List 3
elective [ɪˈlektɪv]
adj.选举的;可选择的 n.选修科目
➢ Besides the required courses, I'm taking an elective in computer.除了必修课外,我正在选修一门电脑课。
➢ elective course 选修课
➢ elective system 选修制
registration [ˌredʒɪˈstreɪʃn]
➢ He showed up late for registration.他注册时来晚了。
➢ registration number 注册号
➢ vehicle registration 车辆登记
doctorate [ˈdɑːktərət]
➢ He earned his doctorate in philosophy.他获得了哲学博士学位。
➢ doctorate in the mathematics 数学博士学位
associate [əˈsəʊʃɪeɪt]
v.联想;联合 n.伙伴;同事;同伴 adj.副的;共事的;有联系的
➢ We should associate ourselves with this large firm.我们应该和这家大公司联合。
➢ associate with sb.与某人交往、联系
➢ associate closely 密切地联系
cram [kræm]
v.塞满;猛吃;仓促备考 n.仓促备考;挤成一堆的人群
➢ This box is crammed with Christmas gifts.这个盒子里塞满了圣诞礼物。
➢ cram up English for an exam 死记英语应付考试
➢ cram sth. down sb.'s throat 把某物硬塞给某人吃下去;死记硬背
final [ˈfaɪnl]
➢ We are all satisfied with the final result.我们都对最终的结果感到满意。
➢ final examination 期终考试
➢ tennis final 网球决赛
mid-term [ˈmɪdˈtɜːrm]
➢ Before you go, I have some handouts for you concerning the midterm exams next week.下课之前,我要把有关下周期中考试的资料发给你们。
registrar [ˌredʒɪˈstrɑːr]
➢ Go to the registrar of the university to know your grades.去大学注册主任那里了解你的评分。
➢ school registrar 学校注册主任
dorm [dɔːrm]
➢ She's not feeling well and is staying in the dorm.她感觉不舒服,因此待在宿舍里。
➢ dormitory 集体宿舍
quad [kwɑːd]
v.用空铅填 n.四边形(=quadrangle);(尤指大学的学院等的)四方院子
➢ a quadrangle surrounded by buildings 一个被房屋围绕的方形院子
flunk [flʌŋk]
v.(使)失败;(使)考试不及格 n.失败;不及格
➢ If you flunk finals you don't get the chance to do them again.若你最后考试失败,你没有再做一次的机会了。
➢ flunk out 退学,因考试不及格而被学校除名
incomplete [ˌɪnkəmˈpliːt]
➢ There usually was incomplete learning in the first place.最开始的学习通常是没有终结的。
➢ You know, the story may seem real, but I bet it's incomplete.这个故事可能是真的,但是很可能是不完整的。
➢ In 2012, with incomplete data to October, the figure stood at 33,530.在2012年,截止到十月的不完全统计,这个数字已经攀升到33530。
extension [ɪkˈstenʃn]
➢ He asked for an extension of his visa.他申请延长签证有效期。
➢ further extension 进一步延长
➢ extension number 分机号码
principal [ˈprɪnsəpl]
adj.主要的;首要的 n.本金;资本;校长;主角
➢ Our principal problem is lack of time.我们主要问题就是缺少时间。
➢ He is going to fill the position of principal.他将去担任校长的职务。
➢ the principal of college 学院院长
➢ principal food 主要食物
sociology [ˌsəʊsɪˈɑːlədʒɪ]
➢ Economics and sociology are social sciences.经济学和社会学都属于社会科学。
➢ A few years ago, sociology is the most popular subject for undergraduates.几年前,社会学是最受大学本科生欢迎的课程。
➢ economic sociology 经济社会学
schedule [ˈskedʒuːl]
n.时间表,日程;一览表;计划 v.预定;安排;编制目录
➢ The speaker is scheduled to make a speech tomorrow.演讲者定于明天发表演说。
➢ Have you made the examination schedule? 你已经安排了考试日程吗?
➢ ahead of schedule 提前
➢ behind schedule 晚了,迟了
financial aid
➢ You need to fill out another form for financial aid.你需要填写另外一张申请经济资助的表格。
➢ admission&financial aid 奖学金及招生信息
folder [ˈfəʊldər]
➢ The folder was sandwiched in between the two bulging files in the drawer.这个硬纸夹被挤在抽屉里的两个鼓鼓的档案夹里了。
➢ file folder 文件夹
➢ program folder 程序文件夹
locker [ˈlɑːkər]
➢ We have to find the locker to get the key.我们必须找到上锁的人拿钥匙。
➢ locker room 衣帽间
➢ medical locker 医药柜
coursework [ˈkɔːrswɜːrk]
➢ Graduate students are expected to complete additional coursework.研究生必须要完成额外的课程作业。
➢ Coursework is taken into account as well as exam results.除考试结果外,课程作业也要计入成绩。
textbook [ˈtekstbʊk]
➢ There is a glossary at the end of the textbook.这本教科书后面有词汇表。
➢ introductory textbook 入门教科书
➢ textbook on advanced grammar 高级语法课本
attendance [əˈtendəns]
➢ My attendance at school is excellent.我在学校的出勤情况极好。
➢ Attendance at the meeting is mandatory.这个会议是必须出席的。
➢ miss attendance 缺席
dean [diːn]
➢ The dean assembled the students in the auditorium.教务长把学生集合在礼堂里。
➢ Accompanied by the dean, they visited the hospital.在院长的陪同下,他们参观了医院。
diploma [dɪˈpləʊmə]
➢ He obtained a diploma in architecture.他获得了建筑学的学位证书。
➢ music diploma 音乐学位证书
➢ diploma in education 教育学文凭
laboratory [ˈlæbrətɔːrɪ]
➢ The school has a large biological laboratory.这所学校有一个很大的生物实验室。
➢ The students will have an experiment in the laboratory tomorrow.学生们明天要在实验室里做实验。
➢ research laboratory 研究实验室
➢ laboratory coat 实验服
minor [ˈmaɪnər]
adj.轻微的;较小的;次要的 n.辅修科目v.辅修
➢ She played a minor role in the movie.她在电影中扮演了一个次要的角色。
➢ minor element 微量元素
major [ˈmeɪdʒər]
adj.较多的;主要的;严重的 n.成年人;主修(科目)v.主修
➢ We have encountered major problems.我们已遇到重大的问题。
➢ She majored in maths and physics at university.她在大学期间主修数学和物理。
➢ major in 主修,专攻
➢ major subjects 主修专业科目
prerequisite [ˌpriːˈrekwəzɪt]
n.先决条件;前提 adj.作为前提的;必备的
➢ Careful study of the market is a prerequisite for success.仔细研究市场情况是取得成功的先决条件。
➢ Good muscles are one of the prerequisites of physical fitness.肌肉发达是身体健康的必备条件之一。
➢ prerequisite course 预修课程
proposal [prəˈpəʊzl]
➢ The manager made a proposal for uniting the two companies.经理提出了将两家公司联合起来的建议。
➢ agree to sb.'s proposal 同意某人的建议
➢ compromise proposal 折中方案
➢ make a proposal to sb.向某人求婚
syllabus [ˈsɪləbəs]
➢ The professor is passing out the course syllabus.教授正在派发课程大纲。
➢ examination syllabus 考试大纲