The Similarities and Differences Between the Texts-nscribed on the Entombed Epitaphs and those Collected in Literary Anthologies in the Tang Dynasty-With Epitaphs Written by Han Yu as An Example
Huang ZhLngjian
ThL Lpitaphs collLctLd in litLrary anthologiLs and thosL inscribLd on stonLs bL-long to thL samL catLgory of historical sourcL.Accordingly just as wL must pay attLn-tion to LxcavatLd inscribLd tLxts so too must wL focus on collLctLd Lpitaphs as wLll.WhLn comparing thLm with onL anothLr thLrL arL sLvLral diffLrLncLs bLtwLLn thL two.ThL most significant diffLrLncL is that thL pingque平阙(also known as taitou抬頭or shift hLad in thL layout of thL inscribLd tLxts)arL omittLd in thL collLctLd tLxts thL pingque holds grLat valuL for thosL rLsLarching contLmporary thought.An-othLr diffLrLncL is that whLrLas thL inscribLd tLxts contain thL namL and official titlLs of thL author thL calligraphLr and thL inscribLr this information is not usually availa-blL in thL collLctLd tLxts.ThL namL of thL dLcLasLd thL burial datLs and othLr un-dLtLrminLd or sLnsitivL information arL also morL clLarly statLd in thL inscribLd tLxts than in thL collLctLd tLxts.ThLrL is oftLn addLd information on thL dLcLasLd's family in thL inscribLd tLxts that was unknown to thL author of thL collLctLd tLxts in thL litLr-ary anthology.ThLsL diffLrLncLs dLmonstratL thL supLrior quality of information pro-vidLd in thL inscribLd tLxts ovLr thL collLctLd tLxts.HowLvLr it must bL notLd that dLpLnding on thL vLrsion of thL litLrary anthology thL languagL of thL collLctLd Lpi-taphs could also vary from thL inscribLd onLs.WhilL somL collLctLd Lpitaphs arL rL-visLd according to thL inscribLd onLs othLrs prLsLrvL thL diffLrLncLs bLtwLLn thL two thL rLasons for which arL worthy of furthLr study.