Unit 1
Group 1
determination [dɪˌtɜ:mɪ‘neɪʃn] n. 决心;果断;决定;确定;测定;计算;衡量
例 Through ingenuity and dogged determination, in calculated symbolism and unwitting remembrance, for over 300 years Black Americans have kept various ties to Africa intact.——SAT 2006年10月,Section 2
记 de-termin-at-ion
de-=down,如“depravity” (堕落) (SAT 2007年1月,Section 8)
termin=limit, boundary,如“terminology” (术语) (SAT 2008年5月,Section 9)
-ate*(1)形容词后缀,表示“有……性质的,有……味道的” ,如“intimate” (亲密的)(SAT OG Test 4, Second Edition, Section 5)
-ion*抽象名词后缀,表示“行为” “过程” ,如“devotion” (贡献) (SAT 2009年10月,Section 7)
unsuitability [ˌʌnˌsJtə‘bɪlətɪ] n. 不相称;不适合;不适当记 un-suit-abil-ity
un-=not,如“unreliable” (不可靠的) (SAT 2011年5月北美版,Section 3)
-able*形容词后缀,表示“有能力” “适合” ,被修饰的名词有被动的意思,如“impracticable” (不切实际的) (SAT 2006年10月,Section 9)
-ity *名词后缀,如“durability” (耐久性) (SAT 2005年10月,Section 8)
ability [ə‘bɪlətɪ] n. 能力;本领;能耐;才能;才干;才智
例 The principal evidence that has been cited for Kanzi’s ability to understand language comes from his comprehension of spoken English.——SAT 2012年10月,Section 8坎齐有理解语言的能力的主要依据来自他对英语口语的理解。
instinct [‘ɪnstɪŋkt] n. 本能;直觉;天性;本性
例 I am not an adept aesthetician, and I could not presume to analyze Martha’s sense of design or approach toward design. But I believe she dealt with the elements of line and direction with the instincts of a mathematician or physicist, adding to each their emotional relations.——SAT OG Test 6, Second Edition, Section 3
记 in-stinct
in-=in; on,如“ingrained” (根深蒂固的) (SAT 2012年5月亚洲版,Section 9)
stinct=prick,如“distinctive” (与众不同的) (SAT OG 2013年10月北美版,Section 5)
reluctance [rɪ‘lʌktəns] n. 不愿意;勉强;磁阻
例 At a preconcert interview in 2000 for the performance of one of her world in London, Rhian Samuel was asked about her well-known reluctance to be considered a Welsh composer.——SAT 2010年5月,Section 2
记 re-luct-ance
re-=back; against,如“retard” (延迟) (SAT OG Test 6, Second Edition, Section 3)luct=struggle
-ance*抽象名词后缀,如“ordinance” (法令) (SAT 2012年1月,Section 8)
useless [‘ju:sləs] adj. 无用的;无价值的;无效的;无能的
例 Depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before. It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones.——SAT 2008年1月,Section 5
所以, (真实的情况会变成这样, )每一次知识有所增加,一些已知的知识就被忘掉。因此,不要让没用的知识挤掉有用的知识,这一点最重要。
记 use-less
-less*形容词后缀,表示“没有”的意思,反义词为“-ful” ,如“spotless” (无瑕疵的)(SAT 2010年1月,Section 7)
helpful [‘helpfl] adj. 有帮助的;有益的;有用的
例 Sublime landscapes do not therefore introduce us to our inadequacy; rather, to touch on the
crux of their appeal, they allow us to conceive of a familiar inadequacy in a new and more helpful way.——SAT 2008年5月,Section 9
记 help-ful
-ful*形容词后缀,多加在名词之后,表示“充满”的意思,是最常用的形容词后缀,反义词为-less,如“blissful” (无忧无虑的) (SAT 2012年5月北美版,Section 3)
valuable [‘væljJəbl] adj. 有价值的;有用的;珍贵的;贵重的;可估价的
例 Are we now compelled, as a culture, to be comical, no matter the setting or the endeavor?
