西方经济学评论 2013卷 第1辑(总第3辑)


[1]Bruno Jetin, Ozan E.Kurt, Su Anna.Unbalanced Distribution of Income and Unbalanced Chinese Growth:Single Equation Estimations Based on Bhaduri/Marglin Model.AHE, IIPPE and AFEP Conference paper,2012.

[2]Chen X, Cheng L, Fung K.C., Lau L, Sung Y.Domestic Value Added and Employment Generated by Chinese Export:a Quantitative Estimation,2008.

[3]Daudin G, Monperrus-Veroni P, Rifflart C, Schweiguth D.Le commerce extérieur en valeur ajoutée.Revue de l'OFCE,2006.

[4]Dean J, Fung K.C., Wahng Z.Measuring the Vertical Specialization in Chinese Trade.Office of Economics Working Paper of U.S.International Trade Commission,2007.

[5]Hummels D, Ishii J, Yi K.M..The Nature and Growth of Vertical Specialization in World Trade.Journal of International Economics,2001(54):75-96.

[6]Linden G, Kenneth L.Kraemer, Jason Dedrick.Who Captures Value in a Global Innovation System? The Case of Apple's iPod Personal Computing Industry Centre, 2007.

[7]Kiichiro Fukasaku, Bo Meng, Norihiko Yamano.Recent Developments in Asian Economic Integration:Measuring Indicators of Trade Integration and Fragmentation. OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers,2011.

[8]Koopman Robert, Zhi Wang, Shang Jin Wei.How Much of Chinese Exports is Really Made in China? Assessing Foreign and Domestic Value Added in Gross Export. NBER Working Paper1409,2008.

[9]Ping Xinqiao.Vertical Specialization and Intra-industry Trade With the Sino-US Trade Relations.CCER Working Paper No.2005005,2005.

[10]Sébastien Miroudot, Rainer Lanz, Alexandros Ragoussis.Trade in Intermed-i ate Goods and Services.OECD Trade Policy Working Paper No.93,2009.

[11]Su Anna.Measuring Cost and Non-Cost Competitiveness of Chinese Manufacturing:International Comparison.CEPN Working Paper NO.2011-2019,2011.

[12]Tomoko Mori, Hitoshi Sasaki.Interdependence of Production and Income in Asia-Pacific Economies:An International Input-Output Approach.Bank of Japan Working Paper Series,2007.

[13]Zhang Y, Zhao K.China's Input-Output Table Compilation and Its Extensions,2006.