Born in Hamhung, Hamgyeongdo, North Korea
· 1960-1963, Department of Electrical Engineering, Hanyang University of South Korea
· 1968, graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Utah State University, USA
· 1971, Master of Electrical Engineering, Maine State University, USA
· 1968-1971, worked in Ford, NCR, Burroughs and other companies
· 1975, set up“TELE VIDEO” and was the president of the company
· 1981, AMP, Harvard Graduate School of Business
· 1982, awarded American Academy Golden Plate
· 1983, Honorary Doctor in Engineering from the Utah State University
· 1983, TELE VIDEO was listed in NASDAQ
· 1983, awarded the National Medal of the President of the Republic of Korea
· 1985, awarded the Industrial Medal of the President of the Republic of Korea
· 1986, awarded the Prize of the Statue of Liberty by US Congress which was issued every century
· 1991, appointed to be the Advisor to the Presidents of Comi and Sakha Republics of the Russian Federation
· 1993, appointed to be Technical Advisor to US President George Bush.
· 1998, Chairman of Korean and American Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the Silicon Valley
· 1999, Visiting Professor of Yanbian University of Science and Technology, China
·2003, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy of the Russian Far Eastern State Transport University
· 2006, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy to the Sookmyoung Women's University of South Korea