And if so, what on earth gave rise to this troubling idea? One possible culprit may be corporate America, where being funny is now seen as a valuable asset.——SAT 2010年1月,Section 2
记 valu-able
val, valu=strong; worth,如“validity” (有效性) (SAT 2006年5月,Section 7)
-able*形容词后缀,表示“有能力” “适合” ,被修饰的名词有被动的意思,如“resolvable”(可分解的) (SAT 2012年5月北美版,Section 5)
inferior [ɪn‘fɪərɪə] adj. 自卑的;低等的;下级的;次要的;差的;低劣的
例 Most important, it’s a corrupting influence, perverting its audience by bombarding it with inferior characters and vulgar subjects—and constituting, in Plato’s own words, “a harm to the mind of its audience. ”——SAT 2006年1月,Section 4/SAT 2013年1月,Section 5
最重要的是,用低劣的人物角色以及粗俗的主题炮轰观众、误导观众会产生不良影响,并构成(用柏拉图的话来说就是) “对观众心灵的毒害” 。
记 infer-ior
-ior*形容词后缀,拉丁文中用来表示比较级的后缀,如“superior” (优秀的;出众的)(SAT 2009年5月,Section 7)
undiscovered [ʌndɪ‘skʌvəd] adj. 未被发现的;未勘探的——discover [dɪ‘skʌvə] v. 发现;发觉;找到;意识到
例 While I believe we will find other forms of life in other solar systems (if not in our own), I also feel it is extremely unlikely that a large number of advanced technological civilizations are out there, waiting to be discovered.——SAT 2006年1月,Section 7 ; SAT 2013年5月北美版,Section 4
记 un-dis-cover-ed
un-=not,如“undisguisedly” (毫不掩饰地) (SAT OG Test 5, Second Edition, Section 3)
dis-=deprive of,如“displace” (取代) (SAT OG 2013年10月北美版,Section 8)
cover=cover,如“uncover” (发现) (SAT OG Test 6, Second Edition, Section 7)
-ed*形容词后缀,如“unescorted” (无人陪同的) (SAT OG Test 4, Second Edition, Section 2)相关题目:
The ________ of homing pigeons to sense Earth’s magnetic field may serve as________ tool in helping them find their way home, even across hundreds of miles.
A. determination... a useless B. unsuitability... a helpful C. ability... a valuable
D. instinct... an inferior E. reluctance... an undiscovered
——SAT 2012年10月,Section 8
vague [veɪɡ] adj. 模糊的;含糊的;不明确的;暧昧的
例 I was getting my proportions right, finding the line which has on one side a refinement that bleeds life, and on its other a condition where things are so rough, expressionistic, or vague that all you can see is self-indulgence.——SAT 2012年5月北美版,Section 5
记 vag-ue
vag=wander,如“vagrant” (游荡的) (SAT OG Test 7, Second Edition, Section 7)
agreeable [ə‘ɡri:əbl] adj. 令人愉快的;惬意的;接受的;同意的;适合的;一致的
例 Conversation had become agreeable to them, and they were pacing up and down the terrace.——SAT 2012年5月北美版,Section 3
记 a-gree-able
a-=ad-=to,如“advent” (到来;出现) (SAT 2008年5月,Section 6)
gree, grat=please,如“gratifying” (令人满意的) (SAT 2009年5月,Section 5)
-able*形容词后缀,表示“有能力,适合” ,被修饰的名词有被动的意思,如“respectable”(值得尊敬的) (SAT OG Test 6, Second Edition, Section 3)
abundant [ə‘bʌndənt] adj. 丰富的;充裕的;充足的;大量的;很多的
例 The answer, for the alga, is copepods, the next step up in the food chain and the most abundant small predators in the sea.——SAT 2008年1月,Section 2
要回答关于水藻的这个问题, (我们就)需要先谈一谈桡足动物——食物链中海藻的上一级,也是海洋里数量最多的小型捕食者。
记 ab-und-ant
ab-=from,如“abstract” (抽象的) (SAT 2012年5月亚洲版,Section 9)und=wave
-ant*形容词后缀,如“elegant” (高雅的) (SAT 2008年10月,Section 5)
problematic [ˌprɑblə‘mætɪk] adj. 问题的;有疑问的;不确定的
例 The institution of slavery was hotly contested by the founding fathers and highly controversial. But unlike slaves, women were not defined as being even problematic in the debate.——SAT OG Test 7, Second Edition, Section 2
记 pro-blem-atic
pro-=forward,如“progress” (前进) (SAT 2009年1月,Section 9)
-atic*形容词后缀,表示“与……有关的” “……的” ,如“systematic” (系统的) (SAT 2009年1月,Section 3)
objective [əb‘dʒektɪv] adj. 客观的;目标的;宾格的
例 This movement has led to some fine objective writing, but it has also led to many dull pages, exhaustive and, occasionally, exhausting works.——SAT 2011年10月,Section 3
记 ob-ject-ive
ob-, op-=against,如“oppressor” (压迫者) (SAT 2007年10月,Section 4)
ject=throw,如“eject” (驱逐) (SAT OG Test 10, Second Edition, Section 6)
-ive*形容词后缀,如“primitive” (原始的) (SAT 2007年1月,Section 3)相关题目:
Information about Abigail and John Adams is so______ because of the wealth of letters
the couple exchanged during John’s frequent absences.
