第2章 本书的五大原则总结
1. Your main purpose must be to keep the mind clear and well balanced.Hence, do not act hastily on apparently sensational information;do not trade so heavily as to become anxious; and do not permit yourself to be influenced by your position in the market.
2. Act on your own own judgement, or else act absolutely and entirely on the judgement of another regardless of your own opinion."To many cooks spoil the broth."
2. 要么依照自己的判断行动,要么无视自己的看法、绝对彻底地按别人的判断行动。“厨师多了烧坏汤,人多手杂反坏事。”
3. When in doubt,keep out of the market. Delays cost less than losses.
4. Endeavor to catch the trend of sentiment.Even if you should be temporarily against fundamental conditions,it is nevertheless unprofitable to oppose it.
5. The greatest fault of ninety-nine percent out of one hundred active traders is being bullish at high prices and bearish at low prices. Therefore, refuse to follow the market beyond what you consider a reasonable climax, no matter how large the possible profits that you may appear to be losing by inaction.