260 女+口【kǒu】=如【rú】(会意)

The women was forced to obey orders.
①如果【rúɡuǒ】<conj.>if; in case; in the event of
②如何【rúhé】<pron.>how; what
③比如【bǐrú】for example; for instance; such as
※例如【lìrú】for example; for instance
④※如同【rútónɡ】like; as; as if
※如上【rúshànɡ】as above
※如下【rúxià】as follows
※如见其人【rújiàn qírén】as if seeing sb.
※如日中天【rúrìzhōnɡtiān】like the sun at high noon; at the apex (or zenith) of one's power, career, etc.
※心口如一【xīnkǒurúyī】say what one's think; be frank and unreserved
※百闻不如一见【bǎiwénbùrúyījiàn】seeing for oneself is a hundred times better than hearing from others