第一章 欧盟处理海洋事务的法律依据、权能范围及其执行
一 欧盟处理海洋事务的欧盟法依据及其权能范围
与国际法律人格直接相关的问题是权能的范围,即只限于基础条约明确赋予了条约缔结权的领域,还是至少(可能)涵盖基础条约所涉及的所有领域?这涉及欧盟处理对外关系事务的能力。欧洲法院1971年“欧洲公路运输协定案”(European Road Transportation Agreement,ERTA)判决确立的“ERTA 规则”或“ERTA原则”回答了这个问题:如果成员国缔结的国际协定“影响”联盟内部立法(或“修改了立法的范围”),则此领域的缔结权属于联盟的专属权能。[3]欧洲法院1977年“1/76号意见”[4]和2006年“03/1号意见”[5]遵循并发展“ERTA 规则”的适用。这些“司法造法”最终被编纂进《里斯本条约》。
在《欧洲经济共同体条约》第210条和《欧洲共同体条约》第281条及欧洲法院系列“ERTA 规则”案例基础上,经2009年年底生效的《里斯本条约》修订后的《欧洲联盟条约》第1条和第47条、第2条,以及《欧洲联盟运行条约》第3条、第4条和第216条一起构成欧盟享有国际法律人格的明确的欧盟法依据。
《欧洲联盟条约》第1条最后一句话“联盟将取代并继承欧洲共同体”和第47 条“联盟应具有法律人格”之规定共同“为欧盟创设了一个单一的国际法律人格”[10]。该条约第2 条明文规定:“1.当两部条约赋予联盟在某一特定领域享有专属权能时,只有联盟可在此领域立法和通过具有法律约束力的法令,成员国仅在获得联盟授权或为实施联盟法令的情况下才可在此等领域立法或通过具有法律约束力的法令。2.当两部条约在某一特定领域赋予联盟一项与成员国共享的权能时,联盟与成员国均可在该领域立法和通过具有法律约束力的法令。在联盟未行使或决定停止行使其权能的情况下,成员国可行使该项权能。”
《欧洲联盟运行条约》第3条第1款规定了欧盟拥有专属权能的领域。[11]与海洋事务直接或可能相关的包括“根据共同渔业政策养护海洋生物资源”(第1 款d项)、“共同商业政策”(第1款e项)和“关税同盟”(第1款a项)。该条约第4 条第2 款规定了欧盟与成员国共享权能范围。[12]与海洋事务直接或可能相关的包括“除海洋生物资源养护之外的渔业”(第2 款 d项)、“环境(海上污染的预防)”(第2 款e项)和“运输(海上运输、船舶安全)”(第2 款g项)。第4条第3款规定“联盟在研究、技术开发和空间领域拥有采取行动的权能,特别是确定和执行计划的权能;但该权能的行使不得导致成员国无法行使其权能”。
二 欧盟海洋事务的决策和执行
欧盟机构中,欧盟理事会、欧洲议会和欧盟委员会是欧盟的“三驾马车”。简单地说,欧盟理事会和欧洲议会是立法机构,共同拥有立法权,欧盟委员会是执法机构,欧盟法院是司法机构。欧盟理事会和欧洲议会是欧盟的主要决策机构。在欧盟拥有专属权能和共享权能的政策领域,由欧盟理事会和欧洲议会共同决策(codecision)。[15]欧盟理事会根据处理的事项不同而称谓不同。其中,农业和渔业理事会,环境理事会,交通、通信和能源理事会,外交理事会等都可能涉及海洋事务。[16]欧洲议会项下根据不同事项设有20个委员会,其中外事委员会、国际贸易委员会、交通和旅游委员会、渔业委员会等都可能涉及海洋事务。[17]欧盟委员会同欧盟法院一起确保欧盟法在欧盟的实施,它在国际上代表欧盟,在国际机构中代表所有成员国发声。[18]欧盟委员会由21 名委员组成,海洋事务主要由环境、海洋事务和渔业委员负责,贸易委员和交通委员的职权范围也可能包括相关海洋事务;另设有一名外交事务和安全政策高级代表,由委员会副主席兼任。[19]
除上述“三驾马车”外,欧盟法院(Court of Jus-tice of the European Union,CJEU)也发挥着重要作用。法院的职能是保证欧盟法在各成员国的同等适用,解决成员国和欧盟机构之间的法律争端,以及在特定情形下处理个人、公司或组织针对欧盟机构提出的指控,涉海相关法律或争端自然属于法院的管辖事务。[20]
对外方面,欧盟的外交事务具体由对外行动署(Eu-ropean External Action Services,EEAS)处理。欧盟对外行动署的职能主要有两项:在执行欧盟的外交和安全政策方面为外交事务和安全政策高级代表提供支持;处理欧盟同非欧盟国家的外交关系和战略伙伴关系。[21]就海洋事务而言,内部由欧盟理事会、欧洲议会和欧盟委员会三大机构决策,对外则由外交事务和安全政策高级代表以及对外行动署具体执行。因此,欧盟的对外涉海声明通常都由外交事务和安全政策高级代表代表欧盟发出。
此外,欧盟还设立了欧盟理事会海洋法工作组(the Council's Working Party on the Law of the Sea,COMAR)作为协调所有海洋法事务的专门机构。欧盟及其成员国通过该工作组协调并形成共同立场,然后在国际场合发声。[22]工作组一般由来自成员国的海洋法专家组成,在综合事务理事会框架下运行,接受理事会总秘书处的协助,受理事会主席国的领导,工作组组长一般由主席国相关人员担任。工作组通常在布鲁塞尔开会,每年四次(依据主席国的安排或相关需要,也可能更多)。自2004年1月爱尔兰担任主席国起,工作组的运行与联合国议程保持一致。通常由欧盟委员会起草对联大决议的声明或评论,然后散发给成员国和相关职能司,最后由成员国在工作组会议中进行讨论并定稿。共同立场以共识方式通过,工作组会议向委员会开放。工作组通过的共同立场将发往纽约,进行进一步讨论和完善。[23]
