So many people have influenced us, we don’t have room to name all of them. In the introduction we cite friends and mentors whose concepts and methods we learned through direct collaboration.
In addition, many colleagues offered us their experiences and comments, expanding our knowledge and enriching the text: Billie Alban, Richard Aronson, Tova Auerbach, Dick Axelrod, Anne Badillo, Jean-Pierre Beaulieu, Susan Berg, Lisa Beutler, Drusilla Copeland, Ralph Copleman, Keith Cox, Shem Cohen, Avner Hamarati, Liisa Harda-loupas, Steve Johnson, Jean Katz, Bengt Lindstrom, Joe Matthews, Phil Mix, Kazuhiro Nakamura, Peter Norlin, Bonnie Olson, Larry Porter, Grace Potts, Judy Schector, Mark Smith, Bill Wood, and Bob Woodruff.
We thank the capable Berrett-Koehler staff who stayed with us through numerous decisions large and small, and in particular Steve Piersanti, who suggested the structure that enabled us to integrate disparate concepts into a single short work. Our diligent reviewers-Steve Cady, Larry Dressler, Sara Jane Hope, and Irene Sitbon-made many suggestions for improving the clarity and accuracy of the text. We also thank several informal reviewers who gave us useful feedback-Claudia Chowaniec, John Evans, Tony Morrison, Douglas O’Loughlin, and Gail Scott. Please attribute any speed bumps that remain to us.
We consider ourselves fortunate to have the fantasy illustrations of our insightful colleague Jock Macneish to enliven the text. As always, we are grateful for support from hundreds of members of Future Search Network. They have confirmed the validity of these principles around the world and made a difference in tens of thousands of lives. Finally, without the love and patience of our spouses Dorothy Barclay Weisbord and Allan Kobernick, and our families, we could not do this work at all.