A. vague B. agreeable C. abundant
D. problematic E. objective
——SAT 2013年10月北美版,Section 5
Group 2
accessible [ək‘sesəbl] adj. 可接近(进入)的;易接近(进入)的;可使用(或可得到)的;可获得的;可理解的
例 Plato wanted to ban poetry readings and live theater, the argument goes, because, being free and accessible and raucous and extremely popular, they were the mass entertainment of that era.——SAT 2006年1月,Section 4 ; SAT 2013年1月,Section 5
记 ac-cess-ible
ac-=ad-=to,如“accelerate” (使增速) (SAT 2013年5月北美版,Section 4)
cess=go,如“procession” (行列;队伍) (SAT 2007年5月,Section 6)
-ible*形容词后缀,表示“有能力” “适合” ,被修饰的名词有被动的意思,如“feasible”(可实行的) (SAT 2013年5月北美版,Section 8)
uninteresting [ʌn‘ɪntrLstɪŋ] adj. 无趣味的;乏味的、令人厌倦的——uninterested [ʌn‘ɪntrəstɪd] adj. 不感兴趣的;不关心的;无利害关系的
例 Ironically, Mary Kingsley and other women travelers were opposed to or simply uninterested in the late Victorian campaigns to extend women’s political rights.——SAT OG Test 4, Second Edition, Section 2
记 un-inter-es-t-ing
un-=not,如“unfathomable” (高深莫测的) (SAT OG Test 1, First Edition, Section 2)
inter-=between,如“intersect” (相交) (SAT OG Test 1, First Edition, Section 5)
es(s)=be,如“essence” (本质) (SAT 2013年5月亚洲版,Section 8)
-t*名词后缀,如“gift” (礼物) (SAT 2012年5月北美版, Section 3)
-ing*形容词后缀,把动词变为形容词的形式,如“boarding” (寄宿的) (SAT OG Test 4, Second Edition, Section 2)
confusing [kən‘fju:zɪŋ] adj. 混乱的;混淆的;令人困惑的
例 The realized picture on Carol Steiner’s jigsaw puzzle is the map of gene expression laid out clearly with all roads, pathways, connecting signal points, and railway junctions marked so that any tourist can find his or her way in this beautiful country, which is confusing only when one is wandering about in ignorance—as we all are now—with a highly incomplete map.——SAT 2010年1月,Section 2
记 con-fus-ing
con-=together,如“conveyor” (传送带) (SAT 2013年5月亚洲版,Section 2)
fus=pour,如“profusion” (大量) (SAT 2012年5月北美版,Section 8)
-ing*形容词后缀,把动词变为形容词的形式,如“daring” (勇敢的) (SAT 2006 年5月,Section 2)
available [ə‘veɪləbl] adj. 有效的;可得的;可利用的;空闲的
例 Indeed, when we look at the world’s population relative to the land available, we find out just how underpopulated the world is.——SAT 2007年1月,Section 7
记 a-vail-able
a-=ad-=to,如“abandon” (放弃) (SAT 2006年10月,Section 5)
vail=worth,如“prevailing” (流行的) (SAT 2009年1月,Section 3)
-able *形容词后缀,表示“有能力” “适合” ,被修饰的名词有被动的意思,如“recyclable” (可再回收利用的) (SAT 2005年3月,Section 2)
general [‘dʒenrəl] adj. 一般的;普通的;综合的;总体的;大体的
例 They wanted to produce handmade jewelry from less-expensive materials for the general public, yet with the same care and commitment a court jeweler might apply to work for aristocratic clientele.——SAT 2008年10月,Section 2
记 gener-al
gene, gener=produce,如“abiogenesis” (自然发生) (SAT 2013年5月亚洲版,Section 2)
-al*形容词后缀,表示“有关……” “有……性质” ,如“fungal” (真菌的) (SAT 2013年10月北美版,Section 5)
scholarly [‘skɑlərlɪ] adj. 博学的;学者风度的;学者派头的;学术的
例 Jefferson guards the American Creed at this inspirational level, which is inherently immune to scholarly skepticism and a place where ordinary Americans can congregate to speak the magic words together.——SAT 2006年5月,Section 4
记 schol-ar-ly
schol即“school” (学校;学院;学派)
