Word List 9

schism /ˈskɪzəm/
【释】n. 分裂;分歧
【例】the schism between her father and his brother
【近】division, split
bisect /baɪˈsekt/
【释】v. 把…分为两部分;把…二等分
【例】bisect the exterior angle
【近】halve, cross, intersect
unfurl /ˌʌnˈfɜːrl/
【释】v. 展开 (make or become spread out from a rolled or folded state)
【例】to unfurl an umbrella
【近】spread out
combative /kəmˈbætɪv/
【释】adj. 好斗的
【例】the dictator’s combative language
【近】pugnacious, hostile, belligerent
fortuitous /fɔːrˈtuːɪtəs/
【释】adj. 偶然的 (having no cause or apparent cause)
【例】The occurrence of such things is by no means fortuitous.
【反】predictable, deliberate
【释】adj. 幸运的
【例】Their success is the result of a fortuitous combination of circumstances.
oblong /ˈɑːblɔːŋ/
【释】n./adj. 长方形(的)
【例】an oblong box
spatter /ˈspætər/
【释】n./v. 溅出;洒落 (a spray or splash of something)
【例】The bus spattered water over us.
wily /ˈwaɪli/
【释】adj. 诡计多端的;狡猾的
【例】a wily old rascal
【近】astute, cunning, sly
swelter /ˈsweltər/
【释】v. 酷热难当
【例】Barney sweltered in his doorman’s uniform.
somersault /ˈsʌmərsɔːlt/
【释】n./v. 翻腾;(翻)筋斗
【例】a backward somersault
【释】n./v. 翻滚;翻车
【例】His car somersaulted into a ditch.
repulse /rɪˈpʌls/
【释】v. 击退 (drive back (an attack or attacking enemy) by force)
【例】Rioters tried to storm the Ministry but were repulsed by police.
【近】repel, ward off
【释】v. 断然拒绝 (reject or rebuff)
【例】She left, feeling hurt because she had been repulsed.
【释】v. 使厌恶 (cause to feel intense distaste and aversion)
【例】Audiences were repulsed by the film’s brutality.
inscrutable /ɪnˈskruːtəbl/
【释】adj. 难以捉摸的 (impossible to understand or interpret)
【例】an inscrutable writing
【近】mysterious, incomprehensible
chlorophyll /ˈklɔːrəfɪl/
【释】n. 叶绿素
【例】Chlorophyll is produced by the action of light on the plants’ leaves.
hieroglyphic /ˌhaɪərəˈɡlɪfɪk/
【释】n./adj. 象形文字(的)
【释】n. 难以辨认的文字
【例】tattered notebooks filled with illegible hieroglyphics
paleontologist /ˌpeɪliənˈtɑlədʒɪst/
【释】n. 古生物学者
【例】Jack is an eminent paleontologist, who is a consultant on the movie.
trite /traɪt/
【释】adj. 老生常谈的 (lacking originality or freshness)
【例】The simple concepts he had been taught now sounded trite and naive.
【近】platitudinous, commonplace
【反】original, imaginative
merciful /ˈmɜːrsɪfl/
【释】adj. 仁慈的;宽恕的 (tender-hearted)
【例】After such a long illness, her death came as a merciful release.
honk /hɑːŋk/
【释】n./v. 鹅叫(声);(按)汽车喇叭(声)
【例】What good will honking your horn do?
【近】beep, blow
decoy /dɪˈkɔɪ/
【释】n. 诱饵
【例】a decoy duck
【释】v. 诱骗,引诱
【例】They would try to decoy the enemy toward the hidden group.
【近】lure, trap
concord /ˈkɑːŋkɔːrd/
【释】n. 和谐 (agreement or harmony between people or groups)
【例】These states had lived in concord for centuries.
【近】agreement, harmony, consensus
receptacle /rɪˈseptəkl/
【释】n. 容器
【例】trash receptacles
【近】container, box
resuscitate /rɪˈsʌsɪteɪt/
【释】v. 恢复;使复苏
【例】measures to resuscitate the economy
【近】revive, restore
【释】v. 使苏醒
【例】Medics resuscitated him.
molt /moʊlt/
【释】n./v. 换毛;换羽
【释】n. 换毛期
venerate /ˈvenəreɪt/
【释】v. 崇敬 (regard with great respect)
【例】Mother Teresa is venerated as a saint.
