第21章 BOOK I.(20)
"Help yourselves,gentlemen,"said Bearwarden,placing them on a table;"I hope we shall find them cold.""Do you know,"said Deepwaters to Ayrault,while rapidly making his cocktail disappear,"the Callisto's cost with its outfit will be very great,especially if you use glucinum,which,though the ideal metal for the purpose,comes pretty high?I suggest that you apply to Congress for an appropriation.This experiment comes under the 'Promotion of Science Act,'and any bill for it would certainly pass.""No,indeed,"replied Ayrault;"the Callisto trip will be a privilege and glory I would not miss,and building her will be a part of it.I shall put in everything conducive to success,but will come to the Government only for advice.""I will send a letter to all our ambassadors and consuls,"said Stillman,"to telegraph the department anything they may know or learn that will be of use in adjusting the batteries,controlling the machine,or anything else,and will turn over to you in a succinct form all information that may be relevant,for without such sorting you would be overwhelmed.""And I,"said Deepwaters,"will order the commanders of our vessels to give you a farewell salute at starting,and to pick you up in case you fail.When you have demonstrated the suitability of apergy,"he continued,"and the habitability of Jupiter and Saturn--,which,with their five and eight moons,respectively,and rings thrown in,must both be vastly superior to our little second-rate globe--we will see what can be done towards changing our orbit,and if we cannot swing a little nearer to our new world or worlds.Then we'll lower,or rather raise,the boats in the shape of numerous Callistos,and have a landing-party ready at each opposition,while a man or two can be placed in charge of each projectile to bring it back in ballast.
Thus we may soon have regular interplanetary lines.""As every place seems to have been settled from some other,"said Cortlandt,"I do not see why,with increased scientific facilities,history should not repeat itself,and this be the point from which to colonize the solar system;for,for the present at least,it would seem that we could not get beyond that.""As it will be quite an undertaking to change the orbit,said Deepwaters,"we shall have time meanwhile to absorb or run out all inferior races,so that we shall not make the mistake of extending the Tower of Babel.""He is putting on his war-paint,"said Stillman,"and will soon want a planet to himself.""I see no necessity for even changing the orbit,"said Bearwarden,"except for the benefit of those that remain.If this attempt succeeds,it can doubtless be repeated.An increase in eccentricity would merely shorten the journey,if aphelion always coincided with opposition,which it would not.""Let us know how you are getting on,"said Deepwaters to Ayrault,"and be sure you have the Callisto properly christened.Step lively there,landlubbers!"he called to Stillman;"I have an appointment at Washington at one,and it is now twenty minutes past twelve.We can lunch on the way."Ayrault immediately advertised for bids for the construction of a glucinum cylinder twenty-five feet in diameter,fifteen feet high at the sides,with a domed roof,bringing up the total height to twenty-one feet,and with a small gutter about it to catch the rain on Jupiter or any other planet they might visit.The sides,roof,and floor were to consist of two sheets,each one third of an inch thick and six inches apart,the space between to be filled with mineral wool,as a protection against the intense cold of space.There were also to be several keels and supports underneath,on which the car should rest.Large,toughened plate-glass windows were to be let into the roof and sides,and smaller ones in the floor,all to be furnished with thick shades and curtains.Ayrault also decided to have it divided into two stories,with ceilings six and a half to seven and a half feet high,respectively,with a sort of crow's nest or observatory at the top;the floors to be lattice-work,like those in the engine-room of a steamer,so that when the carpets were rolled up they should not greatly obstruct the view.The wide,flat base and the low centre of gravity would,he saw,be of use in withstanding the high winds that he knew often prevailed on Jupiter.
As soon as possible he awarded the contract,and then entering his smart electric trap,steered for Vassar University along what was the old post-road--though its builders would not have recognized it with its asphalt surface,straightened curves,and easy grades--to ask his idol to christen the Callisto when it should be finished.
Starting from the upper end of Central Park,he stopped to buy her a bunch of violets,and then ran to Poughkeepsie in two hours.
Sylvia Preston was a lovely girl,with blue eyes,brown hair,and perfect figure,clear white skin,and just twenty.She was delighted to see him,and said she would love to christen the Callisto or do anything else that he wished."But I am so sorry you are going away,"she went on."I hate to lose you for so long,and we shall not even be able to write.""Why couldn't we be married now,"he asked,"and go to Jupiter for our honeymoon?""I'm afraid,dear,"she answered,"you would be sorry a few years hence if I didn't take my degree;and,besides,as you have asked those other men,there wouldn't be room for me.""We could have made other arrangements,"he replied,"had I been able to persuade you to go.""Won't you dine with us at Delmonico's this evening,and go to the play?"she asked."Papa has taken a box.""Of course I will,"he said,brightening up."What are you going to wear?""Oh,I suppose something light and cool,for it's so hot,"she answered.
"I'll go now,so as to be ready,"he said,getting up and going towards the door to which Sylvia followed him.
A man in livery stood at the step of the phaeton.Ayrault got in and turned on the current,and his man climbed up behind.