-ar*表示人的名词后缀,是“-er”的变形,如“liar” (说谎的人) (SAT 2010年5月,Section 4)
-ly*副词、形容词后缀,大多接于形容词之后,如“melancholy” (忧郁的) (SAT 2006年5月,Section 2)
critical [‘krɪtɪkl] adj. 批评的;关键的;吹毛求疵的;危险的
例 Williams was not nearly as critical of the United States as later revisionists.——SAT 2013 年1月,Section 4
威廉姆斯对美国的批判并不像后来的修正主义者那样(严厉) 。
记 critic-al
-al*形容词后缀,表示“有关……” “有……性质” ,如“congressional” (国会的)
(2013年10月北美版,Section 5)
casual [‘kæʒJəl] adj. 随意的;非正式的;临时的;偶然的;漫不经心的;休闲的
例 The first stage of Europe’s conquest of northeastern North America was “the traders phase.”
Casual contacts and exchanges with visiting explorers and fishermen began on a basis that was not unfamiliar to the Native Americans.——SAT OG Test 8, Second Edition, Section 5欧洲人征服北美东北部的第一个阶段是“商贸时期” 。与探险者和渔夫的偶尔接触和交易是原住民所熟悉的。
记 cas-u-al
cas=fall,如“occasion” (场合) (SAT 2009年10月,Section 2)
-al, -ual*形容词后缀,表示“有关……” “有……性质” ,如“anecdotal” (轶事的)(SAT 2013年10月北美版,Section 5)
trained [treɪnd] adj. 受过培训的;训练过的——train [treɪn] v. 训练;培训;培养;教育;
例 Actors are very impressionable people, or some would say, suggestible people. We are trained to develop aspects of our memories that are more emotional and sensory than intellectual.——SAT 2005年10月,Section 8; SAT 2012年5月亚洲版,Section 7
记 train-ed
-ed*形容词后缀,如“talented” (有才能的) (SAT 2011年5月北美版,Section 6)相关题目:
Because of its beautiful photographs and clear text, the new book on Pueblo cliff villages
will be_________ not only for specialists but for_________ readers as well.
A. accessible... general B. uninteresting... scholarly
C. confusing... critical D. unmarketable... casual
E. available... trained
——SAT 2014年5月,Section 8
complex [‘kɑm9pleks] adj. 复杂的;难懂的;复合的;合成的;综合的
例 I have discovered that this creature, long despised by people, is highly evolved, incredibly complex, and surprisingly gentle.——SAT 2008年5月,Section 4
记 com-plex
com-=together,如“complaint” (抱怨) (SAT 2009年5月,Section 5)
plex=fold,如“perplexed” (困惑的) (SAT 2011年5月北美版,Section 3)
popular [‘pɑpjələr] adj. 流行的,通俗的;受欢迎的;受爱戴的;大众的;普及的
例 Meanwhile, academic historians, disturbed by the unorthodoxy and the popular appeal of Williamsburg, have not given it the significance it deserves.——SAT OG Test 10, Second Edition, Section 9
记 popul-ar
popul=people,如“population” (人口) (SAT 2013年1月,Section 4)
-ar*形容词后缀,如“vulgar” (粗俗的) (SAT 2006年1月,Section 4) (SAT 2013年1月,Section 5)
profound [prə‘faʊnd] adj. 深刻的;深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的;高深的
例 In his discovery of the law of the pendulum, which turned out to have the most profound effect on all later time-measuring devices, Galileo used—if legend can be believed—his own pulse beat as the test.——SAT 2012年1月,Section 4
记 pro-found
pro-=forward,如“projectile” (抛射物) (SAT 2012年5月北美版, Section 5)
fund, found=base,如“funding” (资金支持) (SAT 2013年5月北美版,Section 2)
comprehend [ˌkɑmprɪ‘hend] v. 理解;领会;领悟
例 Ever since the scientific method became a way of learning about nature, including ourselves, some people have hailed science as the only way to comprehend natural phenomena, while others have questioned whether it is an appropriate road to knowledge.——SAT 2009年1月,Section 3
