30 fer
■ 词根考古学
词根fer来自拉丁语,意为to carry,to bear,表示“可搬运的;承受”。
■ 单词拆拆看
suffer = suf + fer
释 [ˈsʌfər] v. 承受;遭受,经历
解 suf-表示“下面的”,fer表示“承受”,在…下面承受,即“遭受,经历”。
例 I am suffering from headache. 我正遭受头痛之苦。
offer = of + fer
释 [ˈɔːfər] v. 提供;报价;贡献
解 of-表示“朝向;到”,fer表示“可搬运的”,朝某地搬运,即“提供;贡献”。
例 The number of companies offering them work increased. 给他们提供工作的公司数量增多了。
different = dif + fer
释 [ˈdɪfrənt] a. 不同的,各种的;个别的
解 dif-表示“远的”,fer表示“承受”,承受住远的,即“不同的”。
例 Different nations have different customs. 不同的国家有不同的习俗。
■ 词汇拓展营
fertile [ˈfɜːrtl] a.肥沃的,多产的
interfere [ˌɪntərˈfɪr] v. 干涉,冲突,打扰
preferential [ˌprefəˈrenʃl] a. 优先的,特惠的
refer [rɪˈfɜːr] v. 谈及;参考
vociferous [voʊˈsɪfərəs] a. 嘈杂的,大声喊的
■ 词缀一家亲
1. suf-(下面的) sufficient a. 足够的
2. of-(朝向;到) offend v. 冒犯
3. dif-(远的) difficult a. 困难的;不易相处的
I. 搜索关键词:请将下列单词的正确形式填入句子中,使句子完整。
credible contradict seduce precursor dictate
1. The teacher gave the pupils ______.
2. Error is often the ______ of what is correct.
3. These kind of cuts will get him some ______ on the budget.
4. Her fi gure was slighter and therefore more ______ than Natalie.
5. The shy girl was afraid to ______.
答案: 1. dictation 2. precursor 3. credibility 4. seductive 5. contradict
II. 复习对对碰:请将下列词汇和英文词义配对。
enduring menace suffer delay suffi cient
A. enough for a particular purpose; as much as you need
B. to be badly affected by a disease, pain, sadness, a lack of something, etc.
C. lasting for a long time
D. a period of time when somebody/something has to wait because of a problem that makes something slow or late
E. a person or thing that causes, or may cause, serious damage, harm or danger
答案:enduring—C; menace—E; suffer—B; delay—D; suffi cient—A
III. 备忘笔记本:请写出以下词根、词缀的含义和相关词,写不出来的部分要重点学习、记忆哦!
1. en-_________________________
2. fer _________________________
3. equ _________________________
4. pre- _________________________
5. fac __________________________