第16章 Part 2(9)
'If any person visited do fortune,by negligent looking unto,or by any other means,to come or be conveyed from a place infected to any other place,the parish from whence such party hath come or been conveyed,upon notice thereof given,shall at their charge cause the said party so visited and escaped to be carried and brought back again by night,and the parties in this case offending to be punished at the direction of the alderman of the ward,and the house of the receiver of such visited person to be shut up for twenty days.
Every visited House to be marked.
'That every house visited be marked with a red cross of a foot long in the middle of the door,evident to be seen,and with these usual printed words,that is to say,"Lord,have mercy upon us,"to be set close over the same cross,there to continue until lawful opening of the same house.
Every visited House to be watched.
'That the constables see every house shut up,and to be attended with watchmen,which may keep them in,and minister necessaries unto them at their own charges,if they be able,or at the common charge,if they are unable;the shutting up to be for the space of four weeks after all be whole.
'That precise order to be taken that the searchers,chirurgeons,keepers,and buriers are not to pass the streets without holding a red rod or wand of three feet in length in their hands,open and evident to be seen,and are not to go into any other house than into their own,or into that whereunto they are directed or sent for;but to forbear and abstain from company,especially when they have been lately used in any such business or attendance.
'That where several inmate,-c are in one and the same house,and any person in that house happens to be infected,no other person or family of such house shall be suffered to remove him or themselves without a certificate from the examiners of health of that parish;or in default thereof,the house whither he or they so remove shall be shut up as in case of visitation.
'That care be taken of hackney-coachmen,that they may not (as some of them have been observed to do after carrying of infected persons to the pest-house and other places)be admitted to common use till their coaches be well aired,and have stood unemployed by the space of five or six days after such service.'
The Streets to be kept Clean.
'First,it is thought necessary,and so ordered,that every householder do cause the street to be daily prepared before his door,and so to keep it clean swept all the week long.
That Rakers take it from out the Houses.
'That the sweeping and filth of houses be daily carried away by the rakers,and that the raker shall give notice of his coming by the blowing of a horn,as hitherto hath been done.
Laystalls to be made far off from the City.
'That the laystalls be removed as far as may be out of the city and common passages,and that no nightman or other be suffered to empty a vault into any garden near about the city.
Care to be had of unwholesome Fish or Flesh,and of musty Corn.
'That special care be taken that no stinking fish,or unwholesome flesh,or musty corn,or other corrupt fruits of what sort soever,be suffered to be sold about the city,or any part of the same.
'That the brewers and tippling-houses he looked unto for musty and unwholesome casks.
'That no hogs,dogs,or cats,or tame pigeons,or conies,be suffered to be kept within any part of the city,or any swine to be or stray in the streets or lanes,but that such swine be impounded by the beadle or any other officer,and the owner punished according to Act of Common Council,and that the dogs be killed by the dog-killers appointed for that purpose.'
'Forasmuch as nothing is more complained of than the multitude of rogues and wandering beggars that swarm in every place about the city,being a great cause of the spreading of the infection,and will not be avoided,notwithstanding any orders that have been given to the contrary:It is therefore now ordered,that such constables,and others whom this matter may any way concern,take special care that no wandering beggars be suffered in the streets of this city in any fashion or manner whatsoever,upon the penalty provided by the law,to be duly and severely executed upon them.
'That all plays,bear-baitings,games,singing of ballads,buckler-play,or such-like causes of assemblies of people be utterly prohibited,and the parties offending severely punished by every alderman in his ward.
Feasting prohibited.
'That all public feasting,and particularly by the companies of this city,and dinners at taverns,ale-houses,and other places of common entertainment,be forborne till further order and allowance;and that the money thereby spared be preserved and employed for the benefit and relief of the poor visited with the infection.
'That disorderly tippling in taverns,ale-houses,coffee-houses,and cellars be severely looked unto,as the common sin of this time and greatest occasion of dispersing the plague.And that no company or person be suffered to remain or come into any tavern,ale-house,or coffee-house to drink after nine of the clock in the evening,according to the ancient law and custom of this city,upon the penalties ordained in that behalf.
'And for the better execution of these orders,and such other rules and directions as,upon further consideration,shall be found needful: