7 惯用语be accustomed to既可接动名词也可接不定式,都是正确英语
问:我在最近的教学过程中遇到这样一道选择题:(1)Is she accustomed to in the countryside?
A. living
B. live
C. lived
D. have lived
标准答案是A,这是短语be accustomed to doing的一贯用法,可是在平时的阅读中,我却遇到下面的两个句子:
(2)I am accustomed to sleep and in my dreams to imagine the same things that lunatics imagine when awake.
这里在be accustomed to之后用了动词原形sleep和imagine,而未用动名词形式,请问这种用法是否合适?此外,在W. K. Marriott英译的Nicolo Machiavell著的The Prince,Chapter5中有这样的句子:
(3)And he who becomes master of a city accustomed to freedom and does not destroy it…But when cities or countries are accustomed to live under a prince, and his family is exterminated, they, being on the one hand accustomed to obey and on the other hand not having the old prince…
其中出现了be accustomed to后接名词(freedom),动词原形(live,obey)和动名词(not having)的三种形式,请问这都是正确用法吗?be accustomed to do这种用法是否已经不用了?请解释。
答:惯用语be accustomed to意为:“习惯于……”(be used to sth., adapted to sth.),通常后接动名词、名词或代词,是正式用法。例如:
(4)I’m not accustomed to getting up so early.
(5)English people are accustomed to driving on the left.
(6)I am accustomed to the cold in Alaska.
那么,be accustomed to后接动词原形这一用法是否是错误的或者现在已经不用了呢?有的研究者说,be accustomed to后接动名词,表示比较简单的动作,后接动词原形则表示比较复杂的行为;也有人认为后接动词原形是古旧用法,不宜提倡或模仿,应当避免使用……其实,在实际的语言运用中,be accustomed to通常既可接动名词,有时也可接动词原形,只是不如接动名词普遍而已。Practical English Usage(Michael Swan编,牛津大学出版社1980年出版)认为:be accustomed to后接动名词或动词原形都可以,两者在意义上区别不大,均是正确英语。例如:
(7)I’m not accustomed to associating with society people like you.
(8)Mrs. Babbitt was not accustomed to leave home during the winter.
(9)We are accustomed to working(或work)hard.
(10)He is accustomed to say that we are the future masters of China.
(11)The child was accustomed to have her own way.(这孩子任性惯了。)
(12)These children are accustomed to swim in this lake.
另外,be accustomed to中的动词be可代之以become,get,grow,仍意为:“习惯于……”,例如:
(13)It took ages to get accustomed to living abroad.(花了很长时间才习惯了在国外生活。)
(14)I’ve grown accustomed to looking after you.