This paper explores the so-called Marx-Sraffa-von Neumann model, which allows joint production and in which inequality conditions define the equilibrium without forthcoming demand exceeding the supply of this term by applying the multi-sectoral linear economic model of wages prepayment.
First, the view plan theory proposed by Kantorovich(1965)is transformed in order to apply it to an economic plan and consider a standard maximum problem.In other words, the basket of consumption goods under supply and demand conditions that cover several terms as well as the last term are maximized.
Next, the restraint of fixed capital and the influence of economic activity on population dy-namics are taken into consideration.Besides the optimal program, this paper compares these findings with a state without restraint by applying a labor resource constraint as an additional condition.
Finally, based on the presented theoretical models, we apply this case to the Chinese economy using the marginal fixed capital coefficient of China estimated by Li(2011)in order to determine the mid-and long-term features.In addition, we distinguish between the inverse operation method of calculating system coefficients that contain used fixed capital goods(in line with Kantorovich's view plan theory)from the system coefficients of only brand-new goods, according to the method of Okishioand Nakatani(1975).