
The Message

The Sheriff was glumglum adj.闷闷不乐的 that night at the rich supper table with his wife. “I thought I could catch that thief with this contest,” he said to her.

“I guess Robin Hood was too much of a coward to show his face.” Right then, a shaftshaft n.箭杆 crashedcrash v.冲 through the window and stuck straight into the roast. The Sheriff unfoldedunfold v.打开 the note that was stuck to the arrow. It read that the beggar at the contest had been none other than Robin Hood. The note instructed him to look closely at the arrow. When he did, the Sheriff realized it was one of his own arrows—the very same arrow he had covered in gold and given as the prize. Robin Hood's men had scrapedscrap v.削 off the gold and kept it. The dupeduped adj.上当的 sheriff upendedupend v.使倒放 the table and stormedstorm v.气冲冲地走 off, madder than he had ever been in his whole life.