第14章 Lesson 14: Playing Catch
Kate and her brother Jake like to play catch. They play with softballs, footballs, and tennis balls. They toss balls back and forth in the yard all the time.
Sometimes they go to the park to have more space for throwing the balls further. When it is raining out, they play catch in the basement. They use a tennis ball, because it bounces off the basement walls.
Jake is going to soccer camp for a week this summer. Kate is sad because she won't have anyone to play catch with while he is gone.
The week before Jake leaves, they go to the park together. There is a girl tossing a ball by herself. Kate and Jake invite her to play with them. Her name is Brooke. Kate is happy because she has a new friend to play catch with while her brother is at camp.
I. Word List
toss: throw lightly
basement: the lowest floor of a house or building
II. Circle the places where Kate and Jake play catch.
the yard the kitchen the school the park
the playground the basement the store the lake
III. Answer the following questions.
1. What kind of balls do Kate and Jake toss?
2. Where do Kate and Jake go when it is raining?
3. Where is Jake going this summer?
4. Why is Kate sad?
5. What is the name of Kate's new friend?
IV. Fun with words—Find the correct words in the story.
1. What letters are missing from this word? te _ _ is
2. What word rhymes with shark? _ _ _ _
3. What word is the opposite of winter? _ _ _ _ _ _
4. What word means seven days? _ _ _ _
5. What word is a kind of sport? _ _ _ _ _ _