第1章 Praise for The Shift
“The Shift is a transformative book—a rare view of the defining element of corporate culture, the heart of mankind. It shares what executives most need to learn, first about living, then about leading. It thoroughly inspired, touched, and taught me.”
—Roy E. Christensen, founder and former President and Chairman, Beverly Enterprises, and Chairman, The Ensign Group
“I work in a high-tech industry and yet I've never encountered a book that was more relevant to my work. It is a beautiful expression of Arbinger principles—displayed in the most profound dimensions of life—and its effect is truly like magic. The Shift is simultaneously inspiring, touching, and profound. I don't know anyone who wouldn't be deeply taught—and moved—by the remarkable journey found in this book. Few books are truly ‘must-read,’ but The Shift is absolutely one of them.”
—Kimberly Koro, Senior Vice President, Qualcomm Technologies
“This is truly a rare book. On page after page we encounter people living the way we all know we should but often don't. Who could have known it would be so inspiring—and so thoroughly humbling— to enter the lives of such people? The effect is transforming. As we meet these ordinary people we finally know whom we want to be like: we want to be like them. I don't see how I can be the same team member, leader, or person after encountering this book. A complete inspiration to read and genuinely mind-changing.”
—Laura Hart, Vice President, Business Operations, Qualcomm Technologies
“The Shift is compelling and delightful; it is easy to read and brings to mind so many memories, so many real-life situations that I could identify with—not just nursing home situations but ones in my daily life as a daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend, employee.”
—Stacy Parkinson, SNF owner, attorney, and former First Lady of Kansas
“Delightful. Inspiring. Humbling. The Shift will remind you that no matter your profession or life pursuits, we all interact with other people and must learn how to work together. The principles contained herein, if applied and practiced, will transform and enrich relationships and lead to a greater sense of satisfaction. This book belongs on the shelf alongside all the great business and self-improvement works of our time. It has changed the way I approach my colleagues and clients and helped instill in me a greater purpose for what I do every day. Read the book. Make the shift. Reap the benefits.”
—Darren Henderson, Founding Partner, Corient Capital Partners, LLC
“After decades as a SNF executive, I found The Shift to be a wonderful and delightful book that should be required reading, not just for the leadership team, but for every CNA, nurse, housekeeper, social worker, and recreation therapist. Learning to see our residents, fellow employees, and family members as real people with real worth, instead of charges, problems, or duties, will change both their lives and ours. Thank you for an important and refreshing look at a calling worthy of our full hearts.”
—Todd Hansen, SNF administrator and former state health-care association president
“The Shift awakened me. It touched my heart and soul. The author shares countless intimate glimpses into personal acts of tenderness and nobility that are enormously and profoundly moving. A rare and extremely fulfilling read.”
—Nanci Wilson, Chief Clinical Officer, Plum Healthcare Group
For Zachary
my best friend, my favorite comic,
the smartest guy in every room,
with thanks for letting me drag him into this
For Mark and Paul
who saw it all before I did
For Terry who saw it before anyone