记 com-prehend
com-=with,如“commodified” (商品化的) (SAT 2014年5月,Section 5)
prehend, prehens=seize,如“reprehensible” (应受谴责的) (SAT 2013年5月北美版,Section 8)
understand [ˌʌndə‘stænd] v. 理解;明白;懂得;知晓;获悉
例 She pronounced my name so nicely. Or more correctly, she spoke each word with such clarity that I was certain a foreigner who didn’t understand English could have understood her.——SAT 2013年10月北美版,Section 2她把我的名字叫得如此动听。或者更正确地说,她每一个字的发音都如此清晰,我相信,即使是一个不懂英语的外国人也能理解她的话。
记 under-stand
under-=beneath, under,如“underground” (地下的;秘密的) (SAT 2012年1月,Section 4)
interpret [ɪn‘tɜ:prɪt] v. 解释;说明;理解;翻译;口译;解读
例 It seems a matter of motives; we interpret the piranha’s power as being vicious and predatory, and the bull’s as guileless and impersonal.——SAT 2008年5月,Section 9
记 inter-pret
inter-=between,如“interaction” (相互作用) (SAT 2012年5月亚洲版,Section 9)pret, prais=price,如“praise” (称赞) (SAT 2009年1月,Section 7)
ignore [ɪɡ‘nɔ:] v. 忽视;不理睬;不顾
例 Grammatical units like prepositions and conjunctions, however, are totally linguistic—they don’t refer to any real objects or actions that Kanzi could see—and thus he ignores them and the grammatical structures they represent.——SAT 2012年10月,Section 8
记 i-gnore
i-=in-=not,如“infamous” (声名狼藉的) (SAT OG Test 6, Second Edition, Section 9)gnore, gnos=know,如“prognosis” (预后) (SAT 2006年5月,Section 7)
read [ri:d] v. 读;读懂;看懂;辨认出;识字;解释;理解;觉察;读取;写着
例 He reads the telephone messages his roommates leave for Nikhil on assorted scraps in their room.——SAT 2009年10月,Section 2
It is not surprising that the writings of this philosopher are among the most _______________ in the
field, because he deliberately makes them easy to _____________ .
A. complex... comprehend B. accessible... understand
C. confusing... interpret D. popular... ignore
E. profound... read
——SAT 2012年10月,Section 8
group 3
progressive [prə‘ɡresɪv] adj. 进步的;先进的;前进的;逐渐的; [语法]进行时的
例 Still, the triteness of the attempt, the tedium of it, tried for bearance to the limit: at a progressive college, surely, one had the right to expect something better than what one was used to at Dudley or Wilkins State, and the very element of repetition gave the whole affair an unwarranted and unreal character, as of some tawdry farce seriously reenacted.——SAT OG Test 7, Second Edition,Section 8
记 pro-gress-ive
pro-=forward,如“propel” (驱使) (2010年10月,Section 7)
gress=walk,如“Congress” (国会) (2010年10月,Section 7)
-ive*形容词后缀,如“selective” (选择性的) (2009年1月,Section 3)
wonderful [‘wʌndəfJl] adj. 奇妙的;美妙的;令人惊奇的;精彩的
例 I suspect she thought of Kwan as a foreign exchange student she would host for a year, a Chinese Cinderella, who would become self-sufficient and go on to have a wonderful American life.——SAT 2011年5月北美版, Section 3
记 wonder-ful
-ful*形容词后缀,多加在名词之后,表示“充满”的意思,是最常用的形容词后缀,反义词是-less,如“youthful” (年轻的) (SAT 2011年10月,Section 3)
untimely [ʌn‘taɪmlɪ] adj. 不合时宜的;不合时令的;过早的
例 Still, the movement produced far-reaching repercussions long after its untimely death.——SAT 2008年10月,Section 2
记 un-time-ly
