扫一眼Part 2所有运动类的历年真题汇总。因为想搞定一个特定话题,首先要知道ETS都喜欢出什么样的相关话题。看的时候,注意扫一下运动类题目里,最常考的话题是什么。我们会把ETS常考的此类真题放在表格最上方,以便大家了解高频话题,锁定目标,然后各个击破。
第一类 运动


正式开始学习每个小问题的素材。开始前,依然是扫读一下树状话题拓展图,看每个问题下面的回答标题。比如,第一个小问题是:Why are sports important? 回答的小标题为:教会很多人生道理、团队合作、放松、减肥、交流+增进感情。大家不需要背诵每个回答,正如前言所说,本书想给大家尽可能地提供个性化的选择。

运动之所以重要,有的同学可能觉得是因为它能减压;还有的同学可能觉得是因为它能让我们学会合作,增进与朋友之间的感情。那么对于前者,就直接选择学习"放松” 下面的素材,而后者,则可以跳过自己不感兴趣的素材,直接学习“团队合作”以及"交流+增进感情”的素材。
1.3 放松
Sports are also a great way to relax, especially for those engaged in intellectual work, like students and office employees. A badminton game in ShouTi gymnasium
will ease all your stress from work or study. Also, it feels great to sweat after an intense competition with a powerful opponent.
大家可以充分发挥自己的创造力,对原文进行改写。比如,有一位同学拿到这个段落后,发现根本就不爱打羽毛球,平时都是打篮球,或者喜欢跑歩。那么,完全可以把第二句的内谷从a badminton game in ShouTi gymnasium 改成a jog in the Olympic Forest Park 或者an intense basketball match in our college student fitness center。再比如,他可能并不觉得出汗很爽,或者他压根就不大出汗。那么第三句,可以灵活改为:并且,在战胜一个强大的对手后(贏得比赛后),感觉特别爽。最终,这位同学发挥创造力后,就创造出了属于自己的运动素材段落。成果如下,下划线部分为修改的部分。
Sports are also a great way of relaxation, especially for those engaged in mental work, like students and office employees. An intense basketball match in a college student fitness center will ease all your pressure from stressful work or study. Also, it just feels great to beat a powerful opponent and to win a match with crowds watching.
1.5 交流+增进感情
Sports provide us with great opportunities to bond with our colleagues and friends. For example, my classmate Jason had not been close to our instructor in his freshman year. However, because they both love to work out, they became best friends when Jason was a sophomore,given their frequent morning interactions at the student fitness center
. We all know the importance of maintaining a good relationship with our classmates and colleagues. So, it seems to me exercising is a great way to expand your social circle
Sports provide us with great opportunities to bond with our colleagues and friends. For example, I was pretty lonely and had few friends in my freshman year. So, I joined the swimming club, hoping that I can make some friends. I met a boy/girl, xxx, who also loves to swim. We soon became best friends and in the end, he/she even became my boyfriend/girlfriend. So, it seems to me exercising is a great way for expanding social circle.
第一个小问题的学习结束了。接着,这位同学来到第二个小问题:How often do you exercise? 这时,他想到自己平时基本很少运动,如果运动,也可能只是一个月1〜2次。那么在选择学习素材段落的时候,则可以选择直接背诵"不锻炼",以及将“一周两次” 改写成“一个月两次”。
2.3 不锻炼
I rarely exercise. Sports just aren't the thing for me. I suck at sports. And I just hate sweating all over my body. In comparison, I prefer less intense
activities such as reading, playing the guitar, or simply chatting with my pals.
I do not exercise. I don't like playing sports. I am not good at sports. I just hate sweat all over my body. In contrast, I prefer less intense activities such as reading, playing the guitar, or chatting with my friends.
