We reached the post at a timely hour the next morning.Only three men were left with each herd, my wrangler and cook accompanying us for the day.Parent held forth with quite a dissertation on the legal aspects of the case, and after we forded the river, an argument arose between him and Jake Blair."Don't talk to me about what's legal and what isn't," said the latter; "the man with the pull generally gets all that he goes after.You remember the Indian and the white man were at a loss to know how to divide the turkey and the buzzard, but in the end poor man got the buzzard.And if you'll just pay a little more attention to humanity, you may notice that the legal aspects don't cut so much figure as you thought they did.The moment that cattle declined five to seven dollars a head, The Western Supply Company didn't trouble themselves as to the legality or the right or wrong, but proceeded to take advantage of the situation at once.Neal, when you've lived about twenty-five years on the cold charity of strangers, you'll get over that blind confidence and become wary and cunning.It might be a good idea to keep your eye open to-day for your first lesson.Anyhow don't rely too strong on the right or justice of anything, but keep a good horse on picket and your powder dry."The commissioner had arrived early that morning and would take up matters at once.Nine o'clock was set for the hearing, which would take place in the quartermaster's office.Consultations were being held among the two factions, and the only ray of light was the reported frigidity of the special officer.He was such a superior personage that ordinary mortals felt a chill radiating from his person on their slightest approach.His credentials were from the War Department and were such as to leave no doubt but that he was the autocrat of the situation, before whom all should render homage.A rigid military air prevailed about the post and grounds, quite out of the ordinary, while the officers' bar was empty and silent.
The quartermaster's office would comfortably accommodate about one hundred persons.Fort Buford had been rebuilt in 1871, the adobe buildings giving place to frame structures, and the room in which the hearing was to be held was not only commodious but furnished with good taste.Promptly on the stroke of the hour, and escorted by the post adjutant, the grand mogul made his appearance.There was nothing striking about him, except his military bearing; he was rather young and walked so erect that he actually leaned backward a trifle.There was no prelude; he ordered certain tables rearranged, seated himself at one, and called for a copy of the original contract.The post adjutant had all the papers covering the situation in hand, and the copy was placed at the disposal of the special commissioner, who merely glanced at the names of the contracting parties, amount and date, and handed the document back.Turning to the table at which Lovell and his attorneys sat, he asked for the credentials under which they were tendering beeves at Fort Buford.The sub-contract was produced, some slight memorandum was made, and it was passed back as readily as was the original.The opposition were calmly awaiting a similar request, and when it came, in offering the papers, Congressman Y-- took occasion to remark: "Our tender is not only on a sub-contract, but that agreement is fortified by an assignment of the original award, by and between the War Department and The Western Supply Company.We rely on the latter;you will find everything regular."
The customary glance was given the bulky documents.Senator Aspgrain was awaiting the opportune moment to attack the assignment.When it came, the senator arose with dignity and, addressing the commissioner, attempted to enter a protest, but was instantly stopped by that high functionary.A frozen silence pervaded the room."There is no occasion for any remarks in this matter," austerely replied the government specialist."Our department regularly awarded the beef contract for this post to The Western Supply Company.There was ample competition on the award, insuring the goveminent against exorbitant prices, and the required bonds were furnished for the fulfillment of the contract.Right then and there all interest upon the part of the grantor ceased until the tender was made at this post on the appointed day of delivery.In the interim, however, it seems that for reasons purely their own, the grantees saw fit to sub-let their contract, not once but twice.Our department amply protected themselves by requiring bonds, and the sub-contractors should have done the same.That, however, is not the matter at issue, but who is entitled to deliver on the original award.
Fortunately that point is beyond question; an assignment of the original has always been recognized at the War Office, and in this case the holders of the same are declared entitled to deliver.There is only one provision,--does the article of beef tendered qualify under the specifications? That is the only question before making this decision final.If there is any evidence to the contrary, I am ready to hear it."This afforded the opportunity of using Sanders as a witness, and Sutton grasped the opportunity of calling him to testify in regard to wintering Southern cattle in the North.After stating his qualifications as a citizen and present occupation, he was asked by the commissioner regarding his experience with cattle to entitle his testimony to consideration."I was born to the occupation in Texas," replied the witness."Five years ago this summer I came with beef cattle from Uvalde County, that State, to this post, and after the delivery, accepted a situation under the quartermaster here in locating and holding the government's beeves.At present I am foreman and have charge of all cattle delivered at or issued from this post.I have had five years'