第36章 Conclusion(22)
Sladen, Douglas: `Younger American Poets' (New York, 1891)gives (pp.131-145) `Sunrise', `The Marshes of Glynn', `Song of the Chattahoochee', `A Ballad of Trees and the Master', an extract from `The Symphony', and `The Crystal'.
Stedman (E.C.) and Hutchinson (Ellen M.): `A Library of American Literature'
(New York, 1891) gives (vol.x., pp.145-151) `The Marshes of Glynn', `Song of the Chattahoochee', `The Mocking-bird', `The Revenge of Hamish', `Night and Day', and a portrait.
VI.Criticisms of Lanier's Life and Works Unless the title of the criticism is given, the article treats Lanier's life and works in general.Except in special cases no account is made of articles in the daily papers.-- For brevity's sake I cite under this head the music composed for several of Lanier's poems.
American Youth (Chicago): 3.102.
Appleton's Annual Cyclopaedia (New York): 1881, p.685: `Obituary'.
Black, G.D.: `The Antiochian' (Yellow Springs, O.) 2: 4.4-6, February, 1886.
Black, G.D.: `Belford's Magazine' (Chicago) 6.187-190, January, 1891.
Blackman, O.: see `Lawrence' under `V'.
Boykin, Laurette N.: `Home Life of Sidney Lanier', Atlanta, Ga., 1889, 12 pp.
Browne, F.F.: `The Dial' (Chicago) 5.244-246, January, 1885.
Browne, Wm.H.: `Memorial Address' before the Johns Hopkins University, October 22, 1881, 8 pp.Privately printed.
Browne, Wm.H.: `Letter at the Unveiling of a Bust of the Poet at Macon, Ga.', October 17, 1890, in `The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution'
of October 19, 1890.
Browne, Wm.H.: `From Dixie' (Richmond, Va., 1893), pp.40-51.
Buck, Dudley: Music to Lanier's `Centennial Cantata'.
New York: G.Schirmer, 1876.
Buck, Dudley: `Sunset', music to Lanier's `Evening Song'.
New York: G.Schirmer, 1877.
Buckham, J.: `An Account of the Hopkins Memorial Meeting of February 3, 1888', `Literary World' (Boston) 19.56-57, February 18, 1888.
Burton, R.E.: `An Account of the Hopkins Memorial Meeting of February 3, 1888', `The Critic' (New York), 9.63-64, February 11, 1888;also in Gilman's `Memorial of Sidney Lanier', pp.47-50.
Burton, Richard E.: `Lanier Bibliography', in Gilman's `Memorial of Sidney Lanier' (Baltimore, 1888), pp.51-56.
Calvert, G.H.: `The Golden Age', June 12, 1875.
Carmichael, Mary: `A May Song', music to Lanier's `Song for the Jacquerie'.
London: Stanley, Lucas, Weber & Co., 1889.
Century Magazine (New York): 1.475, January, 1882: `Boy's Mabinogion'.
Chamberlain, D.H.: `The New Englander' (New Haven, Conn.) 44.227-238, March, 1885.
Coleman, C.W., Jr.: `Homes of Some Southern Authors IV.', `The Chautauquan' (Meadville, Pa.) 8.343-344.
Critic, The (New York): 3.3-4, January 3, 1885: `Poems';9.97, February 28, 1888: `Professor J.H.Gilmore's Lecture on Lanier';9.224, May 5, 1888; 9.245, May 19, 1888; 15.130, March 7, 1891;16.197, October 17, 1891: `Poems' (ed.of 1891); 20.95, August 5, 1893:
`Professor W.D.McClintock's Lecture on Lanier'.
Cummings, Miss M.A.: `Catholic Mirror' (Baltimore), May 7, 1892.
Dewey, T.E.: `Address before the Kansas Academy of Language and Literature', at Baker University, Baldwin, April 7, 1892, 34 pp.
Dial, The (Chicago): 2.182-3, December, 1881: `Boy's Mabinogion';3.176, December, 1882: `Boy's Percy'; 4.40, June, 1883.
Fiske, John: see `Wilson, J.G.'
Gates, M.E.: `Sidney Lanier's Moral Earnestness', `The Critic' 3.227, May 9, 1885, as quoted from the Rutgers College `Targum'.
Gates, M.E.: `Presbyterian Review' (New York), 8.669-701, October, 1887;also in pamphlet form; summarized in Sladen's `Younger American Poets'
Gates, M.E.: `On the Ethical Influence of Lanier', in Gilman's `Memorial', pp.31-36.
Gilder, R.W.: `Letter to President Gilman', in latter's `Memorial', pp.27-29.
Gilman, D.C.: `Our Continent' (Chicago), February, 1882.
Gilman, D.C.(ed.): `A Memorial of Sidney Lanier' (Baltimore, 1888), 52 pp.
Gilman, D.C.: `Letter at the Unveiling of a Bust of the Poet at Macon, Ga.', October 17, 1890, in `The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.
Gosse, Edmund: `Questions at Issue', London, 1893, pp.78-81.
Hankins, V.W.: `Southern Bivouac' (Louisville, Ky.), 2.760-61, May, 1887.
Harper's Magazine (New York): 54.617, March, 1877: `Poems' (1877 ed.);60.474, February, 1880: `Boy's Froissart'; 61.796-97, October, 1880:
`Science of English Verse'; 62.315, January, 1881: `Boy's King Arthur';64.316, January, 1882: `Boy's Mabinogion'; 66.316, January, 1883:
`Boy's Percy'; 67.798-99, October, 1883: `The English Novel'.
Harris, Joel Chandler: `The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution'
of September 12, 1881.
Harris, J.C.: `Letter at Unveiling of a Bust of the Poet at Macon, Ga.', October 17, 1890, `The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.
Hawthorne (J.) and Lemmon (L.): `American Literature', Boston, 1893, pp.276-77.
Hayne, Paul H.: `A Poet's Letters to a Friend', `The Critic' 5.77-78, 89-90, February 13, 20, 1886.
Higginson, T.W.: `The Chautauquan' (Meadville, Pa.) 7.416-418, April, 1887.
Higginson, T.W.: `Women and Men', Boston, 1888, chap.58.
Hill, Mrs.K.: `Marie', music to Lanier's `Song for the Jacquerie', Riga, P.Neldner, 1891.
Hill, W.B.: `Address in Presenting Bust of the Poet to City of Macon, Ga.', `The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.
Hubner, Chas.W.: `The American', Atlanta, Ga., November 29, 1888.
Kent, C.W.: `A Study of Lanier's Poems, in Publications of the Modern Language Association' (Baltimore) 7: 2.33-63, April-June, 1892.
Kirk, J.F.: `A Supplement to Allibone's Dictionary of English Literature'
(Philadelphia), 1891, vol.ii., 973, has a brief sketch of Lanier.
Kirkus, Wm.: `American Literary Churchman', October, 1881.
Lanier, Charles: `Letter at Unveiling of Poet's Bust at Macon, Ga.', October 17, 1890, `The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.