【近】revere, worship
【形】veneration, venerable
voracious /vəˈreɪʃəs/
【释】adj. 贪吃的,渴求的 (wanting or devouring great quantities of food)
【例】Joseph Smith was a voracious book collector.
【近】greedy, gluttonous, ravenous
【反】uneager, apathetic
premeditate /ˌpriːˈmedɪteɪt/
【释】v. 预谋 (think out or plan beforehand)
fastidious /fæˈstɪdiəs/
【释】adj. 一丝不苟的;苛求的;挑剔的 (very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail)
【例】He chooses his words with fastidious care.
【近】demanding, critical
kickback /ˈkɪkbæk/
【释】n. 回扣,佣金
【例】They paid kickbacks to politicians.
【释】n. [机械学]反冲;逆转
【例】the kickback from the gun
extort /ɪkˈstɔːrt/
【释】v. 敲诈,勒索 (obtain (something) by force)
【例】He was convicted of trying to extort $1 million from a developer.
【释】v. 迫使,强求
【例】Her wit and intelligence extorted their admiration.
【形】extortion, extortionate
pedantic /pɪˈdæntɪk/
【释】adj. 学究式的;卖弄学问的
【例】a pedantic interpretation of the rules
loll /lɑːl/
【释】v. 懒洋洋地倚靠 (sit, lie, or stand in a lazy, relaxed way)
【例】The two girls lolled in their chairs.
【近】lounge, sprawl
cobblestone /ˈkɑːblstoʊn/
【释】n. 圆石,鹅卵石
【例】There was a solemn procession through the cobblestone streets.
offbeat /ˌɔːfˈbiːt/
【释】adj. 不寻常的,非传统的 (unconventional)
【例】an offbeat sense of humor
ratchet /ˈrætʃɪt/
【释】n. 棘齿条
【释】v. 小幅提升
【例】The Bank of Japan ratcheted up interest rates again.
unbridle /ʌnˈbraɪdl/
【释】v. 卸除…的辔头
【例】learn how to bridle and unbridle a horse
dimple /ˈdɪmpl/
【释】n./v. (使起)涟漪;(使现)酒窝
【例】Drops dimpled the smooth stream.
propound /prəˈpaʊnd/
【释】v. 提出…供考虑
【例】Zoologist Eugene Morton has propounded a general theory of the vocal sounds that animals make.
【近】forward, advance, offer
【反】oppose, disprove
behemoth /bɪˈhiːmɔːθ/
【释】n. 庞然大物;巨兽
【例】Shoppers are now more loyal to their local stores than to faceless behemoths.
doodle /ˈduːdl/
【释】n./v. 涂鸦
【例】He was only doodling in the margin.
【释】n. 轻而易举的事
begrudge /bɪˈɡrʌdʒ/
【释】v. 吝惜;勉强做
【例】Don’t begrudge the cost.
【释】v. 忌妒
【例】She begrudges Bob’s affluence.
【近】envy, resent
scoundrel /ˈskaʊndrəl/
【释】n. 无赖 (a dishonest or unscrupulous person)
【例】That scoundrel sets a bad example for the other young men.
reprehensible /ˌreprɪˈhensəbl/
【释】adj. 应受指责的 (deserving censure or condemnation)
【例】Mr. Cramer said the violence by anti-government protestors was reprehensible.
variegate /ˈverɪɡeɪt/
【释】v. 使成斑驳;使多样化
【例】a plant with variegated leaves
【近】vary, diversify
hexagonal /heksˈæɡənl/
【释】adj. 六边形的
【例】a white concrete hexagonal pyramid
cosmonaut /ˈkɑːzmənɔːt/
【释】n. [俄罗斯的]宇航员
indefatigable /ˌɪndɪˈfætɪɡəbl/
【释】adj. 不知疲倦的 (persisting tirelessly)
【例】an indefatigable defender of human rights
【近】industrious, persistent
incise /ɪnˈsaɪz/
【释】v. 雕刻 (mark or decorate with cuts)
【例】a button incised with a skull
【释】v. 切开,切割
disavow /ˌdɪsəˈvaʊ/
【释】v. 否认,否定
【例】The chairman disavowed the press release.
