5 在机场
What time does the plane take off?
Is this the right counter to check in for this ight?
Excuse me;where is Gate 10?
Could you tell me what’s in your bag,please?
Will the ight leave on time?
Where is the toilet?
What time does the plane get to London?
Where do I go to board my connecting ight to Seoul?
A:What time does the plane take off?飞机什么时候起飞?
B:Fifty minutes later, at half past twenty.50分钟以后,20点30分。
延伸 The plane will depart① at eight.飞机8点起飞。
The departure time of the plane is at eight.飞机8点起飞。
What is the departure time of the morning ight?上午的航班几点起飞?
A:Is this the right counter to check in② for this ight?这里是这航班办理登机手续的地方吗?
B:Your seat is 26C,and the boarding time③ is twenty minutes before departure and you will board at Gate 18.你的座位是26C,登机时间是起飞前20分钟,在18号门登机。
延伸 I’d like to check in.我想办理登机手续。
Excuse me;where may I check in for Flight 237 to Tokyo?请问,我该去哪里办理飞往东京的237次航班登机手续呢?
A:Excuse me; where is Gate 10?请问10号登机门在哪儿?
B:Get through the passport control and security check④,and then go straight on.验完护照及安全检查后,往前直走。
延伸 What is the gate number of Flight number fifty-eight to Paris?飞往巴黎的58次航班的登机门是几号?
How do I find Gate 15 from here?从这儿怎么找到15号登机门?
Take that escalator⑤ over there and turn left.搭乘那儿的自动扶梯,然后左转。
Where should we board the plane?我们应该在哪儿登机?
At which gate should I board the plane?我们应该在几号门登机?
① depart 起飞 ② check in 登记
③ boarding time 登机时间 ④ security check 安全检查
⑤ escalator 电动扶梯,自动扶梯
A:Could you tell me what’s in your bag,please?能不能告诉我包里有什么?
B:Now let me see,some clothes,my shaving kit,a couple of paperbacks and some souvenirs①.请让我看看。有衣服、我的刮脸用具、两本平装书和一些纪念品。
延伸 Could you open that suitcase,please?请您打开那个行李箱,好吗?
Sure,no problem.当然没问题。
Please put your handbag into the X-ray scanner②.请把你的手提袋放在X光扫描机上。
Are you carrying anything metallic③with you?你身上是不是携带了金属制品?
Please put your mobile phone and keys in this container and go through the detector④.
A:Will the ight leave on time?本班机会准时起飞吗?
B:Our plane will take off⑤ soon.飞机很快就要起飞了。
延伸 Will the ight take off on time?飞机会准时起飞吗?
Please check a monitor for departure time.请在屏幕上查看离港时间。
When will it take off?什么时候起飞?
It’s hard to tell now,sir.现在还很难说,先生。
What is the boarding time?什么时候登机?
A:Where is the toilet?洗手间在哪里?
B:The restroom is at the end of the hallway⑥ to the left.洗手间在过道那头的左边。
延伸 Where is the Information Desk⑦?服务台在哪里?
Where is the public telephone?公共电话在哪里?
① souvenir 纪念品 ② X-ray scanner X光扫描机 ③ metallic 金属的
④ detector 探测器 ⑤ take off 起飞 ⑥ hallway 走廊
⑦ Information Desk 服务台
A:What time does the plane get to London?飞机什么时候到伦敦?
B:We’ll arrive thirty minutes behind schedule①.我们将比预定时间晚30分钟到。
延伸 Can you tell me what time we will be arriving?您能告诉我到达的时间吗?
Excuse me;what’s the actual ying time from here to New York?打扰了,从这儿到纽约的实际飞行时间是多长?
How long have we been in the air?我们飞行多长时间了?
About nine hours so far.到目前为止大约9个小时了。
A:Where do I go to board my connecting ight to Seoul?我要到哪儿转乘飞往首尔的飞机呢?
B:At Gate 15.15号门。
延伸 We’ll have to change planes in Moscow.我们需要在莫斯科转机。
Excuse me, sir.Could you tell me where to check in?对不起,先生。请问应该在哪儿办理转机手续?
Go down the stairs over there and turn right.You will find the transfer② desk.从那边的楼梯向下走,然后右转,你就会看到转机柜台。
① behind schedule 晚点 ② transfer 转机