子项目一 迎来送往 Module I Meeting and Seeing-off

1.口译技巧 Interpreting Skills
Directions: Translate the following Chinese titles into English and learn the interpreting skills of titles.
称谓口译 Interpreting Titles
部 department/ministry
委员会 commission
省 province
自治区 autonomous region
直辖市 municipality directly under jurisdiction of the State Council
厅、局 bureau
区 district
乡、镇 town
处 division
科 section
市 city/municipality
县 county
村 village
所 institute
办公室 office


首相 prime minister
总理 premier/chancellor
秘书长 secretary-general
总干事 director-general
大使 ambassador
领事 consul
参赞 counselor
特使 special envoy
办公室主任 office manager
客座教授 visiting professor
业务经理 business/operation manager
劳动模范 model worker
优秀员工 outstanding employee/employee of the year/month
尊敬的 distinguished/honorable/respected
嘉宾/贵宾 distinguished/honorable/respected guests
阁下 excellency (直接称谓:Your Excellency;间接称谓:His/Her Excellency)
代表 representatives/participants
师生 faculty and students
同事 colleagues/co-workers
同行 counterparts
2.词汇准备 Vocabular y Preparation
Directions: Read the following words and phrases. Keep them in mind and get ready for the field interpreting. Then try to find more to enrich your language bank.

1. accommodations /ə,kɒmə,deɪʃnz/ n. 膳宿
2. hospitality /,hɒspɪ,tæləti/ n. 款待
3. itinerary /aɪ,tɪnərəri/ n. 旅程;旅行指南 adj. 旅程的;游历的
4. schedule /,ʃedju:l/ n. 时间表;计划表 v.将……列入计划表
5. souvenir /,suːvə,nɪə(r)/ n. 纪念品
1. arrival time 到达时间
2. bid farewell to 与……道别
3. boarding pass 登机牌
4. check luggage 托运行李
5. claim luggage 提取行李
6. customs duty 关税
7. departure lounge 候机室;候机大厅
8. departure time 出发时间;起飞时间
9. duty-free shop 免税店
10. fill out the declaration form 填写海关申报表
11. gracious welcoming speech 热情洋溢的欢迎词
12. hand/carry-on luggage 手提行李(允许乘客随身带上飞机的行李)
13. heartfelt thanks 衷心的感谢
14. information desk 问询台;服务台
15. luggage tag 行李牌
16. luggage trolley/cart 手推行李车
17. non-stop flight 直达航班
18. on behalf of 代表……
19. parking lot 停车场
20. proceed through the customs 进行海关检查,过海关
21. recover from the jet lag 倒时差
22. security check/inspection 安检
23. shuttle bus 区间公共汽车;机场大巴
24. terminal building 航站楼
25. thoughtful arrangement 周到的安排
3.热身练习 Warm-up Exercises
Directions: Read the sentences in Part 1 and translate them into English. Then listen to the sentences in Part 2 and interpret them into Chinese. You can take notes in the space provided while interpreting.

Part 1 C-E Translation
Part 2 E-C Interpretation

4.口译实战 Field Interpretation
Task 1 Greetings at the Airport
Directions: Role-play the conversation within a group of three or four. Evaluate the interpreter's performance within your group.
David: Hi! I am David Smith, vice president of Cisco Company. Are you the representative from Hangzhou Fangyuan Technology Company?
David: Nice to meet you too. Thank you for coming all the way to meet me at the airport.
David: It's very kind of you to say so. I am very glad to have this opportunity.
David: OK. Thanks a lot.
On the way to the hotel
David: It was fine, though a little bit later than expected.
David: No, actually I've been to China for several times. But it's the first time I've visited Hangzhou.
David: I bet that I will love the city.
David: Good. It's so considerate of you.
David: Wonderful. I like Chinese food very much.
David: I have to say I can't wait for everything you have arranged. Will you give me a timetable?
Task 2 Seeing the Guest Off
Directions: Listen to the recording of Task 2. Take some notes in the space provided when necessary and interpret during the pauses with the aid of your notes.


5.拓展练习 Supplementar y Practices
Part 1 Sentence Consolidation
Directions: Listen to the recording and interpret the sentences into Chinese or English during the pauses. You can take notes in the space provided while interpreting.


Part 2 Skill Enhancement
Directions: Listen to the recording of Task 1. Take some notes in the space provided when necessary and interpret during the pauses with the aid of your notes.

Task 1 Hotel Accommodations

Task 2 Meeting and Departing
Directions: Role-play the conversation within a group of three or four. Evaluate the interpreter's performance within your group.
Smith: Yes. You must be Mr. Wang from Youngman Automobile. Glad to meet you.
Smith: Thank you for waiting and meeting us at the station.
Smith: OK. Let's go.
Smith: Here is my card.
Jones: Here is mine. Mr. Wang, I would like to know the itinerary for the following days.
Jones: That's a very appropriate schedule. I don't think we have any disagreement or anything to add.
Upon departure on the third day
Smith & Jones: Thank you for driving us to the airport.
Smith: We sure did. We had a great time. Thank you for your great hospitality and thoughtful arrangements that make everything go well. This visit has provided us with a good opportunity to have a better understanding of your company and we are confident that with such a strong partner in China, we will have an excellent performance in China's auto market.
Smith: It's so kind of you. I like Jinhua a lot. The water is clean, the food delicious, and the people friendly. I think I'm already looking forward to my next visit. Thank you very much for what you've done for us. I will cherish this experience. Let's keep in touch.
6.知识拓展 Knowledge Development
Directions: Read the following text and try to understand the basic concepts including the characteristics, modes, requirements, criteria, process, and classification of interpretation.
口译概论 An Overview of Interpretation

译能即口译能力(Interpreting Competence),译技即口译技巧(Interpreting Skills),译为即口译行为(Interpreting Performance)。

交替传译(Consecutive Interpreting)简称“交传”或“连传”,英文缩写为CI 。讲话人说一段,译员翻译一段,循环往复,交替进行。交替传译常用于新闻发布会、外事会见、商务谈判、户外活动等。3分钟以上即可称为长交传。
同声传译(Simultaneous Interpreting)简称“同传”,英文缩写为SI。讲话人的“说”与译员的“译”几乎同时进行。2~3人一组,在同传间/同传箱(Booth)内使用同传设备,一般译员每20分钟轮换一次。
会议口译(Conference Interpreting)、陪同口译(Escort Interpreting)、外交口译(Diplomatic Interpreting)、商务口译(Business Interpreting)、媒体口译(Media Interpreting)、社区口译(Community Interpreting)、导游口译(Guide Interpreting)、医学口译(Medical Interpreting)、法庭/法律口译(Court/Legal/Judicial Interpreting)。
会议口译(Conference Interpreting)。
联络口译(Liaison Interpreting)。
单向口译(One-way Interpreting):译员只将A语译成B语。
双向口译(Two-way Interpreting):译员要将A语和B语交替互译。