• [+ing Torm of verb]
• [+to infinitive]
那么,发现自己犯了语法错误,应该改成sweating或者to sweat,这样就学会了动词hate的用法。以后在口语和写作中就会注意该动词的用法了。
下一句,对比后发现原文使用的是In comparison,而这位同学使用的是In contrast。查词典后发现,这个替换其实没有问题,可以保留。
所以同学们在背诵时,也可以自己灵活调整,比如上面一个文段虽然第一句说的是 "我平时不运动”,但原文说的是很少运动,这样的一些改编,只要自己说得顺口,都是可以适当调整的。其次,同学们可以通过比对原文,来丰富自己的语言表达方式,比如第二句,这位同学的语言习惯可能是I don't like sports,但是通过比对原文发现还有sports just aren't the thing for me这样的表述方式,所以可以借此机会吸收一些地道的表达。
另外,再推荐给大家一个准备素材的好网站:Wikipedia。比如,我们学习运动素材中的第14个小问题“你最想学习的运动是什么?”时,我们看到回答有滑雪、骑马、篮球。但这时有的同学喜欢乒乓球或者台球,但素材里并没有写,怎么办?到Wikipedia上去捜索这些运动。比如乒乓球,查词典后得知是ping-pong或table tennis: 台球,查词典后得知叫pool或pocket billiards。这时我们登陆Wikipedia首页去搜索这些关键词,即可得到相关信息。比如,我们搜索pool得到以下结果。
Pool (Cue Sports)
Pool, also more formally known as pocket billiards (mostly in North America) or pool billiards[1] (mostly in Europe and Australia), is the family of cue sports and games played on a pool table having six receptacles called pockets along the rails, into which balls are deposited as the main goal of play. An obsolete term for pool is six-pocket. [2]
There are hundreds of pool games. Some of the more well-known include eight-ball (and the variant blackball), nine-ball (with variants ten-ball and seven-ball), straight pool (14.1 continuous), one-pocket, and bank pool.
There are also hybrid games combining aspects of both pool and carom billiards, such as American four-ball billiards, cowboy pool, and bottle pool.
通常百科里都会给出这个运动的基本规则、发展历史、装备,以及一些著名的球星。 TOEFL口语和写作里有时会需要我们给出一个具体化的人物例子,比如像这道口语题:
Some think that natural talent and ability is more important for an athlete; others think that hard work is more important. What do you think?
如果你想拿丁俊晖举例,就去Wikipedia搜索Ding Junhui,出现以下结果:
Ding Junhui (Chinese: 丁俊晖;pinyin: D ī ng J ù nhu ī ;[5] born on 1 April 1987) is a Chinese professional snooker player and the most successful Asian player in the history of the sport. He began playing snooker at age 9, and rose to international prominence in 2002 after winning the Asian Under-21 Championship, the Asian Championship, and becoming the youngest winner of the IBSF World Under-21 Championship at age 15.
Of course, natural talent is more important for an athlete. Take Ding Junhui for example. He is the most famous pool player in China, and he started to play snooker at age 9. not denying that he did practice very hard, and he did practice like crazy. But he rose to international prominence in 2002 after winning the Asian Under-21 Championship. He was only 15 at that time. It is an honor that many would never dream of. My point is that not all of us have the potential to rise to such heights, even with practice.
这时,如果段落太短不够撑够45秒,我们完全可以举两个例子,再搜一个林丹的例子加进来。搜Lin Dan就会直接出现结果。
另外一个很好的网站是丫ouTube,因为YouTube上有大量的优质视频资源,比如crash course,里面包含了很多不同的系列,现在该频道中最火的几个系列有:世界史、美国史、哲学、物理、电影制作、电脑、生物、文学、化学,等等。其实学习和准备托福素材是个很有意思的环节,如果你不着急短期内出分的话。笔者推荐大家一定要将学习和兴趣相结合,这样才能最大化我们的学习效率。Remember, learning English is fun.
Which of the following qualities do you admire the most (or would you be most interested in getting) ? Art skills, language skills or sports skills? Use details and explanations in your response.
