The roads are good and the weather's grand,
So I'm off to play in the Hobo Band;
With a gaspipe flute and a cowhide drum
I'm going to make the music come.
With a toot, toot, toot, and a dum, dum, dum,
Just hear me make the music come!
[NOTES] This rhyme is about a man who is going to make music in a group of hobos. Hobos are people who have no home. They walk from town to town and make music for money. This man will put holes in a metal pipe that was used for gas and he will blow into it like a flute to make music. He will hit a drum made from the skin of a cow to make a beating sound.
grand—very good
hobo—someone with no job or home
band—many people who make music together
gaspipe flute—make a sound by blowing into a gas pipe with holes
cowhide—skin of the cow
toot—the sound a flute makes
dum—the sound a drum makes