第34章 BOOK II.(10)
By repeating this process on other trees they soon had enough large timber for buoyancy,so that they had but to superimpose lighter cross-logs and bind the whole together with pliable branches and creepers to form a substantial raft.The doctor climbed on,after which Bearwarden and Ayrault cast off,having prepared long poles for navigating.With a little care they kept their bark from catching on projecting roots,and as the stream continued to widen till it was about one hundred yards across,their work became easy.Carried along at a speed of two or three miles an hour,they now saw that the water and the banks they passed were literally alive with reptiles and all sorts of amphibious creatures,while winged lizards sailed from every overhanging branch into the water as they approached.They noticed also many birds similar to storks and cranes,about the size of ostriches,standing on logs in the water,whose bills were provided with teeth.
"We might almost think we were on earth,"said Ayrault,"from the looks of those storks standing on one leg,with the other drawn up,were it not for their size.""How do you suppose they defend themselves,"asked Bearwarden,"from the snakes with which the water is filled?""I suspect they can give a pretty good account of themselves,"replied Cortlandt,"with those teeth.Besides,with only one leg exposed,there is but a very small object for a snake to strike at.For their number and size,I should say their struggle for existence was comparatively mild.Doubtless non-poisonous,or,for that matter,poisonous snakes,form a great part of their diet."On passing the bend in the lake they noticed that the banks were slightly higher,while palms,pine-trees,and rubber plants succeeded the ferns.In the distance they now heard a tremendous crashing,which grew louder as the seconds passed.It finally sounded like an earthquake.Involuntarily they held their breath and grasped their weapons.Finally,at some distance in the woods they saw a dark mass moving rapidly and approaching the river obliquely.Palms and pine-trees went down before it like straws,while its head was continually among the upper branches.
As the monster neared the lake,the water at the edges quivered,showing how its weight shook the banks at each stride,while stumps and tree-trunks on which it stepped were pressed out of sight in the ground.A general exodus of the other inhabitants from his line of march began;the moccasins slid into the water with a low splash,while the boa-constrictors and the tree-snakes moved off along the ground when they felt it tremble,and a number of night birds retreated into the denser woods with loud cries at being so rudely disturbed.The huge beast did not stop till he reached the bank,where lie switched his tail,raised his proboscis,and sniffed the air uneasily,his height being fully thirty feet and his length about fifty.On seeing the raft and its occupants,he looked at them stupidly and threw back his head.
"He seems to be turning up his nose at us,"said Bearwarden.
"All the same,he will do well for breakfast."As the creature moved,his chest struck a huge overhanging palm,tearing it off as though it had been a reed.Brushing it aside with his trunk,he was about to continue his march,when two rifle reports rang out together,rousing the echoes and a number of birds that screeched loudly.
Bearwarden's bullet struck the mammoth in the shoulder,while Ayrault's aim was farther back.As the balls exploded,a half-barrelful of flesh and hide was shot from each,leaving two gaping holes.Instantly he rushed among the trees,making his course known for some time by his roars.As he turned,Bearwarden fired again,but the hall flew over him,blowing off the top of a tree.
"Now for the chase!"said Ayrault."There would be no excuse for losing him."Quickly pushing their raft to shore and securing it to the bank,the three jumped off.Thanks to their rubber boots and galvanic outfits which automatically kept them charged,they were as spry as they would have been on earth.The ground all about them,and in a strip twelve feet wide where the mammoth had gone,was torn up,and the vegetation trodden down.Following this trail,they struck back into the woods,where in places the gloom cast by the thick foliage was so dense that there was a mere twilight,startling as they went numbers of birds of grey and sombre plumage,whose necks and heads,and the sounds they uttered,were so reptilian that the three terrestrials believed they must also possess poison fangs.
"The most highly developed things we have seen here,"said Bearwarden,"are the flowers and fireflies,most of the birds and amphibians being simply loathsome."As they proceeded they found tracks of blood,which were rapidly attracting swarms of the reptile birds and snakes,which,however,as a rule,fled at their approach.
"I wonder what can have caused that mammoth to move so fast,and to have seemed so ill at ease?"said the doctor."His motive certainly was not thirst,for he did not approach the water in a direct line,neither did he drink on reaching it.One would think nothing short of an earthquake or a land-slide could trouble him.""There can be no land-slide here,"said Ayrault,for the country is too flat.""And after yesterday's eruptions,"added Bearwarden,"it would seem as though the volcanoes could have scarcely enough steam left to make trouble."The blood-tracks,continuing to become fresher,showed them they were nearing the game,when suddenly the trail took a sharp turn to the right,even returning towards the lake.A little farther it took another sharp turn,then followed a series of doublings,while still farther the ground was completely denuded of trees,its torn-up and trampled condition and the enormous amount of still warm blood showing how terrific a battle had just taken place.