三 小结
[1]Pieter Jan Kuijper,Jan Wouters,Frank Hoffmeister,Geert De Baere,and Thomas Ramopoulos,The Law of EU External Relations:Cases,Materials,and Commentary on the EU as an International Legal Actor,Oxford University Press,2013,p.1.
[3]Judgment of the Court of 31 March 1971,Commission of the European Communities v.Council of the European Communities,Case 22/70,European Court Reports 1971,p.263(ERTA Case),paras.1-32,68-92,100.
[4]Opinion of the Court of 26 April 1977,Draft Agreement establishing a European laying-up fund for inland waterway vessels,Opinion 1/76,European Court Report 1977,p.741.
[5]Opinion of the Court of 7 February 2006,Competence of the Community to conclude the new Lugano Convention on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters,Opinion 1/03,European Court Reports 2006,pp.1-1145,paras.114-132.
[6]原文相关内容如下:It declares inter alia that: Competence of the European Communities with regard to matters governed by the Convention on the Law of the Sea(Declaration made pursuant to article 2 of Annex IX to the Convention).Article 2 of Annex IX to the Convention on the Law of the Sea stipulates that the participation of an international organisation shall be subject to a declaration specifying the matters governed by the Convention in respect of which competence has been transferred to the organisation by its member states.The European Communities were established by the Treaties of Paris and of Rome,signed on 18 April 1951 and 25 March 1957,respectively.After being ratified by the Signatory States the Treaties entered into force on 25 July 1952 and 1 January 1958.In accordance with the provisions referred to above this declaration indicates the competence of the European Economic Community in matters governed by the Convention.The Community points out that its Member States have transferred competence to it with regard to the conservation and management of sea fishing resources.Hence,in the field of sea fishing it is for the Community to adopt the relevant rules and regulations(which are enforced by the Member States)and to enter into external undertakings with third states or competent international organisations.See“Declarations and statements”,http://www.un.org/Depts/los/convention_agreements/convention_declarations.htm,European Community Upon signature.