【近】deny, renounce
【反】admit, acknowledge
javelin /ˈdʒævlɪn/
【释】n. 投枪;标枪
【例】his nearest rival in the javelin
despondent /dɪˈspɑːndənt/
【释】adj. 沮丧的,失望的 (without or almost without hope)
【例】He was despondent over the breakup of his marriage.
【近】despairing, desperate
【形】despond, despondency
ebullient /ɪˈbʌliənt/
【释】adj. 热情洋溢的
【例】in an ebullient mood
【近】exuberant, cheerful
encumber /ɪnˈkʌmbər/
【释】v. 妨碍
【例】Her movements were encumbered by her heavy skirts.
【近】hamper, obstruct, impede
morose /məˈroʊs/
【释】adj. 阴郁的 (sullen and ill-tempered)
【例】She just sat there looking morose.
【近】gloomy, melancholy
decibel /ˈdesɪbel/
【释】n. 分贝;响度
【例】His voice went up several decibels.
studious /ˈstuːdiəs/
【释】adj. 好学的;用功的 (characterized by diligent study)
【例】Teachers marked her as a quiet, studious and devoutly Catholic girl.
【近】diligent, hardworking
jovial /ˈdʒoʊviəl/
【释】adj. 快乐的 (cheerful and friendly)
【例】She was in a jovial mood.
【近】cheerful, gay
stoic /ˈstoʊɪk/
【释】n. 坚忍的人;寡欲的人
【例】I had no intention of spending my life as the stoic spouse to that autocratic buffoon.
【释】adj. 坚忍的;苦修的
【近】long-suffering, tolerant
swindle /ˈswɪndl/
【释】v./n. 诈骗 (use deception to deprive of money or possessions)
【例】The criminals swindle money from the buyers by forging commercial documents.
【近】deceive, fraud
drudgery /ˈdrʌdʒəri/
【释】n. 苦活,苦工
【例】domestic drudgery
【近】menial work
tinkle /ˈtɪŋkl/
【释】n./v. (发出)叮当声 (a light, clear ringing sound)
【例】Cool water tinkled in the stone fountains.
【释】v. 撒尿 (urinate)
recant /rɪˈkænt/
【释】v. 宣布放弃
【例】He was forced to recant his political beliefs.
【近】renounce, deny, retract
unwitting /ʌnˈwɪtɪŋ/
【释】adj. 不知情的 (not aware of the full facts)
【例】We’re unwitting victims of the system.
【近】unconscious, innocent
voluptuous /vəˈlʌptʃuəs/
【释】adj. 撩人的;丰满性感的 (of, relating to, or characterized by luxury or sensual pleasure)
【例】the voluptuous curve of her hips
lullaby /ˈlʌləbaɪ/
【释】n. 摇篮曲;催眠曲
unremitting /ˌʌnrɪˈmɪtɪŋ/
【释】adj. 持续的;不懈的
【例】the unremitting rain
【近】incessant, continual
misconstrue /ˌmɪskənˈstruː/
【释】v. 误解
【例】His shyness is misconstrued as unfriendliness.
【近】misunderstand, misinterpret
demure /dɪˈmjʊr/
【释】adj. 端庄娴静的 (reserved, modest, and shy)
【例】a demure smile
【近】mild, elegant
naivete /naɪˈiːvəteɪ/
【释】n. 质朴;天真 (lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment)
detonation /ˌdetəˈneɪʃn/
【释】n. 引爆;爆炸
【例】the detonation of the first atomic bomb
【近】explosion, discharge
geyser /ˈɡaɪzər/
【释】n. 间歇喷泉 (a spring that discharges hot water and steam)
【例】The geyser is quite impressive and the current measured record is 21 feet.
humdrum /ˈhʌmdrʌm/
【释】n./adj. 乏味(的);单调(的)
【例】humdrum routine work
【近】mundane, dull
【反】remarkable, exciting
centennial /senˈteniəl/
【释】n./adj. 一百周年纪念(的)
【例】The centennial Olympics was in Atlanta, Georgia.
figment /ˈfɪɡmənt/
【释】n. 臆想的事物
【例】The attack was not just a figment of my imagination.
【近】illusion, fancy
listless /ˈlɪstləs/
【释】adj. 无精打采的 (lacking energy or enthu-siasm)
【例】She looked listless.
