1. 为什么现代社会保险起源于德国,而非当时世界上最为富裕的国家英国?
2. 根据各国推出社会保险的时间和原因,讨论社会保险对一国社会经济发展有哪些方面的作用?
3. 社会保险税和社会保险费各有何优劣之处?
4. 下表是各国公共养老保险支出占GDP比重及随时间的变化,分析我国养老保险支出水平较低的原因。

[2]See Culter,D.M. and R. Johnson,The Birth and Growth of the Social Insurance State: Explaining Old Age and Medical Insurance across Countries,Public Choice,2004,120,pp.87-121;Caucutt,E.,T. Cooley and N. Gunder,The Farm,the City,and the Emergence of Social Security,NBER Working Paper,2007,(12854).
[4]See Culter,D.M. and R. Johnson,The Birth and Growth of the Social Insurance State: Explaining Old Age and Medical Insurance across Countries,Public Choice,2004,120,pp. 87-121.
[5]See M. Feldstein,Rethinking Social Insurance,American Economic Review,2005,95(1),pp. 1-24.
[6]See Mulligan,C. B. & X. Salaimartin,Social Security in Theory and Practice(ii): Efficiency Theories,Narrative Theories,and Implications for Reform,Economics Working Papers,1999.
[7]See Mirrless,J. A.,An Exploration in the Theory of Optimum Income Taxation,Review of Economic Studies,1971,38(114),pp.175-208.
[8]See Diamond,P.,A Framework for Social Security Analysis,Journal of Public Economics,1977,8(3),pp.275-298.
[9]See Friedman,M. R. Friedman,Capitalism and Freedom,Chicago: University of Chicago Press,2002.
[11]See P. Diamond,Administrative Costs and Equilibrium Charges with Individual Accounts,NBER Working Paper,1999,(7050).