An Urgent Need
Society’s fundamental assumptions too often lead to negative outcomes. We see the evidence in the growing gap between the haves and have-nots; increasing violence; endemic poverty and starvation; environmental degradation; the breakdown of values, integrity, communication, and community; a sense of unhappiness and fear; and poor health among people in even the richest nations.
Many of us feel an urgent need to change the status quo and contribute to a new positive direction. The world needs us all to contribute our best. But how can any individual affect what seems to be a massive concatenation of forces and, at the same time, face the challenges of his or her life?
This book answers that question. In this time of global transformation, we must act creatively and courageously from our deepest knowing and compassion. Only if we are living in service of the highest goal, in whatever way we experience it, can we meet the challenges of our times and fashion lives that work. And only if we discover ways of translating this highest goal into a new way of living, can it be practical and expansive for all.