"Ain't it gay, though? Oh, no, I reckon not! Cushions, and windows, and pictures, till you can't rest.What would the boys say if they could see us cutting a swell like this in New York? By George, I wish they could see us."Then he put his head out of the window, and shouted to the driver:
"Say, Johnny, this suits me!--suits yours truly, you bet, you! I want this shebang all day.I'm on it, old man! Let 'em out! Make 'em go!
We'll make it all right with you, sonny!"The driver passed his hand through the strap-hole, and tapped for his fare--it was before the gongs came into common use.Col.Jack took the hand, and shook it cordially.He said:
"You twig me, old pard! All right between gents.Smell of that, and see how you like it!"And he put a twenty-dollar gold piece in the driver's hand.After a moment the driver said he could not make change.
"Bother the change! Ride it out.Put it in your pocket."Then to Col.Jim, with a sounding slap on his thigh:
"Ain't it style, though? Hanged if I don't hire this thing every day for a week."The omnibus stopped, and a young lady got in.Col.Jack stared a moment, then nudged Col.Jim with his elbow:
"Don't say a word," he whispered."Let her ride, if she wants to.
Gracious, there's room enough."
The young lady got out her porte-monnaie, and handed her fare to Col.
"What's this for?" said he.
"Give it to the driver, please."
"Take back your money, madam.We can't allow it.You're welcome to ride here as long as you please, but this shebang's chartered, and we can't let you pay a cent."The girl shrunk into a corner, bewildered.An old lady with a basket climbed in, and proffered her fare.
"Excuse me," said Col.Jack."You're perfectly welcome here, madam, but we can't allow you to pay.Set right down there, mum, and don't you be the least uneasy.Make yourself just as free as if you was in your own turn-out."Within two minutes, three gentlemen, two fat women, and a couple of children, entered.
"Come right along, friends," said Col.Jack; "don't mind us.This is a free blow-out." Then he whispered to Col.Jim, "New York ain't no sociable place, I don't reckon--it ain't no name for it!"He resisted every effort to pass fares to the driver, and made everybody cordially welcome.The situation dawned on the people, and they pocketed their money, and delivered themselves up to covert enjoyment of the episode.Half a dozen more passengers entered.
"Oh, there's plenty of room," said Col.Jack."Walk right in, and make yourselves at home.A blow-out ain't worth anything as a blow-out, unless a body has company." Then in a whisper to Col.Jim: "But ain't these New Yorkers friendly? And ain't they cool about it, too? Icebergs ain't anywhere.I reckon they'd tackle a hearse, if it was going their way."More passengers got in; more yet, and still more.Both seats were filled, and a file of men were standing up, holding on to the cleats overhead.Parties with baskets and bundles were climbing up on the roof.
Half-suppressed laughter rippled up from all sides.
"Well, for clean, cool, out-and-out cheek, if this don't bang anything that ever I saw, I'm an Injun!" whispered Col.Jack.
A Chinaman crowded his way in.
"I weaken!" said Col.Jack."Hold on, driver! Keep your seats, ladies, and gents.Just make yourselves free--everything's paid for.Driver, rustle these folks around as long as they're a mind to go--friends of ours, you know.Take them everywheres--and if you want more money, come to the St.Nicholas, and we'll make it all right.Pleasant journey to you, ladies and gents--go it just as long as you please--it shan't cost you a cent!"The two comrades got out, and Col.Jack said:
"Jimmy, it's the sociablest place I ever saw.The Chinaman waltzed in as comfortable as anybody.If we'd staid awhile, I reckon we'd had some niggers.B' George, we'll have to barricade our doors to-night, or some of these ducks will be trying to sleep with us.".