By and by there is going to be an emigration, may be.Of course we shall make no preparation; we never do.In a few years from now we shall have nothing but played-out kings and dukes on the police, and driving the horse-cars, and whitewashing fences, and in fact overcrowding all the avenues of unskilled labor; and then we shall wish, when it is too late, that we had taken common and reasonable precautions and drowned them at Castle Garden.
There followed at this time a number of letters to Goodman, but as there is much of a sameness in them, we need not print them all.
Clemens, in fact, kept the mails warm with letters bulging with schemes for capitalization, and promising vast wealth to all concerned.When the letters did not go fast enough he sent telegrams.In one of the letters Goodman is promised "five hundred thousand dollars out of the profits before we get anything ourselves." One thing we gather from these letters is that Paige has taken the machine apart again, never satisfied with its perfection, or perhaps getting a hint that certain of its perfections were not permanent.A letter at the end of November seems worth preserving here.
To Joseph T.Goodman, in California:
HARTFORD, Nov.29, '89.
DEAR JOE, Things are getting into better and more flexible shape every day.Papers are now being drawn which will greatly simplify the raising of capital; I shall be in supreme command; it will not be necessary for the capitalist to arrive at terms with anybody but me.I don't want to dicker with anybody but Jones.I know him; that is to say, I want to dicker with you, and through you with Jones.Try to see if you can't be here by the 15th of January.
The machine was as perfect as a watch when we took her apart the other day; but when she goes together again the 15th of January we expect her to be perfecter than a watch.
Joe, I want you to sell some royalties to the boys out there, if you can, for I want to be financially strong when we go to New York.You know the machine, and you appreciate its future enormous career better than any man I know.At the lowest conceivable estimate (2,000 machines a year,)we shall sell 34,000 in the life of the patent--17 years.
All the family send love to you--and they mean it, or they wouldn't say it.
Yours ever MARK.
The Yankee had come from the press, and Howells had praised it in the "Editor's Study" in Harper's Magazine.He had given it his highest commendation, and it seems that his opinion of it did not change with time."Of all fanciful schemes of fiction it pleases me most," he in one place declared, and again referred to it as "a greatly imagined and symmetrically developed tale."In more than one letter to Goodman, Clemens had urged him to come East without delay."Take the train, Joe, and come along," he wrote early in December.And we judge from the following that Joe had decided to come.
To W.D.Howells, in Boston:
HARTFORD, Dec.23, '89.
DEAR HOWELLS,--The magazine came last night, and the Study notice is just great.The satisfaction it affords us could not be more prodigious if the book deserved every word of it; and maybe it does; I hope it does, though of course I can't realize it and believe it.But I am your grateful servant, anyway and always.
I am going to read to the Cadets at West Point Jan.11.I go from here to New York the 9th, and up to the Point the 11th.Can't you go with me?
It's great fun.I'm going to read the passages in the "Yankee" in which the Yankee's West Point cadets figure--and shall covertly work in a lecture on aristocracy to those boys.I am to be the guest of the Superintendent, but if you will go I will shake him and we will go to the hotel.He is a splendid fellow, and I know him well enough to take that liberty.
And won't you give me a day or two's visit toward the end of January?
For two reasons: the machine will be at work again by that time, and we want to hear the rest of the dream-story; Mrs.Clemens keeps speaking about it and hankering for it.And we can have Joe Goodman on hand again by that time, and I want you to get to know him thoroughly.It's well worth it.I am going to run up and stay over night with you as soon as Ican get a chance.
We are in the full rush of the holidays now, and an awful rush it is, too.You ought to have been here the other day, to make that day perfect and complete.All alone I managed to inflict agonies on Mrs: Clemens, whereas I was expecting nothing but praises.I made a party call the day after the party--and called the lady down from breakfast to receive it.
I then left there and called on a new bride, who received me in her dressing-gown; and as things went pretty well, I stayed to luncheon.
The error here was, that the appointed reception-hour was 3 in the afternoon, and not at the bride's house but at her aunt's in another part of the town.However, as I meant well, none of these disasters distressed me.
Yrs ever MARK.
The Yankee did not find a very hearty welcome in England.English readers did not fancy any burlesque of their Arthurian tales, or American strictures on their institutions.Mark Twain's publishers had feared this, and asked that the story be especially edited for the English edition.Clemens, however, would not listen to any suggestions of the sort.
To Messrs.Chatto & Windus, in London, Eng.:
GENTLEMEN,--Concerning The Yankee, I have already revised the story twice; and it has been read critically by W.D.Howells and Edmund Clarence Stedman, and my wife has caused me to strike out several passages that have been brought to her attention, and to soften others.
Furthermore, I have read chapters of the book in public where Englishmen were present and have profited by their suggestions.
Now, mind you, I have taken all this pains because I wanted to say a Yankee mechanic's say against monarchy and its several natural props, and yet make a book which you would be willing to print exactly as it comes to you, without altering a word.