298 口+门/門【mén】=问(問)【wèn】(形声)
①问【wèn】<v.>ask about; inquire
问路【wènlù】ask the way
※请问【qǐnɡwèn】excuse me; please; we should like to ask; it may be asked; one may ask
②问题【wèntí】<n.>question; problem; issue; trouble; mishap
※有问必答【yǒuwènbìdá】reply to every question
※一问三不知【yíwèn sānbùzhī】say “I don't know” to every question - not know a thing; be entirely ignorant
③※问候【wènhòu】ask after; inquire after
※问候【wènhòu】<v.>send one's respects to; extend greetings to
※问好【wènhǎo】<v.>send one's regards to; say hello to
④※问世【wènshì】<v.> be published; come out

囗,the shape of the ring. The meaning is around the surrounding. As a radical, “囗”is usually located outer-ring of the Chinese characters. The words of the radical “囗” are mostly related to the scope and territory.