When Haldor, a son of Brynjolf Ulfalde the Old, who was a sensible man and a great chief, heard people talk of how unlike the brothers Saint Olaf and King Harald were in disposition, he used to say, "I was in great friendship with both the brothers, and I knew intimately the dispositions of both, and never did Iknow two men more like in disposition.Both were of the highest understanding, and bold in arms, and greedy of power and property; of great courage, but not acquainted with the way of winning the favour of the people; zealous in governing, and severe in their revenge.King Olaf forced the people into Christianity and good customs, and punished cruelly those who disobeyed.This just and rightful severity the chiefs of the country could not bear, but raised an army against him, and killed him in his own kingdom; and therefore he is held to be a saint.King Harald, again, marauded to obtain glory and power, forced all the people he could under his power, and died in another king's dominions.Both brothers, in daily life, were of a worthy and considerate manner of living; they were of great experience, and very laborious, and were known and celebrated far and wide for these qualities."105.KING MAGNUS'S DEATH.
King Magnus Haraldson ruled over Norway the first winter after King Harald's death (A.D.1067), and afterwards two years (A.D.
1068-1069) along with his brother, King Olaf.Thus there were two kings of Norway at that time; and Magnus had the northern and Olaf the eastern part of the country.King Magnus had a son called Hakon, who was fostered by Thorer of Steig in Gudbrandsdal, who was a brother of King Magnus by the mother's side; and Hakon was a most agreeable man.
After King Harald Sigurdson's death the Danish king Svein let it be known that the peace between the Northmen and the Danes was at an end, and insisted that the league between Harald and Svein was not for longer time than their lives.There was a levy in both kingdoms.Harald's sons called out the whole people in Norway for procuring men and ships, and Svein set out from the south with the Danish army.Messengers then went between with proposals for a peace; and the Northmen said they would either have the same league as was concluded between King Harald and Svein, or otherwise give battle instantly on the spot.Verses were made on this occasion, viz.: --"Ready for war or peace, King Olaf will not cease From foeman's hand To guard his land."So says also Stein Herdison in his song of Olaf: --"From Throndhjem town, where in repose The holy king defies his foes, Another Olaf will defend His kingdom from the greedy Svein.
King Olaf had both power and right, And the Saint's favour in the fight.
The Saint will ne'er his kin forsake, And let Svein Ulfson Norway take."In this manner friendship was concluded between the kings and peace between the countries.King Magnus fell ill and died of the ringworm disease, after being ill for some time.He died and was buried at Nidaros.He was an amiable king and bewailed by the people.
Snorri's account of Olaf Kyrre corresponds with the statements found in "Agrip", "Fagrskinna", and "Morkinskinna".
There are but few events in Olaf's long reign, and hence he is very appropriately called the Quiet (Kyrre).As Hildebrand says, this saga seems to be written simply to fill out the empty space between Harald Hardrade and Magnus Barefoot.
Skalds quoted in this saga are: Stein Herdison and Stuf.
Olaf remained sole king of Norway after the death (A.D.1069) of his brother King Magnus.Olaf was a stout man, well grown in limbs; and every one said a handsomer man could not be seen, nor of a nobler appearance.His hair was yellow as silk, and became him well; his skin was white and fine over all his body; his eyes beautiful, and his limbs well proportioned.He was rather silent in general, and did not speak much even at Things; but he was merry in drinking parties.He loved drinking much, and was talkative enough then; but quite peaceful.He was cheerful in conversation, peacefully inclined during all his reign, and loving gentleness and moderation in all things.Stein Herdison speaks thus of him: --"Our Throndhjem king is brave and wise, His love of peace our bondes prize;By friendly word and ready hand He holds good peace through every land.
He is for all a lucky star;
England he frightens from a war;
The stiff-necked Danes he drives to peace;Troubles by his good influence cease."
It was the fashion in Norway in old times for the king's high-seat to be on the middle of a long bench, and the ale was handed across the fire (1); but King Olaf had his high-seat made on a high bench across the room; he also first had chimney-places in the rooms, and the floors strewed both summer and winter.In King Olaf's time many merchant towns arose in Norway, and many new ones were founded.Thus King Olaf founded a merchant town at Bergen, where very soon many wealthy people settled themselves, and it was regularly frequented by merchants from foreign lands.