un-=not,如“unconfined” (不受限制的) (SAT 2011年10月,Section 7)
-ly*形容词后缀,如“semimonthly” (每半月一次的) (SAT 2007年5月,Section 8)
ordinary [‘ɔ:dɪn(L)rɪ] adj. 普通的;平凡的;通常的;平常的;一般的
例 It was a large painting and I realized as soon as it arrived at my home that however much I
loved it I had no wall and no room to do it justice. I put it on the largest wall we had in the biggest room and still I felt I was insulting it—the power of the picture was too huge to be contained in our ordinary house.——SAT OG Test, First Edition, Section 5
记 ordin-ary
ordin=order,如“subordinate” (从属的) (SAT OG Test 7, Second Edition, Section 2)
-ary*形容词后缀,如“sanitary” (卫生的) (SAT 2011年5月北美版,Section 7)
accidental [ˌæksɪ‘dentl] adj. 意外的;偶然的;附属的;次要的
例 It thus appears that to the majority of people aesthetic pleasure means a state of mind that is essentially indistinguishable from the ordinary behavior. It differs merely in accidental qualities, being perhaps less utilitarian, more intense, and free from painful consequences.——SAT OG Test 5, Second Edition, Section 3
记 ac-cid-ent-al
ac-=ad-=to,如“accompanying” (附带的) (SAT 2009年10月,Section 6)
cid=fall,如“coincidence” (巧合) (SAT 2009年10月,Section 8)
-ent*名词后缀,如“ingredient” (原料) (SAT 2005年3月,Section 5)
-al*形容词后缀,表示“有……的性质” “有关……” ,如“rational” (合理的) (SAT 2013年1月,Section 4)
reliable [rɪ‘laɪəbl] adj. 可靠的;可信赖的
例 In 1962 the American probe Mariner 2 bypassed Venus at less than 22,000 miles and gave us our first reliable information.——SAT 2007年1月,Section 3
1962年,美国探测器“水手2号”在距离金星不到22 000英里的地方绕过金星,为我们提供了第一手的可靠信息。
记 reli-able
-able*形容词后缀,表示“有能力” “适合” ,被修饰的名词有被动的意思,如“creditable” (可信的) (SAT 2010年10月,Section 9)
profitable [‘prɑfɪtəb(ə)l] adj. 有益的;有用的;有利可图的;可获利;赚钱的
例 The replacement of reality with selective fantasy is characteristic of that most successful and staggeringly profitable American phenomenon, the reinvention of the environment as themed entertainment.——SAT OG Test 10, Second Edition, Section 9
记 pro-fit-able
pro-=before,如“prophet” (预言家) (SAT 2007年10月,Section 4)
fit, fact=make,如“faction” (派别) (SAT 2007年1月,Section 3)
-able*形容词后缀,表示“有能力” “适合” ,被修饰的名词有被动的意思,如“unconquerable” (克服不了的) (SAT 2011年1月,Section 9)
unfortunate [ʌn‘fɔ:tʃ(L)nət] adj. 不幸运的;倒霉的;可怜的;令人遗憾的
例 Chomp down the alga, and the unfortunate copepod would be, for a while, lit up by the glow in its gut, a sitting target for a fish or anyone else with a taste for seafood.——SAT 2008年 1月,Section 2
记 un-fortun-ate
un-=not,如“unintelligible” (莫名其妙的) (SAT 2014年1月,Section 2)
fortun=chance,如“misfortune” (不幸) (SAT 2006年10月,Section 9)
-ate*形容词后缀,表示“有……性质的” “有……味道的” ,如“inordinate” (过度的)(SAT 2012年5月北美版,Section 8)
favorable [‘feɪvərəbl] adj. 有利的;适宜的;良好的;赞成的;讨人喜欢的
例 In 1900, United States society was warming into an environment favorable to women’s suffrage.——SAT 2012年10月,Section 7
记 favor-able
-able*形容词后缀,表示“有能力” “适合” ,被修饰的名词有被动的意思,如“disposable” (用后即丢弃的) (SAT 2013年5月亚洲版,Section 5)
Like several other important advances in medicine, penicillin was a somewhat_______________ discovery resulting from ______________ combination of blind chance and technical expertise.
