"The count had not uttered one word the whole of this time.
His colleagues looked at him, and doubtless pitied his prospects, blighted under the perfumed breath of a woman.
His misery was depicted in sinister lines on his countenance.`M.de Morcerf,' said the president, `do you recognize this lady as the daughter of Ali Tepelini, pasha of Yanina?' -- `No,' said Morcerf, attempting to rise, `it is a base plot, contrived by my enemies.' Haidee, whose eyes had been fixed on the door, as if expecting some one, turned hastily, and, seeing the count standing, shrieked, `You do not know me?' said she.`Well, I fortunately recognize you!
You are Fernand Mondego, the French officer who led the troops of my noble father! It is you who surrendered the castle of Yanina! It is you who, sent by him to Constantinople, to treat with the emperor for the life or death of your benefactor, brought back a false mandate granting full pardon! It is you who, with that mandate, obtained the pasha's ring, which gave you authority over Selim, the fire-keeper! It is you who stabbed Selim.It is you who sold us, my mother and me, to the merchant, El-Kobbir! Assassin, assassin, assassin, you have still on your brow your master's blood! Look, gentlemen, all!'
"These words had been pronounced with such enthusiasm and evident truth, that every eye was fixed on the count's forehead, and he himself passed his hand across it, as if he felt Ali's blood still lingering there.`You positively recognize M.de Morcerf as the officer, Fernand Mondego?' --`Indeed I do!' cried Haidee.`Oh, my mother, it was you who said, "You were free, you had a beloved father, you were destined to be almost a queen.Look well at that man; it is he who raised your father's head on the point of a spear; it is he who sold us; it is he who forsook us! Look well at his right hand, on which he has a large wound; if you forgot his features, you would know him by that hand, into which fell, one by one, the gold pieces of the merchant El-Kobbir!" Iknow him! Ah, let him say now if he does not recognize me!'
Each word fell like a dagger on Morcerf, and deprived him of a portion of his energy; as she uttered the last, he hid his mutilated hand hastily in his bosom, and fell back on his seat, overwhelmed by wretchedness and despair.This scene completely changed the opinion of the assembly respecting the accused count.
"`Count of Morcerf,' said the president, `do not allow yourself to be cast down; answer.The justice of the court is supreme and impartial as that of God; it will not suffer you to be trampled on by your enemies without giving you an opportunity of defending yourself.Shall further inquiries be made? Shall two members of the House be sent to Yanina?
Speak!' Morcerf did not reply.Then all the members looked at each other with terror.They knew the count's energetic and violent temper; it must be, indeed, a dreadful blow which would deprive him of courage to defend himself.They expected that his stupefied silence would be followed by a fiery outburst.`Well,' asked the president, `what is your decision?'
"`I have no reply to make,' said the count in a low tone.
"`Has the daughter of Ali Tepelini spoken the truth?' said the president.`Is she, then, the terrible witness to whose charge you dare not plead "Not guilty"? Have you really committed the crimes of which you are accused?' The count looked around him with an expression which might have softened tigers, but which could not disarm his judges.Then he raised his eyes towards the ceiling, but withdrew then, immediately, as if he feared the roof would open and reveal to his distressed view that second tribunal called heaven, and that other judge named God.Then, with a hasty movement, he tore open his coat, which seemed to stifle him, and flew from the room like a madman; his footstep was heard one moment in the corridor, then the rattling of his carriage-wheels as he was driven rapidly away.`Gentlemen,'
said the president, when silence was restored, `is the Count of Morcerf convicted of felony, treason, and conduct unbecoming a member of this House?' -- `Yes,' replied all the members of the committee of inquiry with a unanimous voice.
"Haidee had remained until the close of the meeting.She heard the count's sentence pronounced without betraying an expression of joy or pity; then drawing her veil over her face she bowed majestically to the councillors, and left with that dignified step which Virgil attributes to his goddesses."