II
1.numb [nQm] adj. deprived of the power to feel or move normally麻木的,失去感觉的:His fingers were numb with cold.他的手冻得发麻。 v. to make or become numb使…麻木,使变麻木:She was completely numbed by the shock of her father’s death.她父亲去世造成的打击使她目瞪口呆。
2.catastrophic [9kAtE`strCfIk] adj. of a miserable or serious catastrophe灾难性的:It has been predicted that the Earth will tilt on its axis, causing catastrophic famine and disease.有人曾预言地球会导致大荒灾和疾病。
3.invalid [in5vAlid] n. someone who is ill, usually for a long time and often needing to be cared by another person病人,残疾人:He has been an invalid all his life.他终身残废。 adj. a) not legally or officially acceptable(法律上或官方)不承认的, 无效的:A passport that is out of date is invalid.护照过期是无效的。b) not based on true facts or clear ideas, and lacks good judgment无适当根据的,无充分事实的,站不住脚的:This is an invalid assumption.这是一个无根据的假设。
4.implication [7impli5keiFEn] n. a) the act of implying or the condition of implied暗示,含意:What are the implications of this statement?这一声明的含义是什么? b) be involved in a crime or a dishonest act卷入, 牵连,牵涉:We heard of his implication in a conspiracy.我们听说他被牵连在叛乱案中。
5.adversity [Ed5vE:siti] n. a difficult or unlucky situation or event不幸,灾祸:The true features of a man is shown in adversity; the strength of a horse is tested on a muddy road.患难识人,泥泞知马。
6.grab [^rAb] v. a) to take hold of something or someone suddenly or roughly抓住,攫取:Kay grabbed hold of my arm to stop herself falling.凯紧紧地抓着我的胳膊不让自己掉下去。b) to get some food or sleep quickly because you are busy(尤指匆忙地)取,拿,吃,喝:Let’s grab a bite to eat before we go.在我们去之前稍微吃些东西。c) to get something for yourself, sometimes in an unfair way(尤指自私、贪婪地)捞取,赚取,抢占::Bob tried to grab all the profit.鲍勃试图攫取所有的利益。
7.conspiracy [kEn5spirEsi] n. an agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful act阴谋,共谋:Several generals formed a conspiracy to overthrow the government.几名将军进行颠覆政府的阴谋活动。
8.stride [straid] v. to walk somewhere quickly with long steps大步行走,跨过:She strode purposefully up to the door and knocked loudly.她故意地大步走到门前, 并大声敲门。 n. the act of striding跨步:He walked with long strides.他迈着大步走去。搭配put sb. off his stride意为“打乱某人的工作节奏,使某人失去镇静”。
9.accomplishment [E5kCmpliFmEnt] n. a) something successful or impressive that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard work成绩,成就:Several important milestones in foreign policy have been passed by this Congress and they can be chalked up as major accomplishments.这次代表大会通过了对外政策中几起划时代的事件,并且它们可作为主要成就记录下来。b) the act of finishing or achieving something good完成,实现:Money will be crucial to the accomplishment of our objectives.要实现我们的目标,钱是至关重要的。c) an ability to do something well, or the skill involved in doing something well技能, (社交上的)才艺,专长:Her technical accomplishment on the piano is startling.她在钢琴方面的造诣令人惊歎。