8.2 From whom may an Advocate accept instructions?
8.2.1 An Advocate may not accept instructions direct from a client, except in cases detailed in Appendix D.Instructions must come from another professional person who represents the client.The persons from whom instructions may be accepted are listed in the Appendix.Instructions may only be accepted in relation to Court or tribunal appearances from professionals entitled to practise before the relevant Court or tribunal.
8.2.2 Where a Dean’s Ruling is in force regulating the acceptance of instructions from a particular solicitor or firm of solicitors, an Advocate may only accept instructions from that solicitor or firm on the conditions laid down by the Dean’s Ruling.
8.2.3 While there is no rule which prevents an Advocate giving free legal advice at a Legal Advice Centre or similar institution, he should remember the limitations on his power to act explained in paragraph 1.2.3 above.
8.2.4 While there is no rule which prevents an Advocate giving legal advice to a relative or friend, he should remember that it is not always possible to advise a relative or friend with the degree of objectivity which the case requires.