How the King went to the extremity of his territory to meet the Ydalcao,and what he did on not finding him.
The King did not fail to go to the extremity of his territory,and since he did not find the Ydalcao there,nor his mother,as Acadacao had told him,he at once perceived that this was due to trickery on the part of Acadacao,and that he had done it all in order to compass the death of Salebatacao.Full of fury at this he entered the kingdom of Daquem and marched against the city of Culbergura[573]and destroyed it and razed the fortress to the ground,and the same with many other places.
Thence he wanted to press forward,but his councillors did not agree to this,saying that water would fail him by that road and that it did not seem to them that those Moorish lords whom they counted as friends would be otherwise than afraid that the King would take their lands as he had taken those of the others,since they all served one sovereign,and that for this reason these lords would probably make friends with the Ydalcao,and together they would come against the King;and although there was no reason to be afraid of them,yet the King must needs fear the want of water,of which they had none.And the King agreed that this counsel was good.
In this city of Calbergara,in the fortress belonging to it,the King took three sons of the King of Daquem.He made the eldest King of the kingdom of Daquem,his father being dead,though the Ydallcao wanted to make King one of his brothers-in-law,who was a bastard son of the King of Daquem,and had married one of the Ydallcao's sisters;for this reason he had kept these three brothers prisoners in that fortress.He whom he thus made King was received by all the realm as such,and obeyed by all the great lords,and even by the Ydallcao owing to his fear of the King.[574]The other two brothers he took with him,and gave them each one an allowance,to each one every year fifty thousand gold PARDAOS;and he holds them and treats them as princes and great lords,as indeed they are.After the return of the King to Bisnaga,which took place in the same year in which he had left,nothing more passed between him and the Ydalcao worthy of record,relating either to peace or war.