Key Terminologies
information system 信息系统
economic activities and events 经济活动与事项
monetary unit 货币单位
financial condition 财务状况
operating performance 经营业绩
financial reports 财务报告
bookkeeping function 记账职能
ethical behavior 道德行为
accounting law 会计法
accounting standards 会计准则
accounting function 会计职能
calculation function 核算职能
supervision function 监督职能
information users 信息使用者
internal users 内部信息使用者
external users 外部信息使用者
board of directors 董事会
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 首席执行官
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) 首席财务官,财务总监
tax offices 税务部门
external (independent) auditors 外部(独立)审计师
labor unions 工会
business credit 商业信用
purchase on credit 赊购
public accounting 公共会计
private accounting 企业会计
accounting for government and nonprofit organizations 政府与非营利组织会计
public accounting firms Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
financial accounting 财务会计
management accounting 管理会计
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) 公认会计原则
accounting assumption 会计假设
business entity 会计主体假设
going-concern 持续经营假设
monetary unit 货币计量假设
time period 会计分期假设
legal entity 法人实体
financial reports 财务报告
financial statements 财务报表
modern accounting 现代会计
accrual basis 权责发生制
historical cost 历史成本原则
realization 收付实现制
matching 匹配原则
full disclosure 充分披露原则
cash basis 现金收付制
accounting elements 会计要素
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises 企业会计准则
measurement attribute 计量属性
hisforical cost 历史成本
current cost 现行成本
current market value 市场价值
net realizable value 可实现净值
present value 现值
conservatism 谨慎性
the lower of historical cost or market value 成本与市价孰低
sale on credit 赊销
parenthetical explanations 括号解释
supporting schedules 明细附表
cross-references 交叉引用
long-term leases 长期租赁
Conceptual Framework for financial Accounting and Reporting 财务会计与报告的概念框架,简称财务报告概念框架
FASB 美国财务会计准则委员会
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 财务会计准则公告
Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information 会计信息质量特征
Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts 财务会计概念公告
predictive value 预测价值
feedback value 反馈价值
presented on a timely basis 被及时提出
net income 净利润
SEC 美国证券交易委员会
representational faithfulness 代表性
balance sheet 资产负债表
fixed assets 固定资产