Frederic had some time before made advances towards a reconciliation with Voltaire; and some civil letters had passed between them.After the battle of Kolin their epistolary intercourse became, at least in seeming, friendly and confidential.We do not know any collection of Letters which throws so much light on the darkest and most intricate parts of human nature, as the correspondence of these strange beings after they had exchanged forgiveness.Both felt that the quarrel had lowered them in the public estimation.They admired each other.
They stood in need of each other.The great King wished to be handed down to posterity by the great Writer.The great Writer felt himself exalted by the homage or the great King.Yet the wounds which they had inflicted on each other were too deep to be effaced, or even perfectly healed.Not only did the scars remain;the sore places often festered and bled afresh.The letters consisted for the most part of compliments, thanks, offers of service, assurances of attachment.But if anything brought back to Frederic's recollection the cunning and mischievous pranks by which Voltaire had provoked him, some expression of contempt and displeasure broke forth in the midst of eulogy.It was much worse when anything recalled to the mind of Voltaire the outrages which he and his kinswoman had suffered at Frankfort.All at once his flowing panegyric was turned into invective."Remember how you behaved to me.For your sake I have lost the favour of my native King.For your sake I am an exile from my country.I loved you.Itrusted myself to you.I had no wish but to end my life in your service.And what was my reward? Stripped of all that you had bestowed on me, the key, the order, the pension, I was forced to fly from your territories.I was hunted as if I had been a deserter from your grenadiers.I was arrested, insulted, plundered.My niece was dragged through the mud of Frankfort by your soldiers, as if she had been some wretched follower of your camp.You have great talents.You have good qualities.But you have one odious vice.You delight in the abasement of your fellow-creatures.You have brought disgrace on the name of philosopher.You have given some colour to the slanders of the bigots, who say that no confidence can be placed in the justice or humanity of those who reject the Christian faith." Then the King answers, with less heat but equal severity--"You know that you behaved shamefully in Prussia.It was well for you that you had to deal with a man so indulgent to the infirmities of genius as I am.You richly deserved to see the inside of a dungeon.Your talents are not more widely known than your faithlessness and your malevolence.The grave itself is no asylum from your spite.
Maupertuis is dead; but you still go on calumniating and deriding him, as if you had not made him miserable enough while he was living.Let us have no more of this.And, above all, let me hear no more of your niece.I am sick to death of her name.I can bear with your faults for the sake of your merits; but she has not written Mahomet or Merope."An explosion of this kind, it might be supposed, would necessarily put an end to all amicable communication.But it was not so.After every outbreak of ill humour this extraordinary pair became more loving than before, and exchanged compliments and assurances of mutual regard with a wonderful air of sincerity.
It may well be supposed that men who wrote thus to each other, were not very guarded in what they said of each other.The English ambassador, Mitchell, who knew that the King of Prussia was constantly writing to Voltaire with the greatest freedom on the most important subjects, was amazed to hear his Majesty designate this highly favoured correspondent as a bad-hearted fellow, the greatest rascal on the face of the earth.And the language which the poet held about the King was not much more respectful.
It would probably have puzzled Voltaire himself to say what was his real feeling towards Frederic.It was compounded of all sentiments, from enmity to friendship, and from scorn to admiration; and the proportions in which these elements were mixed, changed every moment.The old patriarch resembled the spoiled child who screams, stamps, cuffs, laughs, kisses, and cuddles within one quarter of an hour.His resentment was not extinguished; yet he was not without sympathy for his old friend.