中国非营利评论(第20卷 2017 No.2)

Market Orientation or Social Orientation?

—The Choices of Chinese Government-Organized Foundations in Transformation

Lu Weijing Liu Chengcheng Zhao Xiaoping

[Abstract] The current studies about the transformation of government-organized foundation(GO-foundation)usually focus on discussing the organizations cutting off contact with the authorities and operating independ ently. Basing on new institutionalism and resource dependence theory, the study adds substantive rationality to explain GO-foundation transformation in China, and chooses 4 typical cases in Lushan earthquake relief in 2013. The study finds that, the GO-foundation goes two different directions during transformation: the one is resource-oriented marketization and the other is value-oriented socialization. Different from enterprises, the influencing factors of foundation transformation not only include the institution system and resources but also inherent philanthropic value.

[Key words] Government-organized Foundation(GO-foundation);Transformation; Administration; Marketization; Socialization

(责任编辑 郑琦)