The relationship between government and market is the major issues to be resolved in China. Regulatory reform is part of the restructuring of China's economy and society as a whole. Since the reform opening up, the Chinese government made great progress of regulating in the practice field, at the same time,regulatory agencies not only separated from the government, but even some areas there was still no independent enterprises; government under the lack of constraints and supervision held a large number of the approval rights, so government expanded rent-seeking space. Government used form of regulation involve in many of the matters that should belong to the market, and market allocation of resources became into the resources of the Government's decision to invest and objects, resulting in a mismatch of resources. This book attempts to study the experience of the historical evolution of regulatory policy in Japan, to present useful enlightenment on Regulatory Reform in China.
This book adopts the methods of combining normative analysis and empirical analysis, case studies and other methods to analyze the evolution of Japan's regulatory policy in the different periods of time spanning over half a century. This paper working through the historical background of the different periods of the Japanese government regulation policy, regulatory policy, regulatory agencies, and regulatory performance clarify attempt to express a comprehensive and deeply understanding of the Japanese regulatory policy.
This book consists of six chapters. Chapter one expresses the theoretical framework between regulatory, government and market relations. This chapter discusses the impact of regulatory easing and Regulatory Reform Evolution of Economic Thoughts from laissez-faire to market regulations, to the Regulatory Reform under the influence of the new liberalism, with the reflection of the twenty-first century liberalism. Chapter two discusses the state intervention until after the war to the 1980s. Chapter three discusses the expansion of the regulation easing in the 1980s by the new liberalism. Chapter four discusses Japan Regulatory Reform toward regulatory easing from the mid -1990s to the early 21st century. Chapter five discusses Japan Regulatory Reform, which is with the impact of new liberal correction. Chapter six is the main conclusions and revelation.