A. progressive... a reliable B. wonderful.. an unlucky
C. untimely... a profitable D. ordinary... an unfortunate
E. accidental... a favorable
——SAT 2012年1月,Section 2
indifference [ɪn‘dɪfrəns] n. 漠不关心;冷淡;不重视;无关紧要;不感兴趣;中立
记 in-dif-fer-ence
in-=not,如“inequality” (不平等) (SAT 2005年10月,Section 2)
dif-=dis-=apart,如“discourse” (谈话) (SAT 2009年5月,Section 9)
fer=carry,如“confer” (给予) (SAT OG Test 7, Second Edition, Section 2)
-ence*抽象名词后缀,如“reminiscence” (回忆;怀旧) (SAT 2011年1月,Section 9)
exaltation [ˌeɡzɔ:l‘teɪʃn] n. 得意扬扬,欣喜;提高;提拔;高举
例 Standing there on the ground, one can feel the land filling up, feel something physical rising in it under the influence of the light, an embrace or exaltation.——SAT 2014年5月,Section 5
记 ex-alt-ation
ex-=out, up,如“excruciating” (折磨的) (SAT 2006年5月,Section 4)
alt=high,如“altar” (祭坛) (SAT 2006年10月,Section 9)
-ation*抽象名词后缀,表示“行为” “过程” ,如“manipulation” (操作;处理) (SAT 2005年10月,Section 8)
incredulity [ˌɪnkrə‘du:lətɪ] n. 怀疑;不轻信——incredulous [ɪn‘kredʒələs] adj. 怀疑的;不轻信的
例 On the other hand, when someone from the town had the opportunity to test the crude reality of the telephone installed in the railroad station, which was thought to be a rudimentary version of the phonograph because of its crank, even the most incredulous were upset.——SAT OG Test 6, Second Edition, Section 3
另一方面,当村里人有机会检查安装在火车站的电话的真实性时(因为电话有个曲柄,村民便将它看作留声机的低级版本) ,即使是最具怀疑精神的人都会苦恼。
记 in-credul-ity
in-=not,如“inextricably” (逃脱不了地) (SAT 2014年1月,Section 6)
credul, cred=believe,如“credence” (信任) (SAT 2010年10月,Section 7)
-ity*抽象名词后缀,如“affinity” (亲缘) (SAT 2009年5月,Section 7)
acclamation [ˌæklə‘meɪʃn] n. 欢呼;喝彩;称赞;拥护;鼓掌欢迎——acclaim [ə‘kleɪm] v. 称赞;喝彩;欢呼;拥立
例 “I write. Let the reader learn to read. ” Authors who make this their motto, in the name of artistic integrity, can hardly be expected to tolerate the attitudes of critically acclaimed nineteenth-century novelists, who believed that their first duty was to try to seem “pleasant,”and that to do so they must render their meanings “without an effort to the reader.”——SAT
2010年1月,Section 7
记 ac-clam-ation
ac-=ad-=to,如“acquaintance” (熟人) (SAT 2011年10月,Section 7)
clam, claim=cry,如“disclaim” (否认) (SAT OG Test 6, Second Edition, Section 3)
-ation*抽象名词后缀,如“impersonation” (模仿) (SAT OG Test 7, Second Edition, Section 5)
inconsistent with与……不一致;与……相矛盾
essential to对……是必不可少的;对……是必需的
例 Most of the “empty” land in the United States, for example, either grows the food essential to our well-being or supplies us with raw materials.——SAT 2007年1月,Section 7
indicative of/indication of 表明;说明;指示
例 That there are often several different routes to a particular result is taken as an indication of the correctness of the result, rather than of the capacity for individual expression in science.——SAT 2007年10月,Section 8
“经常可以有不同的途径得到某个特定的结果” ,这个说法被用来说明结果的正确性,而不是个人的科学表述能力。
disproportionate to 与……不成比例;与……不相称
例 The acclamation that met the novella upon publication was so disproportionate to its modest achievement that even the author wondered whether the response was truly deserved.——SAT 2012年10月,Section 5
The____________ that met the novella upon publication was so___________ its modest achievement that even the author wondered whether the response was truly deserved.
A. indifference... inconsistent with
B. recrimination... commensurate with
C. exaltation... essential to
D. incredulity... indicative of
E. acclamation... disproportionate to
——SAT 2012年10月,Section 5
(1) *(星号)的作用等同于“ : ” ,意思是解释前面的后缀。