第163章 大闹鸳鸯宴(三)
“Oh, my god, how could it be so dark today? If it were not for these shabby street lamps, I really could not see anything。(汉语意思:哦,我的天啊,这天怎么能这么黑,如果没有这几个破旧的路灯,我是真的什么都看不见。)alisa 说。
“Have you forgotten that there is a twelve-hour time difference between the United States and China?(你难道忘了吗,美国和中国之间可是有十二个小时的时差。)”杰西说。
“Ah? Sleep again! Is really a sleep, I how to feel this dark so fast, I really can't sleep, it is too troublesome to back and forth jet lag, you see my eyes than the moon is bright.(啊?又要睡觉!真是一觉接着一觉,我怎么感觉这天黑的这么快,我真的是睡不着呀,这来回倒时差太麻烦了,你看我的眼睛比月亮还要亮呢。)”alisa 说。
“Why should we sleep when we are not sleepy? We will not live here for a long time and pick them up after one or two nights.(不困为何还要睡,我们也不在这常住,住一两个晚上就接他们回去。)”杰西说。
“It's really dark inside. You can't see anything,There was no moonlight。(屋里好黑,基本什么都看不到,连月光都没有。)”alisa说。
“Just turn on the lights。(一会开灯就好了。)”杰西说。
“You didn't plan your time when you came. It's a very troublesome hour. Taxis are not easy to catch, and you can't see well in the dark.(汉语意思:你们来时时间没有规划好吗,这个钟点很麻烦,出租车都不容易打,而且天黑视线也不好。)”艾雯说。
“We were all prepared in advance, who thought there was a thunderstorm in the middle of the road, the plane was forced to land in Hawaii, stopped for several hours before taking off again, or we would have arrived during the day。(汉语意思:我们提前都做好了准备,谁想半道出现了雷雨天气,飞机被迫降落到夏威夷,停了好几个小时才重新起飞,要不白天我们就到了。)”alisa说。
“The weather was really bad all the way, and we were forced to stop at the ryukyu islands to take shelter from the storm.(汉语意思:这一路天气真得很糟糕,我们还被迫停到琉球群岛暂避暴风雨呢。)”杰西说。
“Originally all of this is very smooth, who would like to even meet a storm on the way, the plan is all disrupted.(汉语意思:原本这一切都很顺利,谁想途中竟然连遇暴雨风暴,一下把计划全打乱了。)”alisa 说。
“The power of nature is very mysterious, human beings are very fragile compared with nature, as long as people have nothing to do.(自然的力量很神秘,人类跟自然比都很脆弱,只要人无事就好。)”艾雯说。
“Aunt, my mother they're all asleep, aren't they?(姨,我妈她们是不是都睡了?)”杰西问。
“It's almost midnight, and your mother hasn't slept well in the past year or two. She can't sleep when she stays up late, so she goes to bed early.(可不都睡了嘛,都快后半夜了,你母亲这一两年来睡眠也不好,睡晚了就睡不着觉了,所以就会早早睡下。)”艾雯说。
“Didn't aunt drink some medicine to calm her nerves?(阿姨没有喝些安神助眠的药物吗?)”
“After drinking some Chinese medicine, I feel a little better.(喝了些中药,我觉得算是好了点吧。)”艾雯说。
“That's good, as long as it can be good, medicine is not expensive。(只要有效果,药不仅贵。)”杰西说。
“A medicine is worth three parts of poison,Health maintained by medicine is not health, but natural health is the most precious.Your mother is 52 years old. She is getting old. What she needs is the company of her family.As long as there are relatives to accompany your mother every day to eat rough tea plain rice, it is also sweet。Do you all know that this family is you? And sickness comes from depression.(是药三分毒,吃药维持的健康不是健康,自然的健康才最宝贵,你妈已经52岁了,年龄不小了,她已经慢慢走入老年了,她需要的是亲人的陪伴,只要有亲人陪伴让你妈天天吃粗茶叶淡饭,那也是香的,这亲人就是你们,这你们都清楚吗?还有疾病都是从郁郁寡欢里来的。)”艾雯说。
“Jess and I have agreed to let mom live with us and we will never be separated.(我和杰西已经商量好了,以后就让妈妈跟着我们住,我们永远都不要分开。)”alisa说。
“Alisa's right. We'll raise my mother.(alisa说得对,以后我们养我妈。)”
“Ok, you still have a conscience, did not let your mother disappointed, cold heart, than your sister that Wolf heart, a hundred times stronger, no, a thousand times.(汉语意思:行,你还算有良心,没让你妈妈失望、寒心,比你那狼心狗肺的姐姐强百倍,不,千倍。)”艾雯说。
“Come back to America with me tomorrow。(你们明天就跟我们回美国吧。)”杰西说。
“Tomorrow is not ok, what we decide is also the day after tomorrow, tomorrow don't leave in a hurry what is not good.(明天不可以,我们定的也是后天,明天别走的匆忙落了什么就不好了。)”艾雯说。
“ that's fine. There's plenty of time.(那也行,时间也足够了。)”杰西考虑一下回答道。
“It's getting late. Rest yourselves. I'm going home.(时间也不早了,你们就早点歇息吧,我先出去了。)”艾雯说。
“Slow down, auntie.(阿姨慢走。)”杰西和alisa说。
“Why don't you explain to your aunt about your sister? She must have misunderstood you.(姐姐的事你怎么不跟阿姨解释呢,阿姨肯定是误会了。)”alisa说。
“Sister refused to say, what can I do, I began to think you can say, how you did not say.(姐姐不让说,我又能怎样,我开始以为你能说呢,你怎么也没说呀。)”杰西说。
“I say! How dare I! Although the aunt is love to say love to laugh, but not the mother so kind, the bones always show a strong domineer feeling, in front of her always feel very constrained, uncomfortable.So I'd better not talk.(我说!我哪敢呀!阿姨虽然是爱说爱笑,可没有妈妈那样慈眉善目,那骨子里总透着强势霸气的感觉,在她面前总感觉很拘束,不自在。因此我还是少说话的好。)”alisa说。
“I feel the same way。(我也有同样的感觉。)”杰西说。