三选一的题型,我们就选sports skills来答题吧。题目问的是你最想掌握的技能是什么?这时可以重新扫一眼这一类话题的树状话题拓展图,发现第1个小问题"Why are sports important?" 和第7个小问题 "What's special about sports?" 正好可以派上用场。我们现在可以使用的素材有:教会人生道理、团队合作、放松、减肥、增进感情、增强体力、增强灵活性、增强手臂力量。这时,我们随意组合,即可轻松凑够45秒。
The quality that I admired most is sports skills, because I often get sick lately. For example, if I get trained in running and start to run every day, I' II have better stamina. I would have to run back and forth constantly. At first, I might feel out of breath. But weeks later, I will feel more energetic. It's in fact a very good cardio exercise that can prevent sickness. Also, sports are a great way of relaxation, especially for those engaged in intellectual work, like students and office employees. A badminton game in ShouTi gymnasium will ease all my pressure from stressful study. When my pressure is relieved, I am less likely to get sick.
1.3 放松
Sports are also a great way to relax, especially for those engaged in intellectual work, like students and office employees. A badminton game in ShouTi gymnasium
will ease all your stress from work or study. Also, it feels great to sweat after an intense competition with a powerful opponent.
7.1 增强体力
It builds stamina. You have to run back and forth constantly. At first, you might feel out of breath. But weeks later, you'll feel more energetic. It's in fact, a very good cardio exercise, which helps with weight loss.
Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like comouters, smartphones, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simpler toys or playing outside with their mends would be better for the children's development.
Research shows that children who constantly participate in sports tend to attain higher heights and healthier than those who do not. Parents all wish their children to be at least 6 feet high and be vigorous and outgoing.Playing sports is a perfect way to achieve all the wishes of parents. For one thing, sports stimulate the growing of bones and muscle tissues. For another thing, playing team sports would naturally teach children how to cooperate and communicate with others. Both are vital skills for children' s future success.
Also, sports are also a great way of relaxation, especially for those engaged in intellectual work, like students and office employees. A badminton game in ShouTi gymnasium will ease all your pressure from stressful work or study. Also, it feels great to sweat after an intense competition with a powerful opponent. Another example is that I like to go jogging alongside the edge of the park in my neighborhood.
For one thing, the air quality in the morning is extremely refreshing. I am extremely picky when it comes to air quality. When air quality is bad because of smog, I would even try my best to avoid going outside, not to mention exercise. Everyone knows that air quality is terrible in dorms when your roommates spend the entire night smoking while playing video games. Breathing fresh air freely after a quick run just feels great. For another thing, the beautiful scenery lightens my day. I also have this thing for enjoying the green color from trees and grass. I always feel pumped up after a short run.
4.2 公园
I like to go jogging along the edge of the park in my neighborhood. For one thing, the air quality in the morning is extremely refreshing. I am extremely picky when it comes to air quality. When air quality is bad because of smog, I try my best to avoid going outside, not to mention
exercising Breathing fresh air after a quick run just feels great. For another thing, the beautiful scenery lighten my day
. I also have this thing for enjoying the green of the trees and grass. I always feel pumped up after a short run.
1.3 放松
Sports are also a great way to relax, especially for those engaged in intellectual work, like students and office employees. A badminton game in ShouTi gymnasium
will ease all your stress from work or study. Also, it feels great to sweat after an intense competition with a powerful opponent.
13.2 运动更重要
Research shows that children who constantly participate in sports tend to attain higher heights and better health than those who do not. Parents all wish their children to be at least 6 feet tall and be vigorous1 and outgoing. Playing sports is a perfect way to achieve all the wishes of parents. For one thing, sports stimulate the growing of bone and muscle tissues. For another thing2, playing team sports naturally teaches children how to cooperate and communicate with others. Both are vital skills for children's future success.
1.5 交流+增进感情
Sports provide us with great opportunities to bond with our colleagues and friends. For example, my classmate Jason had not been close to our instructor in his freshman year. However,because they both love to work out, they became best friends when Jason was a sophomore, given their frequent morning interactions at the student fitness center
. We all know the importance of maintaining a good relationship with our classmates and colleagues. So, it seems to me exercising is a great way to expand your social circle