[7]Veronica Frank,The European Community and Marine Environmental Protection in the International Law of the Sea: Implementing Global Obligations at the Regional Level,Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publisherste,2006,p.161.
[8]原文相关内容如下:It declares inter alia that: The Community has exclusive competence for certain matters and shares competence with its Member States for certain other matters.1.Matters for which the Community has exclusive competence:—The Community points out that its Member States have transferred com-petence to it with regard to the conservation and management of sea fishing re-sources.Hence in this field it is for the Community to adopt the relevant rules and regulations(which are enforced by the Member States)and,within its competence,to enter into external undertakings with third States or competent international organizations.This competence applies to waters under national fisheries jurisdiction and to the high seas.Nevertheless,in respect of measures relating to the exercise of jurisdiction over vessels,flagging and registration of vessels and the enforcement of penal and administrative sanctions,competence rests with the Member States whilst respecting Community law.Community law also provides for administrative sanctions.—By virtue of its commercial and customs policy,the Community has com-petence in respect of those provisions of Parts Ⅹ and Ⅺ of the Convention and of the Agreement of 28 July 1994 which are related to international trade.2.Matters for which the Community shares competence with its Member States:—With regard to fisheries,for a certain number of matters that are not di-rectly related to the conservation and management of sea fishing resources,for example research and technological development and development cooperation,there is shared competence.—With regard to the provisions on maritime transport,safety of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution contained inter alia in PartsⅡ,Ⅲ,Ⅴ,Ⅶ and Ⅻ of the Convention,the Community has exclusive competence only to the extent that such provisions of the Convention or legal instruments adopted in implementation there of affect common rules established by the Community.When Community rules exist but are not affected,in particular in cases of Com-munity provisions establishing only minimum standards,the Member States have competence,without prejudice to the competence of the Community to act in this field.Otherwise competence rests with the Members States.A list of relevant Community acts appears in the Appendix.The extent of Community competence ensuing from these acts must be assessed by reference to the precise provisions of each measure,and in particular,the extent to which these provisions establish common rules.-With regard to the provisions of Parts ⅫⅠ and ⅪⅤ of the Convention,the Community's competence relates mainly to the promotion of cooperation on research and technological development with non-member countries and international organizations.The activities carried out by the Community here complement the activities of the Member States.Competence in this instance is implemented by the adoption of the programmes listed in the Appendix.3.Possible impact of other Community policies-Mention should also be made of the Community's policies and activities in the fields of control of unfair economic practices,government procurement and industrial competitiveness as well as in the area of development aid.These policies may also have some relevance to the Convention and the Agreement,in particular with regard to certain provisions of PartsⅥandⅪof the Convention.See http://www.un.org/Depts/los/convention_agreements/convention_declarations.htm#European Community Declaration made upon formal confirmation.
[9]Veronica Frank,The European Community and Marine Environmental Protection in the International Law of the Sea: Implementing Global Obligations at the Regional Level,Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publisherste,2006,p.163.
[10]Pieter Jan Kuijper,Jan Wouters,Frank Hoffmeister,Geert De Baere and Thomas Ramopoulos,The Law of EU External Relations:Cases,Materials,and Commentary on the EU as an International Legal Actor,Oxford University Press,2013,p.19.
[22]Annex III to the Council Decision 98/392,Mandate of the Working Party on the Law of the Sea.
[23]Veronica Frank,The European Community and Marine Environmental Protection in the International Law of the Sea:Implementing Global Obligations at the Regional Level,Leiden:Martinus Nijhoff Publisherste,2006,pp.168-169.