11.1 Matters of discipline in respect of the conduct of Advocates are governed by the Faculty of Advocates Disciplinary Rules, which are published separately.Advocates must adhere to any statutory obligations enacted in legislation in relation to regulation of the legal profession.
11.2 Any complaint in respect of the conduct of an Advocate should be addressed to the Dean.
11.3 The Dean may summon an Advocate to explain his conduct.The Advocate must obey that summons forthwith and explain his conduct as fully as the Dean may require.Where the complaint is remitted by the Dean to the Investigating Committee or the Disciplinary Tribunal in terms of the Disciplinary Rules or is such as requires to be investigated and determined by the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission, the Advocate concerned must obey any summons to appear and must co-operate with the reasonable requirements of the Committee or Tribunal or of the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission, as the case may be.
11.4 An Advocate may, if it is necessary to his defence, disclose information communicated to him in confidence by the client or any other person, insofar as it is relevant to a proper investigation of the complaint.All those involved in the inquiry are bound by their professional duty not to disclose confidential information so disclosed.