Tell Sammy I will lay a claim for him, and he must come out and attend to it.He must get rid of that propensity for tumbling down, though, for when we get fairly started here, I don't think we shall have time to pick up those who fall.....
That is Stoughter's house, I expect, that Cousin Jim has moved into.
This is just the country for Cousin Jim to live in.I don't believe it would take him six months to make $100,000 here, if he had 3,000 dollars to commence with.I suppose he can't leave his family though.
Tell Mrs.Benson I never intend to be a lawyer.I have been a slave several times in my life, but I'll never be one again.I always intend to be so situated (unless I marry,) that I can "pull up stakes" and clear out whenever I feel like it.
We are very thankful to you, Pamela, for the papers you send.We have received half a dozen or more, and, next to letters, they are the most welcome visitors we have.
Write oftener, Pamela.
Yr.Brother SAM.
The "Cousin Jim" mentioned in this letter is the original of the character of Colonel Sellers.Whatever Mark Twain's later opinion of Cousin Jim Lampton's financial genius may have been, he seems to have respected it at this time.
More than three months pass until we have another letter, and in that time the mining fever had become well seated.Mark Twain himself was full of the Sellers optimism, and it was bound to overflow, fortify as he would against it.
He met with little enough encouragement.With three companions, in midwinter, he made a mining excursion to the much exploited Humboldt region, returning empty-handed after a month or two of hard experience.
This is the trip picturesquely described in Chapters XXVII to XXXIII of Roughing It.--[It is set down historically in Mark Twain 'A Biography.'
Harper & brothers.]-- He, mentions the Humboldt in his next letter, but does not confess his failure.
To Mrs.Jane Clemens and Mrs.Moffett, in St.Louis:
CARSON CITY, Feb.8, 1862.
MY DEAR MOTHER AND SISTER,--By George Pamela, I begin to fear that I have invoked a Spirit of some kind or other which I will find some difficulty in laying.I wasn't much terrified by your growing inclinations, but when you begin to call presentiments to your aid, I confess that I"weaken." Mr.Moffett is right, as I said before--and I am not much afraid of his going wrong.Men are easily dealt with--but when you get the women started, you are in for it, you know.But I have decided on two things, viz: Any of you, or all of you, may live in California, for that is the Garden of Eden reproduced--but you shall never live in Nevada; and secondly, none of you, save Mr.Moffett, shall ever cross the Plains.If you were only going to Pike's Peak, a little matter of 700miles from St.Jo, you might take the coach, and I wouldn't say a word.
But I consider it over 2,000 miles from St.Jo to Carson, and the first 6 or 800 miles is mere Fourth of July, compared to the balance of the route.But Lord bless you, a man enjoys every foot of it.If you ever come here or to California, it must be by sea.Mr.Moffett must come by overland coach, though, by all means.He would consider it the jolliest little trip he ever took in his life.Either June, July, or August are the proper months to make the journey in.He could not suffer from heat, and three or four heavy army blankets would make the cold nights comfortable.If the coach were full of passengers, two good blankets would probably be sufficient.If he comes, and brings plenty of money, and fails to invest it to his entire satisfaction; I will prophesy no more.
But I will tell you a few things which you wouldn't have found out if Ihadn't got myself into this scrape.I expect to return to St.Louis in July--per steamer.I don't say that I will return then, or that I shall be able to do it--but I expect to--you bet.I came down here from Humboldt, in order to look after our Esmeralda interests, and my sore-backed horse and the bad roads have prevented me from making the journey.
Yesterday one of my old Esmeralda friends, Bob Howland, arrived here, and I have had a talk with him.He owns with me in the "Horatio and Derby"ledge.He says our tunnel is in 52 feet, and a small stream of water has been struck, which bids fair to become a "big thing" by the time the ledge is reached--sufficient to supply a mill.Now, if you knew anything of the value of water, here; you would perceive, at a glance that if the water should amount to 50 or 100 inches, we wouldn't care whether school kept or not.If the ledge should prove to be worthless, we'd sell the water for money enough to give us quite a lift.But you see, the ledge will not prove to be worthless.We have located, near by, a fine site for a mill; and when we strike the ledge, you know, we'll have a mill-site, water power, and pay-rock, all handy.Then we shan't care whether we have capital or not.Mill-folks will build us a mill, and wait for their pay.If nothing goes wrong, we'll strike the ledge in June--and if we do, I'll be home in July, you know.