第49章 [1728-1731](15)
One evening, in the month of February, when it was very cold, being all sat round the fire, we heard some one knock at the street door.Perrine took a light, went down and opened it: a young man entering, came upstairs, presented himself with an easy air, and making M.le Maitre a short but well-turned compliment, announced himself as a French musician, constrained by the state of his finances to take this liberty.The heart of the good Le Maitre leaped at the name of a French musician, for he passionately loved both his country and profession; he therefore offered the young traveler his service and use of his apartment, which he appeared to stand much in need of, and which he accepted without much ceremony.I observed him while he was chatting and warming himself before supper; he was short and thick, some fault in his shape, though without any particular deformity; he had (if I may so express myself) an appearance of being hunchbacked, with flat shoulders, and I think he limped.He wore a black coat, rather worn than old, which hung in tatters, a very fine but dirty shirt, frayed ruffles; a pair of splatter-dashes so large that he could have put both legs into either of them, and, to secure himself from the snow, a little hat, only fit to be carried under the arm.With this whimsical equipage he had, however, something elegant in his manners and conversation;his countenance was expressive and agreeable, and he spoke with facility if not with modesty; in short, everything about him bore the marks of a young debauchee, who did not crave assistance like a beggar, but as a thoughtless madcap.He told us his name was Venture de Villeneuve, that he came from Paris, had lost his way, and seeming to forget that he had announced himself for a musician, added that he was going to Grenoble to see a relation that was a member of parliament.
During supper we talked of music, on which subject he spoke well: he knew all the great virtuosi, all the celebrated works, all the actors, actresses, pretty women, and powerful lords; in short nothing was mentioned but what he seemed thoroughly acquainted with.Though no sooner was any topic started, than by some drollery, which set every one a-laughing, he made them forget what had been said.This was on a Saturday; the next day there was to be music at the cathedral: M.le Maitre asked if he would sing there- "Very willingly."- "What part would he choose?"- "The counter-tenor:" and immediately began speaking of other things.Before he went to church they offered him his part to peruse, but he did not even look at it.This Gasconade surprised Le Maitre- "You'll see," said he, whispering to me, "that he does not know a single note."- I replied, "I am very much afraid of him." Ifollowed them into the church; but was extremely uneasy, and when they began, my heart beat violently, so much was I interested in his behalf.
I was presently out of pain: he sung his two recitatives with all imaginable taste and judgment; and what was yet more, with a very agreeable voice.I never enjoyed a more pleasing surprise.After mass, M.Venture received the highest compliments from the canons and musicians, which he answered jokingly, though with great grace.M.
le Maitre embraced him heartily; I did the same; he saw I was rejoiced at his success, and appeared pleased at my satisfaction.
The reader will assuredly agree with me, that after having been delighted with M.Bacle, who had little to attract my admiration, Ishould be infatuated with M.Venture, who had education, wit, talents, and a knowledge of the world, and might be called an agreeable rake.
It is true, he boasted of many things he did not understand, but of those he knew (which were very numerous) he said nothing, patiently waiting some occasion to display them, which he then did with ease, though without forwardness, and thus gave them more effect.Playful, giddy, inexhaustible, seducing in conversation, ever smiling, but never laughing, and repeating the rudest things in the most elegant manner.Even the most modest women were astonished at what they endured from him: it was in vain for them to determine to be angry;they could not assume the appearance of it.He only wished abandoned women, and I do not believe he was capable of having good luck with women, but could only add an infinite charm to the society of people who had his luck.It was extraordinary that with so many agreeable talents, in a country where they are so well understood, and so much admired, he so long remained only a musician.
My attachment to M.Venture, more reasonable in its cause, was also less extravagant in its effects though more lively and durable than that I had conceived for M.Bacle.I loved to see him, to hear him, all his actions appeared charming, everything he said was an oracle to me, but the enchantment did not extend far enough to disable me from quitting him.I had a preservative against this excess near me.I found besides, that his maxims were very good for him, but felt that I had no use for them; I needed another kind of voluptuousness, of which he had no idea, and of which I not even dared speak, as I was sure, he would only make fun of me.Still I would unite this attachment to the one that governed me.I spoke of him with transport to Madam de Warrens, Le Maitre likewise spoke in his praise, and she consented we should bring him to her house.This interview did not succeed; he thought her affected she found him a libertine, and, alarmed that I had formed such an ill acquaintance, not only forbade me bringing him there again, but likewise painted so strongly the danger I ran with this young man, that I became a little more circumspect in giving in to the attachment; and very happily, both for my manners and wits, we were soon separated.