【近】lethargic, inert, sluggish
frolic /ˈfrɑːlɪk/
【释】v. 嬉戏
【例】Edward frolicked on the sand.
【近】play, fun
【释】n. 欢乐的活动 ((often frolics) a playful action or movement)
【例】The days of fun and frolic were gone for good.
infernal /ɪnˈfɜːrnl/
【释】adj. 地狱(般)的;严酷的 (of, relating to, or characteristic of hell or the underworld)
【例】They can’t work in these infernal conditions.
【近】subterranean, wretched
missive /ˈmɪsɪv/
【释】n. 信件;公函
【例】the customary missive from your dear mother
inimical /ɪˈnɪmɪkl/
【释】adj. 不友好的;不利的
【例】an inimical alien power
【反】friendly, favorable
【释】adj. 有害的
【例】actions inimical to our interests
【近】harmful, detrimental
refract /rɪˈfrækt/
【释】v. 使折射 (make (a ray of light) change direction when it enters at an angle)
【例】The rays of light are refracted by the material of the lens.
garble /ˈɡɑːrbl/
【释】v. 篡改 (reproduce (a message, sound, or transmission) in a confused and distorted way)
【例】You garble my words from their real meaning.
【近】distort, twist
merriment /ˈmerimənt/
【释】n. 欢乐;欢笑 (enjoyment)
entreat /ɪnˈtriːt/
【释】v. 恳求,乞求 (ask someone earnestly or anxiously)
【例】His friends entreated him not to go.
【近】beg, plead, implore
pliable /ˈplaɪəbl/
【释】adj. 易弯的 (easily bent)
【例】As your baby grows bigger, his bones become less pliable.
【近】flexible, bendable, elastic
carnivorous /kɑːrˈnɪvərəs/
【释】adj. 食肉的;食虫的
【例】The giraffe is not a carnivorous animal.
askew /əˈskjuː/
【释】adj. 歪斜的,不平的(not in a straight or level position)
【例】She stood there, hat askew.
【近】crooked, lopsided
fuzz /fʌz/
【释】n. 蓬松卷曲的毛发;绒毛
【例】a fuzz of black hair
【近】hair, fur
【释】n. [美国俚语]警察
freewheel /ˌfriːˈwiːl/
【释】v./n. 滑行;凭惯性前进
undulation /ˌʌndʒəˈleɪʃn/
【释】n. 波动 (wave-like motion)
droll /droʊl/
【释】adj. 滑稽的 (curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement)
【近】funny, comic
demagogue /ˈdeməɡɑːɡ/
【释】n. 煽动者 (a politician who tries to get support by using arguments based on emotion)
torrid /ˈtɔːrɪd/
【释】adj. 炽烈的;灼热的 (very hot and dry)
【例】torrid zone
【近】hot, dry, ardent
【反】cold, wet
【释】adj. 艰难的 (full of difficulty)
【例】Wall Street is in for a torrid time in the next few weeks.
insipid /ɪnˈsɪpɪd/
【释】adj. 枯燥的;乏味的 (lacking interest or significance)
【例】an insipid novel
【近】boring, tedious
vacuous /ˈvækjuəs/
【释】adj. 空虚的;空洞的 (devoid of significance)
quixotic /kwɪkˈsɑːtɪk/
【释】adj. 唐吉诃德式的;不切实际的 (romantic in a way that is not practical)
【例】They had quixotic dreams about the future.
embezzle /ɪmˈbezl/
【释】v. 贪污;盗用 (steal money that you have been trusted with)
【例】He was convicted of embezzling.
palatial /pəˈleɪʃl/
【释】adj. 宏伟的,壮丽的 (very large and impressive)
【例】This journey marks my first visit to the palatial sand dunes of Sossusvlei.
rectitude /ˈrektɪtuːd/
【释】n. 正直 (uprightness as a consequence of being honorable and honest)
【例】Alexander is a man of unquestioned moral rectitude.
【近】goodness, virtue, integrity
orangutan /ˌɔræŋˈʊtæn/
【释】n. 猩猩
elixir /ɪˈlɪksər/
【释】n. 灵丹妙药 (a magical or medicinal potion)
【例】I have no magic elixir for solving the country’s economic problems.
federate /ˈfedəreɪt/
【释】v. 使结成联邦 (enter into a league for a common purpose)
【例】The country was federated after the Civil War.