Where Do I Start?
Adopt a No-Entitlement Attitude. When you believe that you need to create value first in order to receive any reward, you will automatically be more focused on contribution. Most of us are susceptible to thinking that we deserve things once in awhile. It’s a conditioned response that has been built into our thinking because there are so many messages around us reinforcing the idea that we are entitled to things. Often, these messages come from people or organizations that want to manipulate us in some way or co-opt us into their agendas. A No-Entitlement Attitude keeps you free of these other agendas and focused on your contribution.
Look for ways to make a contribution. Be like Gaynor and get creative. See where there are unmet needs that you might be able to help with. Volunteer. Go above and beyond the call of duty. Do it for its own sake and for the sake of growth. Trust that rewards will come, and be sure to recognize them when they do, in the form of new opportunities, capabilities, confidence, or other benefits you may not be expecting.